OVERRATED MOVIES? *flamesuits must be worn beyond this point*

Was it really? I had a friend tell me about the story/concept of the Watchmen and it seemed really interesting and I want to see the movie, guess the film didn't do it justice.

The comics are an all time classic but the movie was soooooooo boring.
Drive, paid in full & scarface are all on my list. Couldn't watch avatar because I work with too many sci-fi fanboys.
Was it really? I had a friend tell me about the story/concept of the Watchmen and it seemed really interesting and I want to see the movie, guess the film didn't do it justice.
i LIKED watchmen, not loved but thorougly liked.

that fact that it was even created in the first place is an accomplishment.

snyder got a major studio to produce a movie without popular actors, about heroes with no powers (expect manhattan), made it rater R , with a penis all out in the open

thats crazy. however since it didnt make a ton of cash i would be even more shocked if this same scenario would be repeated
What are you guys looking for in a movie?

I only ask because y'all are ******** on my favorite movies. :lol:. Watchmen is my top five favorite movie. It looked almost identical to the book. I don't even mind the change at the end. That was an excellent story, and I think the movie translated it just fine.
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pulp fiction....thought it was overrated . never cared for it much
star wars
super bad , knocked up, this is the end/ ,most  apatow flicks.
I can kinda  see Blow but damn Scarface and the Godfather Trilogy tho?  

Not saying y'all are "wrong",  I'm genuinely interested  as to what y'all found overrated tho

With that said, I got a copy of Breathless from one of my professors watched this **** 3 times and I just don't see it aside from the editing

I **** with Werner Herzog but Stroszek is another one were I don't get the reviews
I can kinda see Blow but damn Scarface and the Godfather Trilogy tho? :lol:  

Not saying y'all are "wrong", I'm genuinely interested as to what y'all found overrated tho

With that said, I got a copy of Breathless from one of my professors watched this **** 3 times and I just don't see it aside from the editing

I **** with Werner Herzog but Stroszek is another one were I don't get the reviews

You should see what other directors have said about Jean-Luc Godard. :lol:
I just didn't see anything special with Breathless..
i thought Breathless was aight, i mainly just love the way it looks.  I liked Contempt.

another one by him, Weekend, I didn't care for
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Flame suit on

Fight club

No flame. Came in here to say this.
First time you watch it the twist is great. Than you watch it a second time and catch all of the clues that should have tipped off the twist. Than you watch a third time to catch all the subtle nuances. Anything after that it is entertaining at best but people talk like it's the second coming of Christ.

I feel the end exact same way about the sixth sense.

I wish I could watch both of these again for the first time.
Drive. I hated that movie.
This.... So overrated

Scarface, not a great movie. Pacino was pretty good (but it's by no means his best) but the story and everything else is mediocre.
Scarface and its influence was probably the worst thing to happen to cinema ever. Movie is a 6/10 at best.

^ like Ryan Gosling in general, thought Drive wasn't good.

Don't think anchorman was funny. Come at me bros
THis.....I dont really find anything Will Ferrell does to be that funny.

paid in full >D

Movie is alright but NTs incessant jocking has made me hate it

The Batman Trilogy was overrated. The movies were like everyone other Super Hero block buster, extremely well funded b-movies that were melodramatic and a safe bet commercially for the studio. The problem comes from the fact that the makers of the Trilogy tried to make it into a complex and nuanced anti-hero movie that would be full of moral ambiguity.

The complexity proved to be a thin veneer and what we were left with was a visually unappealing melodrama about the notion that the hoi polloi need to be protected from the free thinkers and the rabble rousers by an unaccountable obscenely rich, slightly aged, white, lawless vigilante.

I have to give credit to heath Ledger though, he was absolutely great as the Joker.

Yeah.... Im not too much of a fan of the new franchise either. I can respect legders performance but I far prefer Nicholsons interpretation of the Joker.

Star Wars and all of it's related films

Woah woah....woah. Second trilogy maybe but the original trilogy??

The original 3 were good, the prequel trilogy was garbage.

Either way Star Trek > Star Wars.

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utter crap.
"action" movie masquerading as sci-fi. 
so many plot holes.
I thought Inception was great.

:x This movie was to terrible, I dont understand how anyone could honestly say they enjoyed it
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HATED FIGHT CLUB at first. I watched it expecting a badass action flick when I was 13.

I watched it again not too long ago and was wee baying all throughout.
Paid in Full is definitely the most overrated film on NT, entertaining but nothing special.

Forrest Gump is a good film but I never loved it like others do and there is no way it should have won the Oscar over Pulp Fiction or The Shawshank Redemption.

Scarface is solid but definitely overrated by the hip hop community.

Dances With Wolves, I just don't get why people like this film at all. It's way too long and just boring through out.
People say Scarface as if it's some movie that's critically heralded or something. Movie is more of a cult classic then anything. Because people like it doesnt really make it overrated imo.

I'd say Forrest Gump though
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