OVERRATED MOVIES? *flamesuits must be worn beyond this point*

^ like Ryan Gosling in general, thought Drive wasn't good.

Don't think anchorman was funny. Come at me bros
How many times did you watch Anchorman?

I agree on Scarface, it was a terrible movie.
The blasphemy in this thread is ridiculous, Casino, The Godfather, lord of the rings :smh: :smh: :smh:
Damn scarface is a great movie. One of my favorites of all time.
I'm not gonna lie, I hated Anchorman the first time I watched it and thought it was terrible. It wasn't until the third time I watched it where I thought it was funny. It's a rare movie that gets funnier and absurd the more you watch it, and I don't like watching movies multiple times usually.
Those who said Scarface, The Godfather and Paid in Full deserve to die.

The Star Wars movies from the 1980s or whatever are bad

Are you talking about the originals? The ones that created the whole franchise?

Please don't tell me you liked the new prequel ones. Pure unadulterated hot doodoo

side note: So much rustling in this thread is hilarious. There should be more threads like this, where its just open season to rustle
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Those who said Scarface, The Godfather and Paid in Full deserve to die.

Scarface was a bad movie though. I don't allow rappers to dictate my taste in movies 
Scarface is an awesome movie. I love it. The movie is filled with memorable lines/scenes. Soundtrack was :smokin :smokin :smokin.
Scarface is an awesome movie. I love it. The movie is filled with memorable lines/scenes. Soundtrack was
Only valid reason I'll except is the quotes. The soundtrack was horrible 

I was never a fan of scarface, and slumdog millionaire just dragged on for me. That's pretty much all to me. 

Completely agree. It was good, and I enjoyed it, but it seemed long-winded at times. As far as heist movies go, I prefer Inside Man and The Town a lot more.


This is absolute bonkers! Consider me rustled :lol: :lol:

How can you possibly prefer The Town over Heat when Town is a complete rip-off of Heat from start to finish. Every scene is jacked straight from the OG Heat except for the pathetic happy ending

Kill Bill 1 and 2 was hot poop.
Tarantino's attempt at a Hong-Kong genre movie was worse in every way than a real HK kung-fu movie. Dialogue made my ears bleed. No need for his pointless interpretation. Just watch the real thing
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I liked Kill Bill but Inglourious Basterds was not good to me.

Christoph Waltz was great though...especially in the opening scene with the farmer.

I also detest anything that Robert Rodriguez gets his hands on.
I am Legend, Pursuit of Happiness, Seven Pounds, Hitch-All horrendous.

Matter of fact Will Smith is probably shooting 35% from the field with his movies.


Goodfellas. Didn't hold my interest.
You take that back right now.
I was going to stop watching, then I posted on nt about how I felt like stopping it.

Then ppl told me to finish it.

I did, then I instantly regretted listening to them.

It was a bore.
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The Star Wars movies from the 1980s or whatever are bad

Are you talking about the originals? The ones that created the whole franchise?

Please don't tell me you liked the new prequel ones. Pure unadulterated hot doodoo

side note: So much rustling in this thread is hilarious. There should be more threads like this, where its just open season to rustle
Yup those ones. The new ones were better off the strength of the better fights alone. Idk how that franchise got a huge following with the first three movies being bad
The Star Wars movies from the 1980s or whatever are bad

Are you talking about the originals? The ones that created the whole franchise?

Please don't tell me you liked the new prequel ones. Pure unadulterated hot doodoo

side note: So much rustling in this thread is hilarious. There should be more threads like this, where its just open season to rustle
Yup those ones. The new ones were better off the strength of the better fights alone. Idk how that franchise got a huge following with the first three movies being bad

The fights weren't even good though, it was just video game nonsense. Now we fight on a lava planet! Now we fight 3 different dragons in an arena!
And they meant nothing because the story was incomprehensible, and the characters were horrendous. The whole thing was like watching a boring CGI soap opera, might as well have made it a cartoon with so much green-screen.
On top of that, half of what went down in the prequels was flat-out incorrect as far as things that were explained in the originals.

You must have seen the prequels first?
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The Hangover wasn't all that in my opinion, definitely agree with Avatar being overrated too. Scarface and The Godfather don't deserve to be here though.
Agree on Scarface. It's an ok movie but there are much better crime movies out there.

Understand most of the movies being listed (even though I disagree about most) but the slander of Heat is surprising.
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