OZARK [A Netflix Original Series | Season 3 | 2019??]

Only thing that was a bit far fetched was offing Ash as justice for Del Rio.

I don't have first hand knowledge of how retribution in the underworld works...but a goon's life for a cartel leader's doesn't seem like an even trade :lol:
Ash was the only expendable one in the storyline at that moment, knew his time was up as soon they sent him on that dummy mission :lol:

Blood for blood...but u right it really woulda gone down more ruthless and personal in real life
Is it me or did they change the actor of Three midway in the second season? One episode he was young and had the bowl cut and the next he had short hair and a deeper voice :lol:
Noticed that too. I assumed a crazy growth spurt :lol:

Faded from my mind since they don't care about 3 at all :lol:
Where did the KC mob come from again?
They started pressuring the state/local senator's ppl since they were against a new casino they didn't have a hand in.

One of the crazier opens for an episode of this show since I didn't recognize anyone and some random truck driver lost his ******* hand :smh:

Then coincidentally Buddy just happened to be former acquaintances with one of the heads of the Kansas City mob and gets an in for Marty so they stop attacking dudes about to set up the casino and make a deal so they both profit.

The second I heard somebody say Kansas city mob I knew Marty was ****** :lol: Basically same thing when he came in to conflict with the Snells.

Telling ya the Triad is only a season or 2 away :lol: :nerd:
I question Cade's relationship with Ruth. Like how someone pointed out earlier that she put on lipstick before talking to him in jail. Then the too long kiss on the lips to his dead body :sick: And her always calling him "daddy" and never called Russ that
I question Cade's relationship with Ruth. Like how someone pointed out earlier that she put on lipstick before talking to him in jail. Then the too long kiss on the lips to his dead body :sick: And her always calling him "daddy" and never called Russ that
:lol: Why would she call Russ, her uncle, daddy? That would be a red flag.

I will say the way the character has avoided sexual situations does make me suspicious but they've been all negative. We'll see if tries anything with Marty to see if she's been seriously abused.
"It's always better to be the person holding the gun, than the person running from the gunman."


LOVED S2. KC Mob/Darlene angles are setting things up for an amazing S3. Quick question....

who's car was discovered in the woods in the final minutes of the finale by the hunters? [/spoilers]
"It's always better to be the person holding the gun, than the person running from the gunman."


LOVED S2. KC Mob/Darlene angles are setting things up for an amazing S3. Quick question....

who's car was discovered in the woods in the final minutes of the finale by the hunters? [/spoilers]

agent petty
Wendy's arc this season actually reminded me of Walter White in season 4 of Breaking Bad a little. When she said:
“It's always better to be the person holding the gun than the person running from the gunman,” that was kind of her "I am the one who knocks" moment.

They'll know it's Cade. Remember he used the fishing box to hit Petty at first. His prints were all over it. Remember when he talked to Ruth and she asked him "Did you ******* touch anything?" Remember as he was hitting Petty with the box he then tossed the box. And the camera man made a point to go away from the action as he finishes Petty to show you exactly where the box landed.
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Seems like Season 2 is getting mixed reviews from critics

As it should.

We’re left with more questions than answers. Show is all over the place now.

Marty took so many L’s this season, homeboy is going through PTSD.

He needs to get his stuff together pronto or move aside and let Wendy, Ruth, & Jonah run things from now on...
Killing off Del so early in the series was good for shock value, but not too sure there'll be a better villain than him.
I finished today and i enjoyed it. I feel like they were tossing money around left n right to this n that like it was just there's to spend.

A lot of folks got cartel money on their hands, and theres a lot of parties involved in this casino.

Im glad they killed off Petty & Cade .. Jacob tho :smh:

I wouldve let Charlotte disrespectful as walk soon as that lawyer showed up with papers. If she doesnt leave with Wyatt in S3 he gonna snitch on them since she basucally told him everything in the van after stealing that book

Marty got soft af after shooting Mason :lol:

Wendy should have just had the lawyer off Darlene along with Cade, and get the baby back
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