Pacquiao is willing to agree to Mayweather's drug testing terms! vol. lets get ready to RUMBLE!!!

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It doesn't matter dun.

Cats are putting their lives on the line, training their bodies to it max since the age of 3, getting their brains battered around in their skull daily, putting their psyches, family lives and everything on the line in a corrupt an unorganized sport.

F_ outta here....its about time someone cleans up boxing and gets in line with the times.

Margarito got found with CEMENT BLOCKS in his gloves in 2009! This is aint 1810, s_ is ridiculous and totally unacceptable.

Shane and Floyd just did it without a hitch, let Manny step up to the plate and stop being a punk.

For $50 Mill, the love of your sport and the competitive desire to prove that you're the don't want to cut the talk, help clean up the sport and hop in the ring?


Boom. Roasted. *Slaps table and leaves*
If you are so sure that Manny is on PED's, then where is the actual drug test showing that he tested positive?

Manny sees himself equal to Floyd because he is also considered the best fighter by many boxing experts and fans.  That is why he won't easily bow down to Floyd's demands.  Like Floyd, Manny has pride and ego and won't easily be bossed around as well.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It doesn't matter dun.

Cats are putting their lives on the line, training their bodies to it max since the age of 3, getting their brains battered around in their skull daily, putting their psyches, family lives and everything on the line in a corrupt an unorganized sport.

F_ outta here....its about time someone cleans up boxing and gets in line with the times.

Margarito got found with CEMENT BLOCKS in his gloves in 2009! This is aint 1810, s_ is ridiculous and totally unacceptable.

Shane and Floyd just did it without a hitch, let Manny step up to the plate and stop being a punk.

For $50 Mill, the love of your sport and the competitive desire to prove that you're the don't want to cut the talk, help clean up the sport and hop in the ring?

thats the thing, i don't think may and pac give a s_ about being p4p, they professional athletes.
people say 'why don't manny just take the tests if hes clean?' wll we all know may only fights for checks not bragging rights. then why wont he just drop all allegations, get in the ring and get paid?
like i said its only PRIDE and EGO.
Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

If you are so sure that Manny is on PED's, then where is the actual drug test showing that he tested positive?

you do know that he hasnt been tested for that.

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

If you are so sure that Manny is on PED's, then where is the actual drug test showing that he tested positive?

you do know that he hasnt been tested for that.


You do know that Manny has tested negative for every urine and blood test he's ever taken, right?
Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

Manny has tested negative for every urine test and blood test ever taken.  That is hard, actual evidence to show he is not on PEDs.

The last time Manny took a blood test was down at 115.  He's never taken a blood test during the last few years when he's made major steps up in weight for someone of his size.  So that basically negates your entire argument.

Yeah, Mayweather, sure proved he's the best against the old, over the hill, Shane Mosley.  If Mayweather says he's the best, the fight the other boxer who is also considered the best, Pacquiao.

Yes, a Mosley who beat the top man in the division only a year ago and KOed him.  A typical Manny Pacquaio fanboy excuse.  I thought we were through with this?  And if you have been paying attention, most of PBF's biggest critics praised his win over Mosley instead of using the excuse that he's old.  I knew people like you would come out of the *%!%$%% woodworks once this was through.  Call of Floyd for not fighting the best, praise him for taking a fight with Mosley and then when he dominates call Mosley old.

PED's = Performance Enhancing Drugs buddy.

There were whispers about Manny taking something before Mayweather came out and said anything.  If you knew what you were talking about you would know that.  You say the same thing five times over in one post and still don't know what you're talking about.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

Manny has tested negative for every urine test and blood test ever taken.  That is hard, actual evidence to show he is not on PEDs.

The last time Manny took a blood test was down at 115.  He's never taken a blood test during the last few years when he's made major steps up in weight for someone of his size.  So that basically negates your entire argument.

Yeah, Mayweather, sure proved he's the best against the old, over the hill, Shane Mosley.  If Mayweather says he's the best, the fight the other boxer who is also considered the best, Pacquiao.

Yes, a Mosley who beat the top man in the division only a year ago and KOed him.  A typical Manny Pacquaio fanboy excuse.  I thought we were through with this?  And if you have been paying attention, most of PBF's biggest critics praised his win over Mosley instead of using the excuse that he's old.  I knew people like you would come out of the *%!%$%% woodworks once this was through.  Call of Floyd for not fighting the best, praise him for taking a fight with Mosley and then when he dominates call Mosley old.

PED's = Performance Enhancing Drugs buddy.

There were whispers about Manny taking something before Mayweather came out and said anything.  If you knew what you were talking about you would know that.  You say the same thing five times over in one post and still don't know what you're talking about.

Mayweather fan boy likes to praise his boy because he waited years to fight Mosley and waited until Mosley was 40 years old.  Fight the best?  Then fight Pacquiao.

Many boxing experts believe Pacquiao is the best as well.  That's why people want Mayweather and Pacquiao to fight each other.  If you knew what you were talking about you would know that as well.

Yup, a typical Mayweather fanboy.  Ignores that fact that Pacquiao took a blood test during the Morales fights.  Ignores the fact that Pacquiao has tested negative for every blood and urine test he's ever taken.  Mayweather fan boy likes to ignore facts.

Mayweather fan boy likes to believe suspicion based on hearsay, rumors, and suspicion that have no actual evidence to back it up.

Get that?  Actual evidence.  You can't prove that Manny is on PED's without actual evidence.

You don't know what you are talking about either.  Whispers about Manny being on PED's don't mean squat without actual evidence to back it up.  If you knew what you were talking about you would know that as well.   
Believing something hard enough without actual evidence does not make it true.  If you knew what you were talking about, you would know this fact as well
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

Mannyhas tested negative for every urine test and blood test ever taken. That is hard, actual evidence to show he is not on PEDs.

Thelast time Manny took a blood test was down at 115.  He's never taken ablood test during the last few years when he's made major steps up inweight for someone of his size.  So that basically negates your entireargument.

Manny took a blood test for the Clottey fight.
Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

Manny has tested negative for every urine test and blood test ever taken.  That is hard, actual evidence to show he is not on PEDs.

The last time Manny took a blood test was down at 115.  He's never taken a blood test during the last few years when he's made major steps up in weight for someone of his size.  So that basically negates your entire argument.

Yeah, Mayweather, sure proved he's the best against the old, over the hill, Shane Mosley.  If Mayweather says he's the best, the fight the other boxer who is also considered the best, Pacquiao.

Yes, a Mosley who beat the top man in the division only a year ago and KOed him.  A typical Manny Pacquaio fanboy excuse.  I thought we were through with this?  And if you have been paying attention, most of PBF's biggest critics praised his win over Mosley instead of using the excuse that he's old.  I knew people like you would come out of the *%!%$%% woodworks once this was through.  Call of Floyd for not fighting the best, praise him for taking a fight with Mosley and then when he dominates call Mosley old.

PED's = Performance Enhancing Drugs buddy.

There were whispers about Manny taking something before Mayweather came out and said anything.  If you knew what you were talking about you would know that.  You say the same thing five times over in one post and still don't know what you're talking about.
Mayweather fan boy likes to praise his boy because he waited years to fight Mosley and waited until Mosley was 40 years old.  Fight the best?  Then fight Pacquiao.

Many boxing experts believe Pacquiao is the best as well.  That's why people want Mayweather and Pacquiao to fight each other.  If you knew what you were talking about you would know that as well.

Yup, a typical Mayweather fanboy.  Ignores that fact that Pacquiao took a blood test during the Morales fights.  Ignores the fact that Pacquiao has tested negative for every blood and urine test he's ever taken.  Mayweather fan boy likes to ignore facts.

Mayweather fan boy likes to believe suspicion based on hearsay, rumors, and suspicion that have no actual evidence to back it up.

Get that?  Actual evidence.  You can't prove that Manny is on PED's without actual evidence.

You don't know what you are talking about either.  Whispers about Manny being on PED's don't mean squat without actual evidence to back it up.  If you knew what you were talking about you would know that as well.   
Believing something hard enough without actual evidence does not make it true.  If you knew what you were talking about, you would know this fact as well

You do know Mosley ducked Floyd when they were both down in the lower weight classes right?  And you seem to ignore the fact that Mosley beat the crap out of the champion at 147 and knocked out someone who has never been knocked out before, I guess he was old then too correct?  I never said Pacquaio wasn't the best out now, he's still P4P #1 until someone takes him down.  Of course I *%!+@%! know people want the fight you sound like an idiot.  I'm far from the PBF fanboy, I'm one of his bigger critics.  You got me there, he took a blood test two days before fighting Morales the first time.  OK, one point you actually have correct.  That still does not take away from the fact that it was 5 years ago and before he started moving up through weight classes and still carrying his power and punishing people even though he'd never fought above 135 his entire career.  What part of that do you not understand?  That's what people think is not natural about him.  I don't believe suspicion because of the fact that it's hearsay or everyone else believe moron, the fact that he's moving up so effortlessly and carrying his immense power and getting stronger as he moves up makes me suspicious.  The fact that he refuses to go along with Olympic style drug testing makes me suspicious.  It ain't fair but hey that's what happens when you do these kind of things and refuse to take simple tests to prove your innocence.  Just like Haze said, if you're willing to turn down a $40 million payday because of some simple drug tests, it'll raise suspicion.  It's just like in baseball, if a guy comes out of no where and start smacking HR's, the suspicion is going to come out and be there.  I guess time will tell.  Not going to sit here and go back and forth with someone who refuses to see points from the other side.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

LiCeNseD To BaLL wrote:

wxyzfactor wrote:

NikeTalker23 wrote:


Floyd doesn't have to fight Pac as much as Pac needs to fight Floyd now. He silenced his last critics over the weekend. His credibility is at 100%. I could care less if the fight happens or not. Martinez is the more intriguing opponent.

This is exactly how I feel. Mayweather proved that he is the best, and shut all his critics up. Pac's legacy will now have controversy and you have to put a big * next to his name, until he agrees to the random olympic style drug testing. 
Spoken like a true Mayweather fan.  That's just your opinion as a Mayweather fan.  Pacqquiao has also silenced his critics by beating Clottey.    


Sorry but i had to stop reading after that. Yeah 'pacqquiao' sure proved he's the best against the masterful boxing legend James Clottey.

Yeah, Mayweather, sure proved he's the best against the old, over the hill, Shane Mosley.  If Mayweather says he's the best, the fight the other boxer who is also considered the best, Pacquiao.

manny stans.

Wow, there's not denying that Floyd's fights are carefully selected. He's been at welterweight for about 4 years or so? Name any top 5 fighters in that division he has faced in their PRIME?
Pacquiao's proved himself, his legacy is solid. In every division he's fought at, he's taken down all the top fighters. Morales, Barrera, Marquez, Diaz, Cotto. I won't even give him Hatton or De La Hoya because they fought him at the end of their careers.
Anyways all these claims of drug use should stop until we see results, blood testing should be fine if its 14 days away and one right after, anything closer to the fight should be urine tests, like what USADA did to Mosley right before the weigh-in. Pac does look really shady at the moment, but one can understand his reasoning for why he doesn't want to draw blood so close to the fight, it's a mental thing. Both fighters need to come into this fight at a 100% so we can truly know who the P4P king is.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

Manny has tested negative for every urine test and blood test ever taken.  That is hard, actual evidence to show he is not on PEDs.

The last time Manny took a blood test was down at 115.  He's never taken a blood test during the last few years when he's made major steps up in weight for someone of his size.  So that basically negates your entire argument.

Yeah, Mayweather, sure proved he's the best against the old, over the hill, Shane Mosley.  If Mayweather says he's the best, the fight the other boxer who is also considered the best, Pacquiao.

Yes, a Mosley who beat the top man in the division only a year ago and KOed him.  A typical Manny Pacquaio fanboy excuse.  I thought we were through with this?  And if you have been paying attention, most of PBF's biggest critics praised his win over Mosley instead of using the excuse that he's old.  I knew people like you would come out of the *%!%$%% woodworks once this was through.  Call of Floyd for not fighting the best, praise him for taking a fight with Mosley and then when he dominates call Mosley old.

PED's = Performance Enhancing Drugs buddy.

There were whispers about Manny taking something before Mayweather came out and said anything.  If you knew what you were talking about you would know that.  You say the same thing five times over in one post and still don't know what you're talking about.
Mayweather fan boy likes to praise his boy because he waited years to fight Mosley and waited until Mosley was 40 years old.  Fight the best?  Then fight Pacquiao.

Many boxing experts believe Pacquiao is the best as well.  That's why people want Mayweather and Pacquiao to fight each other.  If you knew what you were talking about you would know that as well.

Yup, a typical Mayweather fanboy.  Ignores that fact that Pacquiao took a blood test during the Morales fights.  Ignores the fact that Pacquiao has tested negative for every blood and urine test he's ever taken.  Mayweather fan boy likes to ignore facts.

Mayweather fan boy likes to believe suspicion based on hearsay, rumors, and suspicion that have no actual evidence to back it up.

Get that?  Actual evidence.  You can't prove that Manny is on PED's without actual evidence.

You don't know what you are talking about either.  Whispers about Manny being on PED's don't mean squat without actual evidence to back it up.  If you knew what you were talking about you would know that as well.   
Believing something hard enough without actual evidence does not make it true.  If you knew what you were talking about, you would know this fact as well

You do know Mosley ducked Floyd when they were both down in the lower weight classes right?  And you seem to ignore the fact that Mosley beat the crap out of the champion at 147 and knocked out someone who has never been knocked out before, I guess he was old then too correct?  I never said Pacquaio wasn't the best out now, he's still P4P #1 until someone takes him down.  Of course I *%!+@%! know people want the fight you sound like an idiot.  I'm far from the PBF fanboy, I'm one of his bigger critics.  You got me there, he took a blood test two days before fighting Morales the first time.  OK, one point you actually have correct.  That still does not take away from the fact that it was 5 years ago and before he started moving up through weight classes and still carrying his power and punishing people even though he'd never fought above 135 his entire career.  What part of that do you not understand?  That's what people think is not natural about him.  I don't believe suspicion because of the fact that it's hearsay or everyone else believe moron, the fact that he's moving up so effortlessly and carrying his immense power and getting stronger as he moves up makes me suspicious.  The fact that he refuses to go along with Olympic style drug testing makes me suspicious.  It ain't fair but hey that's what happens when you do these kind of things and refuse to take simple tests to prove your innocence.  Just like Haze said, if you're willing to turn down a $40 million payday because of some simple drug tests, it'll raise suspicion.  It's just like in baseball, if a guy comes out of no where and start smacking HR's, the suspicion is going to come out and be there.  I guess time will tell.  Not going to sit here and go back and forth with someone who refuses to see points from the other side.

I prove my case with actual evidence, not made up evidence based on whispers, hearsay, and rumors.

So what if Pacquiao has gone up in weight so effortlessly?  I present you with the fact and actual evidence that Pacquiao has tested negative for every urine and blood test he's ever done from the Morales fights to the recent Clottey fight when he's moved up in weight.     

If you believe Floyd's word of suspicion based on hearsay, rumors, and whispers, that's your peregotive.  Although its a faulty one because its not based on actual evidence, but just believing that it is true. 

You keep on saying you don't believe suspicion without evidence, but you keep on implying and believing that you believe Manny is on PEDs.  This shows that you do believe suspicion without evidence.  As you call me a moron, you're a moron as well for believing suspicion without evidence to show for it. 

You say I refuse to see points on the other side, you refuse to see points on the other side as well.  You refuse to see acknowledge actual evidence in favor of belief of suspicion based on no evidence at all except whispers and rumors.

Pacquiao refused to bow down to Floyd's demands because of pride and ego.  Pacquiao sees himself on equal ground with Floyd since like Floyd, Pacquiao is also considered the best.  This is why Pacquiao won't bow down to Floyd as easily as you want him to. 

I acknowledge that both are great fighters.  Both are considered the best.  That is why people want to see them fight each other.  
Originally Posted by Copp 2 Of Em

Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Pacquiao's legacy > Mayweather's legacy 

(I'm not a Pacman fanboy btw).

Both are great fighters and are going to the hall of fame no matter what happens even if they don't fight each other or fight each other.

If Manny and Mayweather both agree to WADA-STYLE testing up to 14 days prior to the fight (which Manny has said he is finally willing to do), and a drug test IMMEDIATELY after the fight (which Manny was never against), then there should be NO SPECULATION as to whether Manny is a clean fighter for that fight. No questions.

Not when it's a proven fact hgh and other peds can leave your system in less then a week
i think its stupid for dude saying oh manny needs this fight more than my opinion neither need the fight but should do it to settle who is the best period... there is no * next to manny....while mayweather was sitting on his money manny was beating dudes and for the first time people were saying hes the best in the world... that probably angered mayweather so now he brings up this drug BS to try to but this dude down and get his name up... i dont understand why some of these money riders here dont take that into think manny is dirty where there is no link or proof is stupid...and for people to say hes just trying to stand up for boxing: WHY THE HELL HASNT HE SAID ANYTHING BEFORE? stop giving credit to this guy for this lets be honest.. he hasnt mentioned anything in the past and now that people are trying to see him and manny he brings it up? people need to take bias aside and really see whats happening... i understand you guys are fans but you cant be ignorant and  look at other aspects of it also
Originally Posted by tSamShoX


If Manny and Mayweather both agree to WADA-STYLE testing up to 14 days prior to the fight (which Manny has said he is finally willing to do), and a drug test IMMEDIATELY after the fight (which Manny was never against), then there should be NO SPECULATION as to whether Manny is a clean fighter for that fight. No questions.

Manny hasn't said he's willing to do anything..
i like watching a good pacman fight, but floyd is the man leading the movement to clean up pro boxing. how anyone can discredit floyd or insult him is bananas.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Not when it's a proven fact hgh and other peds can leave your system in less then a week

First he didn't take a blood test, now the blood test doesn't mean anything?

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by tSamShoX


If Manny and Mayweather both agree to WADA-STYLE testing up to 14 days prior to the fight (which Manny has said he is finally willing to do), and a drug test IMMEDIATELY after the fight (which Manny was never against), then there should be NO SPECULATION as to whether Manny is a clean fighter for that fight. No questions.

Manny hasn't said he's willing to do anything..
I'm saying tho if those are the agreed terms, I don't know much more you can ask for that fight. And even though i'm a Pacquiao fan, I HIGHLY doubt that Manny would take EPO within the 14 days to the fight just to gain the advantage. Call me naive but I really think the 14 days is for purely superstitious reasons. Clown on me all you want but I really believe if Manny is willing to go 14 days prior to the fight, he has nothing to hide.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by tSamShoX


If Manny and Mayweather both agree to WADA-STYLE testing up to 14 days prior to the fight (which Manny has said he is finally willing to do), and a drug test IMMEDIATELY after the fight (which Manny was never against), then there should be NO SPECULATION as to whether Manny is a clean fighter for that fight. No questions.

Manny hasn't said he's willing to do anything..
Yes he has.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Not when it's a proven fact hgh and other peds can leave your system in less then a week

First he didn't take a blood test, now the blood test doesn't mean anything?

I'm pretty sure he means that it doesn't mean anything to agree to taking blood tests only up to 14 days before the fight.
I'm a Pacman fan but he's gotta step up. Money might be have no right to make these demands but kudos to him for demanding more stringent testing than boxing does.
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