Palestine vs Israel.. VERY sad pictures. some (Graphic).


my buddy just told me jews comprise 6x as many members of congress as muslims, even though theyre about equal proportions of the american population.

jews ftw. (i'm pakistani, but jews do WORK)
the US supports Israel because of the Jewish presence in America and the Jewish American lobby. the reason for america's distaste of muslim arab nations isbecause of this, not the cause of it.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

This will catch you up on the Gaza situation.

If you want info on the overall history, use wikipedia and google or get books by respected historians. Just make sure it's a balanced source.

Still, no matter how you look at it, almost 800 dead, 2-3 thousand wounded, 30-40% women and children casualties vs a handful dead and injured tells you something.

Yeah it says Palestine needs a better military.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Last time I cried or even shed a tear was when my grandmother died in feb 06 (RIP), but this truly brung tears to my eyes, every picture I scrolled down to was sadder then the one before. Its a shame what the world has come to. And im over here thinking im living a good life without problems etc etc.. Smh

im sorry about your grandmother and I hope she rests in peace... the world didn't just become like this's always been like this..
I dont know the deal, and i doubt many here know...without biased to one side or another. i just hope violence can someday cease.
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by Lrrr

im confused as to why the US is funding them..can someone explain?

These people own Congress.

This ain't no conspiracy theory either.
No doubt Jewish lobby is extremely strong. Going to that website makes me sick.

Still, it's not that simple. Israel is just strategically perfect for the U.S to support.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

This will catch you up on the Gaza situation.

If you want info on the overall history, use wikipedia and google or get books by respected historians. Just make sure it's a balanced source.

Still, no matter how you look at it, almost 800 dead, 2-3 thousand wounded, 30-40% women and children casualties vs a handful dead and injured tells you something.

Yeah it says Palestine needs a better military.
Hands down the stupidest thing i've read all day.
i wish they can all just hold hands and light each others bud and just watch the moon sail away.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by Lrrr

im confused as to why the US is funding them..can someone explain?

These people own Congress.

This ain't no conspiracy theory either.
No doubt Jewish lobby is extremely strong. Going to that website makes me sick.

Still, it's not that simple. Israel is just strategically perfect for the U.S to support.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

This will catch you up on the Gaza situation.

If you want info on the overall history, use wikipedia and google or get books by respected historians. Just make sure it's a balanced source.

Still, no matter how you look at it, almost 800 dead, 2-3 thousand wounded, 30-40% women and children casualties vs a handful dead and injured tells you something.

Yeah it says Palestine needs a better military.
Hands down the stupidest thing i've read all day.

Why is it so stupid? War is war, no matter the reason behind it. The country with the more powerful military will better protect it's people and alwayscome out on top. The only reason the numbers are so lobsided is because of Israel's military superiority. The only thing keeping Palestine from killing asmany people as Israel, is their inferior military.
Originally Posted by damnitzvin

i wish they can all just hold hands and light each others bud and just watch the moon sail away.

I realize the seriousness of this conflict, but
Israel has the best military of the world aside from America's. How would Palestine ever get to that level? smh

MidEastBeast, what inherent strategic benefits does America receive in its continued support for Israel?
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

Israel has the best military of the world aside from America's. How would Palestine ever get to that level? smh

MidEastBeast, what inherent strategic benefits does America receive in its continued support for Israel?
Did I ever say they would? No. All I said was the number are all one sided because of Palestine's inferior military. If they had a strongermilitary the death toll would be a lot closer.
Niketalker23- That's like saying if Nepal had $400 trillion it would be a stronger economic force. There is nothing substantive to your claim.

The real variable in this is the US's support of Israel.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by Lrrr

im confused as to why the US is funding them..can someone explain?

These people own Congress.

This ain't no conspiracy theory either.
No doubt Jewish lobby is extremely strong. Going to that website makes me sick.

Still, it's not that simple. Israel is just strategically perfect for the U.S to support.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

This will catch you up on the Gaza situation.

If you want info on the overall history, use wikipedia and google or get books by respected historians. Just make sure it's a balanced source.

Still, no matter how you look at it, almost 800 dead, 2-3 thousand wounded, 30-40% women and children casualties vs a handful dead and injured tells you something.

Yeah it says Palestine needs a better military.
Hands down the stupidest thing i've read all day.

Why is it so stupid? War is war, no matter the reason behind it. The country with the more powerful military will better protect it's people and always come out on top. The only reason the numbers are so lobsided is because of Israel's military superiority. The only thing keeping Palestine from killing as many people as Israel, is their inferior military.

The whole point of the "war" , according to Israel and the U.S themselves is to stop Hamas. How would a stronger and better armed Hamas help thesituation ? It would mean, as you just said, many dead Israelis and probably a larger conflict.

Who is responsible, (directly) for the massive amount of civilian deaths ? Obviously Israel. The blame therefore goes to Israel, not to hamas "for notprotecting its people"

It's like defending a murderer by saying the victim was weak or should have been carrying a gun. It's 2009, goals are to stop war, not justify civilianslaughter with caveman type logic.

So I assume...

Native Americans should have had a better army ?
Kurds ?
Chinese civilians in WW2 ?

List goes on for pages.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

Israel has the best military of the world aside from America's. How would Palestine ever get to that level? smh

MidEastBeast, what inherent strategic benefits does America receive in its continued support for Israel?

Basically, it acts like a giant check against anti-US interests in the area.

-Kept Iraq in check (bombed nuclear facilities)

-Keeps Iran in check (threatens military action, would likely take action if Iran is close to nukes)

-Keeps Iranian influence in check (attacks Hamas, Hezbollah and other groups with Iranian ties; dont forget Hezbollah attackedthe U.S marine barracks in lebanon)

-Protects our oil interests (Can help protect Straights of Hormuz passageway)

-Provides us with intelligence

-Can provide us with airspace if we ever need it

-Keeps Egypt, Syria, Turkey and many other countries in check (they are all basically forced to follow U.S policy as seen bylack of action in this conflict)

-Keeps the above governments in power by actively fighting extremist elements that threaten them

Just off the top of my head, theres a lot more.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by Lrrr

im confused as to why the US is funding them..can someone explain?

These people own Congress.

This ain't no conspiracy theory either.
No doubt Jewish lobby is extremely strong. Going to that website makes me sick.

Still, it's not that simple. Israel is just strategically perfect for the U.S to support.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

This will catch you up on the Gaza situation.

If you want info on the overall history, use wikipedia and google or get books by respected historians. Just make sure it's a balanced source.

Still, no matter how you look at it, almost 800 dead, 2-3 thousand wounded, 30-40% women and children casualties vs a handful dead and injured tells you something.

Yeah it says Palestine needs a better military.
Hands down the stupidest thing i've read all day.

Why is it so stupid? War is war, no matter the reason behind it. The country with the more powerful military will better protect it's people and always come out on top. The only reason the numbers are so lobsided is because of Israel's military superiority. The only thing keeping Palestine from killing as many people as Israel, is their inferior military.

The whole point of the "war" , according to Israel and the U.S themselves is to stop Hamas. How would a stronger and better armed Hamas help the situation ? It would mean, as you just said, many dead Israelis and probably a larger conflict.

Who is responsible, (directly) for the massive amount of civilian deaths ? Obviously Israel. The blame therefore goes to Israel, not to hamas "for not protecting its people"

It's like defending a murderer by saying the victim was weak or should have been carrying a gun. It's 2009, goals are to stop war, not justify civilian slaughter with caveman type logic.

So I assume...

Native Americans should have had a better army ?
Kurds ?
Chinese civilians in WW2 ?

List goes on for pages.
I'm not justifying the killings on the part of Israel, but you can't post all these numbers and death tolls. Why? Because the only reasonthe numbers are so lopsided is because Palestine doesn't have the weapons to kill as many people as Israel has. If Palestine did, they would.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

Israel has the best military of the world aside from America's. How would Palestine ever get to that level? smh

MidEastBeast, what inherent strategic benefits does America receive in its continued support for Israel?

Basically, it acts like a giant check against anti-US interests in the area.

-Kept Iraq in check (bombed nuclear facilities)

-Keeps Iran in check (threatens military action, would likely take action if Iran is close to nukes)

-Keeps Iranian influence in check (attacks Hamas, Hezbollah and other groups with Iranian ties; dont forget Hezbollah attacked the U.S marine barracks in lebanon)

-Protects our oil interests (Can help protect Straights of Hormuz passageway)

-Provides us with intelligence

-Can provide us with airspace if we ever need it

-Keeps Egypt, Syria, Turkey and many other countries in check (they are all basically forced to follow U.S policy as seen by lack of action in this conflict)

-Keeps the above governments in power by actively fighting extremist elements that threaten them

Just off the top of my head, theres a lot more.

Iraq, Iran, all Anti-American contingencies exist because of our support of Israel. We don't support Israel to stave off those states, we stave offthose states to support Israel.

It helps us tangentially with oil interests (we don't want oil, just want oil priced in our currency, which OPEC allows-- until soon maybe with its GCC)and airspace I guess, but we have a ridiculously disproportionate support for Israel if those are our interests in supporting it. The only real reason wesupport them is the unprecedented influence of the Jewish bloc.

NikeTalker23 wrote:

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by Lrrr

im confused as to why the US is funding them..can someone explain?

These people own Congress.

This ain't no conspiracy theory either.
No doubt Jewish lobby is extremely strong. Going to that website makes me sick.

Still, it's not that simple. Israel is just strategically perfect for the U.S to support.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

This will catch you up on the Gaza situation.

If you want info on the overall history, use wikipedia and google or get books by respected historians. Just make sure it's a balanced source.

Still, no matter how you look at it, almost 800 dead, 2-3 thousand wounded, 30-40% women and children casualties vs a handful dead and injured tells you something.

Yeah it says Palestine needs a better military.
Hands down the stupidest thing i've read all day.

Why is it so stupid? War is war, no matter the reason behind it. The country with the more powerful military will better protect it's people and always come out on top. The only reason the numbers are so lobsided is because of Israel's military superiority. The only thing keeping Palestine from killing as many people as Israel, is their inferior military.

The whole point of the "war" , according to Israel and the U.S themselves is to stop Hamas. How would a stronger and better armed Hamas help the situation ? It would mean, as you just said, many dead Israelis and probably a larger conflict.

Who is responsible, (directly) for the massive amount of civilian deaths ? Obviously Israel. The blame therefore goes to Israel, not to hamas "for not protecting its people"

It's like defending a murderer by saying the victim was weak or should have been carrying a gun. It's 2009, goals are to stop war, not justify civilian slaughter with caveman type logic.

So I assume...

Native Americans should have had a better army ?
Kurds ?
Chinese civilians in WW2 ?

List goes on for pages.
I'm not justifying the killings on the part of Israel, but you can't post all these numbers and death tolls. Why? Because the only reason the numbers are so lopsided is because Palestine doesn't have the weapons to kill as many people as Israel has. If Palestine did, they would.

Why are we talking about hypotheticals ?

Israel is clearly out of line here. They are using their complete military superiority to kill hundreds of civilians. Back to the murder trial scenario, blamethe killer.

If Hamas was killing hundreds of Israelis and losing a handful of fighters, I doubt you would be here saying "Oh well, Israel should have a betterarmy".
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

Israel has the best military of the world aside from America's. How would Palestine ever get to that level? smh

MidEastBeast, what inherent strategic benefits does America receive in its continued support for Israel?

Basically, it acts like a giant check against anti-US interests in the area.

-Kept Iraq in check (bombed nuclear facilities)

-Keeps Iran in check (threatens military action, would likely take action if Iran is close to nukes)

-Keeps Iranian influence in check (attacks Hamas, Hezbollah and other groups with Iranian ties; dont forget Hezbollah attacked the U.S marine barracks in lebanon)

-Protects our oil interests (Can help protect Straights of Hormuz passageway)

-Provides us with intelligence

-Can provide us with airspace if we ever need it

-Keeps Egypt, Syria, Turkey and many other countries in check (they are all basically forced to follow U.S policy as seen by lack of action in this conflict)

-Keeps the above governments in power by actively fighting extremist elements that threaten them

Just off the top of my head, theres a lot more.

Iraq, Iran, all Anti-American contingencies exist as American opposition groups because of our support of Israel. We don't support Israel to stave off those states, we stave off those states to support Israel.

It helps us tangentially with oil interests (we don't want oil, just want oil priced in our currency, which OPEC allows-- until soon maybe with its GCC) and airspace I guess, but we have a ridiculously disproportionate support for Israel if those are our interests in supporting it. The only real reason we support them is the unprecedented influence of the Jewish bloc.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

Israel has the best military of the world aside from America's. How would Palestine ever get to that level? smh

MidEastBeast, what inherent strategic benefits does America receive in its continued support for Israel?

Basically, it acts like a giant check against anti-US interests in the area.

-Kept Iraq in check (bombed nuclear facilities)

-Keeps Iran in check (threatens military action, would likely take action if Iran is close to nukes)

-Keeps Iranian influence in check (attacks Hamas, Hezbollah and other groups with Iranian ties; dont forget Hezbollah attacked the U.S marine barracks in lebanon)

-Protects our oil interests (Can help protect Straights of Hormuz passageway)

-Provides us with intelligence

-Can provide us with airspace if we ever need it

-Keeps Egypt, Syria, Turkey and many other countries in check (they are all basically forced to follow U.S policy as seen by lack of action in this conflict)

-Keeps the above governments in power by actively fighting extremist elements that threaten them

Just off the top of my head, theres a lot more.

Iraq, Iran, all Anti-American contingencies exist because of our support of Israel. We don't support Israel to stave off those states, we stave off those states to support Israel.

It helps us tangentially with oil interests (we don't want oil, just want oil priced in our currency, which OPEC allows-- until soon maybe with its GCC) and airspace I guess, but we have a ridiculously disproportionate support for Israel if those are our interests in supporting it. The only real reason we support them is the unprecedented influence of the Jewish bloc.

Was the Jewish lobby really that strong going back to the 40's ?
I'm asian so im looking at this from a different perspective.

Both sides are hurting each other. thats obvious but many Palestinians have come to terms that the UN have given the land to the Jews and they must coexist.
The Ps have asked the Is to stop taking over and expanding but they kept on expanding despite their agreement. So the Ps sent over a missile killing one personand this started a huge
war amongst the two. This causes the Is to kill more than 700 Palestinians after the launch of the Missile and resulting in what we have today. Many of theCEOs/Founder of many fortune 500 companies and franchises are Jewish and i think it was starbucks founder who sent over millions of dollars to fund theIsraelite army. He is seen as a charitable man while those who attempt to fund the Palestinians army are seen as terrorists and put into jail and interrogated.DOESNT MAKE SENSE. I think we in the west see the Israelite as the child who can do no wrong while the Palestinians have been shun in a negative light due to9/11 and etc. in the end, both sides are messing each other up. they should really stop and sit down and talk and divide it 50/50.
easier said than done though.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

NikeTalker23 wrote:

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by Lrrr

im confused as to why the US is funding them..can someone explain?

These people own Congress.

This ain't no conspiracy theory either.
No doubt Jewish lobby is extremely strong. Going to that website makes me sick.

Still, it's not that simple. Israel is just strategically perfect for the U.S to support.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

This will catch you up on the Gaza situation.

If you want info on the overall history, use wikipedia and google or get books by respected historians. Just make sure it's a balanced source.

Still, no matter how you look at it, almost 800 dead, 2-3 thousand wounded, 30-40% women and children casualties vs a handful dead and injured tells you something.

Yeah it says Palestine needs a better military.
Hands down the stupidest thing i've read all day.

Why is it so stupid? War is war, no matter the reason behind it. The country with the more powerful military will better protect it's people and always come out on top. The only reason the numbers are so lobsided is because of Israel's military superiority. The only thing keeping Palestine from killing as many people as Israel, is their inferior military.

The whole point of the "war" , according to Israel and the U.S themselves is to stop Hamas. How would a stronger and better armed Hamas help the situation ? It would mean, as you just said, many dead Israelis and probably a larger conflict.

Who is responsible, (directly) for the massive amount of civilian deaths ? Obviously Israel. The blame therefore goes to Israel, not to hamas "for not protecting its people"

It's like defending a murderer by saying the victim was weak or should have been carrying a gun. It's 2009, goals are to stop war, not justify civilian slaughter with caveman type logic.

So I assume...

Native Americans should have had a better army ?
Kurds ?
Chinese civilians in WW2 ?

List goes on for pages.
I'm not justifying the killings on the part of Israel, but you can't post all these numbers and death tolls. Why? Because the only reason the numbers are so lopsided is because Palestine doesn't have the weapons to kill as many people as Israel has. If Palestine did, they would.

Why are we talking about hypotheticals ?

Israel is clearly out of line here. They are using their complete military superiority to kill hundreds of civilians. Back to the murder trial scenario, blame the killer.

If Hamas was killing hundreds of Israelis and losing a handful of fighters, I doubt you would be here saying "Oh well, Israel should have a better army".

First of all I'm not Jewish, nor was I born in the U.S. I have nothing against Palestinians either in case you think I do.But like I saidI'm not trying to justify their killings, and I don't agree with the Israel is doing. But face it, and you know this is true. If Palestine had betterweapons they would be using them. Sure it's a hypothetical but it's reality. Yeah the death toll makes it seem like Israel is doing all the attacking,but the fact is that Israel has better weapons that cause a lot more casualties. If two groups of people are having a gun fight, and group A is using smallhand guns, while group B has the choice of using the same hand gun as group A or using or rocket launchers, what would they choose?
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