This is a thread in awareness of the Palestinian civilians dying at the hands of the Israeli government - I suggest you create a new thread and post that trash elsewhere.

I'm not going to acknowledge this ridiculous thread title. This is a thread to talk about this conflict.

Like you mentioned a few pages ago....freedom of speech. I can voice what I want in here regarding this topic.

Whether you chose to acknowledge the thread title or not; doesn't change the fact that what the Israeli government is doing is being called out by Prime Ministers and Leaders of other countries such as Venezuela and Turkey, as well as Mahmoud Abbas - as a Genocide and extermination of the Palestinian people.

I quoted a excerpt, as a International legal definition of genocide found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide:

"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;

(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;

(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

(d) Attempt to commit genocide;

(e) Complicity in genocide. "

All which can be easily found in the tactics and orders given out by the Israeli government on the Palestinian people. This thread title will stand, and this threads contents will relay to the title's topic - meaning if you want to post videos of Hamas claiming to use humans as shields - there's a 'create new topic' tab which will allow you to post your ridiculous, unauthenticated videos.

This is a thread to bring awareness to harsh conditions and civilian killings of innocent Palestinian people.
How in the hell you are a mod astounds me. the thread was set up to discuss the conflict and now you are banning anyone from discussing anything that you don't personally like or agree with. What a amazing abuse of power.

ignorance must be bliss to you. i dunno why im shocked though
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A lot of these Hamas human shield videos I've seen that have been spreading around were actually recorded earlier this year from Syria.

The disinformation from both sides is staggering ,it's a legit challenge trying to find unbiased coverage and as mentioned earlier, a lot of Western reporters covering the conflict have found themselves being reassigned after trying to create a semblance of balanced coverage.

The lady from CNN covering the missile strikes from the last page got reassigned and so did an MSNBC reporter who witnessed and reported on the air strike on the 4 young palestinian boys playing soccer at the beach,it's getting ridiculous.
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Whether you chose to acknowledge the thread title or not; doesn't change the fact that what the Israeli government is doing is being called out by Prime Ministers and Leaders of other countries such as Venezuela and Turkey, as well as Mahmoud Abbas - as a Genocide and extermination of the Palestinian people.

I quoted a excerpt, as a International legal definition of genocide found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide:
All which can be easily found in the tactics and orders given out by the Israeli government on the Palestinian people. This thread title will stand, and this threads contents will relay to the title's topic - meaning if you want to post videos of Hamas claiming to use humans as shields - there's a 'create new topic' tab which will allow you to post your ridiculous, unauthenticated videos.

"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;

(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;

(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

(d) Attempt to commit genocide;

(e) Complicity in genocide. "

This is a thread to bring awareness to harsh conditions and civilian killings of innocent Palestinian people.

Yeah, and then you have other Prime Ministers such as Canada, Russia, United States, and etc that are on the side of Israel and their right to protect their civilians.

Oh, and those bullet points shouting genocide that you so call say Israel is doing.....well then I guess we can say Hamas is committing genocide on the Israeli people.

Killing Israeli civilians....check
Causing serious bodily or mental harm (red alert sirens going off 24/7)......check
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.....check

So should I start a Israeli genocide awareness thread? Or will it get locked so theres no point?
The lady from CNN covering the missile strikes from the last page got reassigned and so did an MSNBC reporter who witnessed and reported on the air strike on the 4 young palestinian boys playing soccer at the beach,it's getting ridiculous.

That CNN reported called the Israeli people scum. Any reporter in any situation that calls out the public like that would be discharged. And the NBC reporter was reinstated.
That CNN reported called the Israeli people scum. Any reporter in any situation that calls out the public like that would be discharged. And the NBC reporter was reinstated.
What in the world 

She called the Israelis that were cheering on the bombings and threatening her scum

The NBC reporter only got reinstated after the outcry from other journalists wondering what he did wrong
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Whether those Israeli people were right or wrong (obviously wrong) a public journalist that represents a company such as CNN won't get away with calling people scum. It's that simple.
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Whether those Israeli people were right or wrong (obviously wrong) a public journalist that represents a company such as CNN won't get away with calling people scum. It's that simple.

They cheered as humans were being bombed. Get real.
The fact that you are posting articles saying Israel is paying people to post propaganda, but fail to acknowledge your side is doing the exact same thing. Except without the incentive of offering money, because they are too busy spending it on terrorist tunnels and etc. Why won't Hamas build bomb shelters for its citizens? You see all the concrete they've been using for tunnels to get into Israel? Why not help out their own civilians? The fact is that they don't care about the Palestinian people, only the destruction of a Jewish state.

Look what happened in Shuja'iya yesterday. Israel has been telling them to evacuate, but Hamas tells them NO, don't leave, stay in your houses and get killed by Israeli forces when you know they are coming. This is all apart of Hamas plan. Have Israel kill innocent people to make them look worse and have people up in arms over civilian causalities.

Hamas is needed to Israel so they can keep occupying their land? What they hell are you even talking about. Israel withdrew from Gaza with the hope they can do something prosperous there, but all that came about was a terrorists group who constantly fires rockets into Israel day in and day out.

How do you even justify the fact Hamas wants to put grenades in little kids hands? What do you expect to happen to these kids when confronting defense forces?
Whether those Israeli people were right or wrong (obviously wrong) a public journalist that represents a company such as CNN won't get away with calling people scum. It's that simple.
What are you talking about now? The tweet was about people who watched and cheered as children were being killed for no reason like it was a sporting event. Scum, isn't even a bad enough word use.
What are you talking about now? The tweet was about people who watched and cheered as children were being killed for no reason like it was a sporting event. Scum, isn't even a bad enough word use.

I already acknowledged it's wrong. You guys will continue to say it was their motive to cheer for children to be killed. There can be an argument for them cheering seeing their defense forces dismantling rocket launching sites that threaten their security.
I already acknowledged it's wrong. You guys will continue to say it was their motive to cheer for children to be killed. There can be an argument for them cheering seeing their defense forces dismantling rocket launching sites that threaten their security.

She called them scum because they said her car would be distroyed if she said a wrong word. If somebody threatens to harm you I think that justifies you to call them scum.
I already acknowledged it's wrong. You guys will continue to say it was their motive to cheer for children to be killed. There can be an argument for them cheering seeing their defense forces dismantling rocket launching sites that threaten their security.

When you bomb a civilian area who do you expect to kill?
When you bomb a civilian area who do you expect to kill?

Should Hamas be instructing these civilians to stay where they are at knowing that an Israeli strike is about to occur? Should these tunnels and launching sites be inside the infrastructure of civilian homes?

Where are the bomb shelters for civilians in Gaza? Why hasn't Hamas invested in creating any? What has Hamas done to protect the citizens of Gaza? Can somebody tell me that?

Are you not getting it? If it was over 400 Israeli civilians killed by rockets this would be just as deservedly unjustified and uncalled for.

It is not a matter of who's right or wrong. The Israeli army slaughtering over 400 civilians and wounding thousands upon thousands is outright criminal and unjustified. Period. How anyone can defend an army slaughtering mostly civilians is supporting war crimes. But oh ya when it comes to the U.S. and Israel as well as other western nations, slaughtering civilians for their "national security", it is justified but when the enemy does it or others, it is only then it is war crimes.

The worst violators of nature and human rights never go to jail or get tried for their injustice. They hold the keys to it.
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Should Hamas be instructing these civilians to stay where they are at knowing that an Israeli strike is about to occur? Should these tunnels and launching sites be inside the infrastructure of civilian homes?

Where are the bomb shelters for civilians in Gaza? Why hasn't Hamas invested in creating any? What has Hamas done to protect the citizens of Gaza? Can somebody tell me that?

We went over this a million times and these points are completely twisted and moot and have been trumped over and over in previous posts. NEXT.
The better analogy to what Israel is doing is with the apartheid regime in South Africa.

Both governments wished the "undesirables" would vanish tomorrow, but they didn't actively pursued that objective (to avoid being compared to genocidal regimes). Instead, they implemented policies (like blockades/township passports, curfews, limited job/academic opportunities) that would make life so difficult for the oppressed that they would either leave the place (if they could), give up and resign themselves to their subordinate status, or fight back and be labeled terrorists/communists/rebels.

When you bomb a civilian area who do you expect to kill?

Should Hamas be instructing these civilians to stay where they are at knowing that an Israeli strike is about to occur? Should these tunnels and launching sites be inside the infrastructure of civilian homes?

Where are the bomb shelters for civilians in Gaza? Why hasn't Hamas invested in creating any? What has Hamas done to protect the citizens of Gaza? Can somebody tell me that?

*Sounds like a cop justifying the shooting of a hostage in order to kill the criminal.*

For 7 years, Israel has blockaded the borders of Gaza and has instructed Egypt to close the southern crossing. They control what can be brought in the strip, which includes materials used to rebuild infrastructure. Should they have built the bunkers out of sand?


The worst violators of nature and human rights never go to jail or get tried for their injustice. They hold the keys to it.

As an Ivorian singer once sung, "the democracy of the strongest is always the best"
For 7 years, Israel has blockaded the borders of Gaza and has instructed Egypt to close the southern crossing. They control what can be brought in the strip, which includes materials used to rebuild infrastructure. Should they have built the bunkers out of sand?

As an Ivorian singer once sung, "the democracy of the strongest is always the best"

Unfortunately, they have to block the boarders into Israel. Tell me more about how they are able to build these sophisticated tunnels, but can't build some shelters for civilians. Are those tunnels made out of sand as well?
It is not a matter of who's right or wrong. The Israeli army slaughtering over 400 civilians and wounding thousands upon thousands is outright criminal and unjustified. Period.


and I've clearly shown in this thread that Israel deliberately targets ALL civilians (straight from the prime minister's mouth). Cut the BS. No excuse justifies that - only someone with a seriously damaged moral compass would even try to.

A guy hits me, I hit him back. What I don't do is go and kill his whole family and say "well he shouldn't have put them in danger by living with them" or "but he hit me first !". Pathetic.
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