Routine? Kick rocks somewhere else bro. If your posts aren't informative, than don't waste your time...

Funny, I've never been called a racist before in my life. Not I got people on NT calling me racist because they've ran out of arguments?

:rofl: .
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Nobody ran out of arguments, you just see and hear what you want

This is a land dispute. The British gave land to both the Arab and Jews. This land has been conquered and owned by many differnt groups. The Jews aceepted and the Arabs didn't. A war was then fought and the Jews won.

Gaza was given away and then rockets been going into Israel for years. Hammas has called for the destruction of Israel, fires rockets almosst non stop, and then you wanna claim genocide when one side has more casualties. Nothing anyone says will change your mind so you can just enjoy your moral victories on the internet.

Hope something works out peacefully but even with a two state solution I can't see it
A two state solution won't do ****. The Arabs don't want a two state solution, they want Israel to not exist.
A two state solution won't do ****. The Arabs don't want a two state solution, they want Israel to not exist.

Plenty of jews also don't want any Palestinian held land to exist.

Too much hatred and too many idiots on both sides, which is why I asked if it will just be a matter of who wipes who out first.
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Plenty of jews also don't want any Palestinian held land to exist.

Fair enough, but the Israeli government acknowledges the right of a Palestinian land. They aren't screaming death to Palestine. They withdrew from Gaza nearly a decade ago to give them their own land. Look what they did to it. Instead of putting their money to schools, a terrorist organization arises, and they look to smuggle weapons through tunnels rather then do anything productive for their people.
They say that, but continued building illegal settlements, just slowly taking more and more land. Not to mention life in the west bank where fatah was ruling (which recognizes israel) wasn't great either, still checkpoints/restrictions everywhere. You're right in that hamas and others will never give up wanting to take all the land, and I don't see that changing. Is the best case scenario just getting civilians out and letting them fight it out once and for all ?
Nobody ran out of arguments, you just see and hear what you want

This is a land dispute. The British gave land to both the Arab and Jews. This land has been conquered and owned by many differnt groups. The Jews aceepted and the Arabs didn't. A war was then fought and the Jews won.
You forgot to add that the Brits and U.N. divided the land without consulting the Arab indigenous people of that region and gave most of the land to the Jews. They also gave the most fertile land to the Jews and the seas. B.S. deal if you ask me. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced, massacred, and ethnically clashed to create a Jewish homeland. Palestinian refugees in 1948 and then again in 1967 all in the name of a Jewish homeland and Palestinians never had the promised sovereign state they were promised. They g have been subjugated and occupied ever since to suffer and be oppressed by Israel.

Gaza was given away and then rockets been going into Israel for years. Hammas has called for the destruction of Israel, fires rockets almosst non stop, and then you wanna claim genocide when one side has more casualties. Nothing anyone says will change your mind so you can just enjoy your moral victories on the internet.
Gaza was not simply given away. It is still occupied militarily by air, water and land by Israel. It has been turned into a concentration camp and the people havebeen suffering collective punishment especially ever since Palestinians voted democratically for Hamas. Hamas claim they are defending themselves and their people from Israel's oppression and point Israel at carrying they military bombardments to which they send rocket reprisals as a response.

Hope something works out peacefully but even with a two state solution I can't see it
Me too. I also believe Palestinians have had very incompetent leaders. But do you really think that if Hamas drops their armed resistance that Israel will give Palestinians their lands? I don't think so.
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Change the name of the thread. It's offensive .

Let me quote Professor Boyle:"Israel’s genocidal policy against the Palestinians has been unremitting, extending from before the very foundation of the State of Israel in 1948... Zionism’s “final solution” to Israel’s much touted “demographic threat” allegedly posed by the very existence of the Palestinians has always been genocide."
The ole "I have a black friend. I can't be racist." routine

Why're you still posting in here after Flyeed exposed your true motives? Run along and take useref of whatever with you. Some people are actually trying to have a discussion.
True motives?

Lol. Did I forget to shake your hand at the club or something? You and your friend know who I am somehow but I have no idea what you are talking about.
LA Times

Opinion | July 15, 2014

Israel Can't Win This or Any Future Conflicts by Bombing Gaza

By: Ibrahim Sharqieh

A popular colloquial definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Israel launched military campaigns in 2008 and 2012, purportedly to eliminate Hamas' rocket-launching capabilities from the Gaza Strip. Obviously, the campaigns failed: Hamas is again unleashing a barrage of rockets and Israel is again bombarding Gaza. Israel cannot win this war, primarily because it is fighting only the symptoms of the conflict with the Palestinians — rocket launching — not the underlying causes, which are the Gaza blockade and the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.

The range of Hamas' rockets was about 50 miles in 2012, reaching cities such as Ashdod. Today, some rockets have traveled nearly 100 miles, targeting Tel Aviv and even Haifa. Hamas launched more than 800 rockets in the first six days — more than it did in 21 days in 2008. Israel has launched more than 1,300 airstrikes on Gaza in those first six days.

Seventeen members of the extended family of Tayseer Batsh, the Hamas police chief, were killed by one such airstrike — the largest number from one family in a single attack in the three conflicts. We don't know how long the current conflict will last, but it could prove more punishing this time.

The heavy bombardment of Gaza only deepens the Israelis' problem rather than solving it. Over the last 47 years, Israel has systematically created one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world in the Gaza Strip. The more targets Israel destroys, the more frustration grows among the Gazans. The surviving relatives, neighbors and friends of those killed, and the rest of Gazan society, are more exasperated than ever by the Israeli blockade. Increased frustration within a besieged Gaza is what pushed things to the edge in the first place.

It is delusional to assume that when the current battle ends, both parties will return to their communities to resume normal lives. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has created two meanings of normality. The 40,000 Israeli reservists who were called up this time will, for the most part, go back to their jobs and homes when the fighting ends. But Gazans, 39% of whom are unemployed, will go back to their "normal" lives under the brutal conditions of the Gaza blockade and be at the mercy of Israel's rules about what type and quantity of food and other basics are allowed into Gaza. The Palestinians in the West Bank will go back to their daily humiliation of roadblocks and expanding Israeli settlements at the expense of their livelihoods.

In fact, the two sides are more equal under the conditions of war than those of peace; although the Israelis are much stronger militarily and inflict more damage, both sides feel the effects of being under attack. But when the fighting ends, the Palestinians' version of normality gives them every incentive to defy Israeli roadblocks and blockades. When the choice for Gazans is either accepting the blockade and life in what some have called the largest open-air prison in the world or fighting back, no sane person would consider anything other than the latter option.

To prevent another tragic war in the future, things must change. Palestinians mainly need two things: dignity and bread. Israel must end the occupation in general and the Gaza blockade in particular. The mistake of the 2008 and 2012 mediation efforts was that they produced cease-fires that allowed the Israelis to go back to business as usual — but left the Gaza blockade intact and perpetuated untenable conditions, which led to further and bloodier fighting.

Israel cannot win this or any future conflicts by bombing Gaza. Without addressing the root causes, even crippling Hamas — which was able to impose calm after 2012 — would not be a victory. Instead, it would merely set the stage for the next time, against whatever group or groups — perhaps even more radical than Hamas — that would inevitably emerge to take up its mantle.
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Anyone seen that video where the Israelis cheer with joy whilst bombs land on Gaza?

It's so sad to see what's going on and there's no one helping the people of Gaza.
341 Palestinian deaths; now over 90% of them being civilians, including women and children.

3 dead in Israel, 2 of them who are Israeli military.
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Israel still deliberately targeting civilian areas, including hospitals, mosques and residential areas.
The last thing I want to come out of this is that I'm some "Jew hater". That's ridiculous. I have Jewish friends. I also work for a Jewish manager, and me and him get along so well. This has become laughable at this point. This thread is getting ridiculous with claims and shots being taken.

I've been posting facts in here. This isn't about the Jewish people. This is about the government and leaders of Israel abusing every bit of power they have right now to kill off innocent people.

If you get the notion that I hate Jewish people, well maybe your insecurities are getting the best of you. I've never stated, nor felt that way in my life.

this is getting ridiculous.
The ole "I have a black friend. I can't be racist." routine
 leave this thread, please.
Hamas now resorting to using Donkeys as a shield.

Hamas militants sent a donkey laden with explosives on a suicide mission in one of the most unconventional tactics yet seen in the fighting in Gaza, the Israeli army has said.
Troops said they were forced to open fire on the animal - blowing it up - as it approached their position in the southern city of Rafah, near the Egyptian border.
The Israeli army had received prior intelligence that militants were going to try to use animals to carry out attacks, according to a press release on the Israeli Defence Forces website.
[quote name=url="/t/600484/palestinian-genocide-awareness-thread/330#post_21172927"]

A Former US President Had A Special Insight Into The Evil Of Hamas

Five observations about the Gaza conflict, including praise for an ex-president's insight into the particular nature of Hamas' evil.
1. We can thank former President Bill Clinton for perfect clarity in his comments about the chaos and horror of Gaza. In an interview on Indian television, Clinton—who told us in his memoir that Palestinian self-destructiveness (in the form of Yasir Arafat’s various delusions and prevarications) undid his effort to bring about a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict—blames the Muslim Brotherhood’s Gaza affiliate, Hamas, for adopting a policy of deliberate self-murder in order to present Israel with a set of impossible dilemmas. “Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets in Israel,” Clinton said. “They fired a thousand of them. And they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.”

2. We can thank Hamas for bringing its own form of clarity to this situation. This is the manner in which Hamas works: It builds reinforced bunkers for its leaders (under hospitals and other must-avoid targets) but purposefully neglects to build bomb shelters for the civilians in its putative care. From their bunkers, the leaders order rocket teams to target Israeli civilians. Hamas, which was responsible for the deaths of several hundred Israeli civilians during the second Palestinian uprising alone, has lately been less effective at killing Israelis, but nevertheless, the rockets keep launching. When you repeatedly fire rockets at civilian targets in a neighboring country, that country usually responds militarily. Civilians get killed during the Israeli response in part because Hamas rocket teams operate from sites that are among Gaza's most densely populated, and in part because Hamas stores its weapons in schools and mosques.

The goal of Hamas—the actual, overarching goal—is to terrorize the Jews of Israel, through mass murder, into abandoning their country. If generations of Palestinians have to be sacrificed to that goal, well, Hamas believes such sacrifices are theologically justified.

3. Bill Clinton is far from the only Western leader to understand Hamas' strategy. President Obama himself has spoken strongly about Israel's right to self-defense. Here is what he said Wednesday: "As I’ve said repeatedly, Israel has a right to defend itself from rocket attacks that terrorize the Israeli people. There is no country on Earth that can be expected to live under a daily barrage of rockets."

Not everyone understands this principle. I am not talking about anti-Jewish propagandists such as Turkey's Tayyip Recep Erdogan, a serial human rights violator who cynically accuses Israel of committing "genocide." I think he understands the principle discussed by Obama and rejects it because Obama is applying it to a Jewish country. I'm talking now about the myopia of otherwise well-meaning people. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the institution that cares for Palestinians but whose actual raison d'être is the perpetuation of the stateless status of the descendants of refugees from 1948, recently tweeted this thought to its followers: “Palestinian children in #Gaza are experiencing severe trauma for the 3rd time in 5 years. The effects are lasting.” Entirely, miserably, true. An alternative to this current horrible reality presented itself in 2005, when the Israeli government—after years of foolish and destructive colonization—expelled thousands of Jewish settlers from Gaza and then withdrew its army. The Palestinian leadership could have taken the opportunity created by the Israeli withdrawal to build the nucleus of a state. Instead, Gaza was converted into a rocket-manufacturing and -launching facility. But here’s a bit of good news: The people of Gaza, who suffer from Hamas rule, appear to be tired of it. In a recent Pew poll, 63 percent of Gazans surveyed disapproved of Hamas. Perhaps this is because the people have come to realize that Hamas has brought them nothing but grief, sloganeering, and military defeat.

4. Hamas is not only isolated inside Gaza. This latest round of the Hamas-Israel fight is notable for two reasons: The first is the seeming success of the Israeli-developed, American-funded Iron Dome anti-rocket system, which has helped thwart Hamas' plan to terrorize and murder civilians in Israel. The second reason is that Hamas has been shown to be almost entirely friendless in the region. The Egyptian government blames Hamas for this conflict, as do commentators across the Gulf. Relations between Hamas and its traditional backers, the Iranians and the Syrians, have deteriorated markedly. Hamas is in a weaker position than it has been in years, which gives Israel an opportunity, if it chooses to take it.

5. A ground operation by Israel to destroy the tunnels that are used to convey terrorists under Gaza’s border and into Israel seems like a prudent move (more prudent than aerial bombardment, which, because of its imprecision, helps Hamas achieve its goal of creating Palestinian martyrs). Operating against extremists committed to killing Jewish civilians seems like a necessary part of any Israeli national security strategy. But what happens after the inevitable ceasefire matters as well, and we lack signs that the Netanyahu government is thinking strategically. Setting back the cause of extremists is half the battle; buttressing moderates is the other half. Netanyahu and his ministers are notably inexpert at helping the more moderate Palestinian factions strengthen their hold on the West Bank, and they specialize in putting their collective thumb in the eye of Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority. A clever post-conflict Israeli strategy would be to help the Palestinian Authority extend its mandate more deeply into Gaza (I’ll have more about the troubled P.A.-Hamas unity government later), because there is no permanent military solution to Israel’s rocket problem, only a political one.

Some commentators, like the excellent Shlomo Avineri, believe that even Palestinian moderates such as Abbas are incapable of making final-status compromises, because they are "genuinely uninterested in a solution of two states for two peoples because they’re unwilling to grant legitimacy to the Jewish right of self-determination." I don't disagree that many, many Palestinians fall into this category. But I'm not giving up yet. Where Avineri is right is in his argument that Israel must take the interim steps, regardless of Palestinian participation, to protect its democratic character. Israeli moderates must "demand a complete halt to construction in the settlements, the evacuation of illegal outposts, a reexamination—once the current tension has ebbed—of the Israel Defense Forces’ deployment in the West Bank, and the removal of what remains of the Gaza blockade (possibly in coordination with Egypt after the current fighting ends)."

I'm not hopeful at all that the Netanyahu government will listen to such advice. Because myopia has shown itself to be the enemy of compromise and progress in Israel, and not just in Gaza.

This is a thread in awareness of the Palestinian civilians dying at the hands of the Israeli government - I suggest you create a new thread and post that trash elsewhere.
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What the hell are you trying to get at?

That is exactly what is wrong with all this and you just proved it.

You are deducing and reducing the whole Palestinian population of Gaza as all Hamas. That militant group is only a tiny percentage of the population. So you reducing all Palestinians as Hamas demonizes the whole Palestinian people so Israel can justify its aggression and killings of civilians. Why are civilians suffering collective punishment for a very small fraction of the population?

Trust me, Israel needs Hamas. They helped create them in the late 80s. It gives Israel an excuse to keep stealing lands from the Palestinians and keep occupying them. Hamas only was created in 1987 and only ruled Gaza in the mid 2000s. Palestinians were being slaughtered like this by Israel even without Hamas in power in Gaza. You think Israel would have given Palestinians their lands once Hamas disarm or dismantle? You're delusional if you think so. Hamas is gone, resistance is dead. And then what? What excuse will Israel have to keep greater Israel in its palm? Just the Palestinian people themselves is all it takes to boil their blood. They stand in the way of Zionism and their agenda for the state of Israel. They're seen as a problem and little pests which need to be trampled on and get rid of. The refugee issue, Jerusalem, and other problems for the greater vision for Israel as a state...So what to do? Keep implementing a brutal occupation, keep killing civilians and making sure more fundamentalists arise out of the ashes. That's the only way Israel can keep using its aggressive means to justify their torturous policies towards the Palestinian problem.

This is all about killing and demoralizing the Palestinian morale and killing Palestinian civilians for Israel to get a stronger hold on the occupation, besides trying to cripple Hamas. Really? You think Israel is using excessive unproportional force which is completely unnecessary to only defend flimsy rocket attacks that have minimal impact and can be effectively stopped? The Palestinians have every right to resist the occupation by any means they deem necessary. Remember, it is Israel who are the occupiers.

The way Israel is using excessive force and its killing of Palestinian civilians is unjustifiable. Most Palestinians are not Hamas for Palestinian civilians to be killed in high numbers like this. This is outright wrong and a war crime. Period.
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The fact that you are posting articles saying Israel is paying people to post propaganda, but fail to acknowledge your side is doing the exact same thing. Except without the incentive of offering money, because they are too busy spending it on terrorist tunnels and etc. Why won't Hamas build bomb shelters for its citizens? You see all the concrete they've been using for tunnels to get into Israel? Why not help out their own civilians? The fact is that they don't care about the Palestinian people, only the destruction of a Jewish state.

Look what happened in Shuja'iya yesterday. Israel has been telling them to evacuate, but Hamas tells them NO, don't leave, stay in your houses and get killed by Israeli forces when you know they are coming. This is all apart of Hamas plan. Have Israel kill innocent people to make them look worse and have people up in arms over civilian causalities.

Hamas is needed to Israel so they can keep occupying their land? What they hell are you even talking about. Israel withdrew from Gaza with the hope they can do something prosperous there, but all that came about was a terrorists group who constantly fires rockets into Israel day in and day out.

How do you even justify the fact Hamas wants to put grenades in little kids hands? What do you expect to happen to these kids when confronting defense forces?
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This is a thread in awareness of the Palestinian civilians dying at the hands of the Israeli government - I suggest you create a new thread and post that trash elsewhere.

I'm not going to acknowledge this ridiculous thread title. This is a thread to talk about this conflict.

Like you mentioned a few pages ago....freedom of speech. I can voice what I want in here regarding this topic.
Thirteen Israeli soldiers and at least 50 Palestinian civilians were reported killed as the campaign ramped up and fierce shelling struck the eastern neighborhoods of Gaza City. More than 200 civilians were injured, according to Gaza medical officials and local reports that described the scene as a massacre.

"They killed our people," said injured man Ahmed Mansour, 27. "They even shelled people as they fled their houses. What kind of human beings could do that?"

^ and that's as if they had a place to flee to in the first place

So now they are massacring civilians by shelling entire neighborhoods (death toll has gone well over 400), losing their own soldiers, and still utterly failing at stopping the rockets (94 hit yesterday). This is similar to what happened when they tried to invade Lebanon in 2006.

View media item 1088449[img]

Also interesting how major media organizations keep pulling/replacing reporters covering this.
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