Theyve gone through a cycle of being conquered and ruled in their home by Muslims since 600 AD. Before that it was the Romans. Palestine been launching rockets from Gaza and * for a while dude.
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It wasn't their "home" until the late 1940's. They were for sure pushed around in places like Europe back in the day, but nobody is pushing them around anymore.
Theyve gone through a cycle of being conquered and ruled in their home by Muslims since 600 AD. Before that it was the Romans. I meant Jews as a whole but w/e.
I'm sensing that you don't have a grasp on the politics of the actual situation going on now.
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I'm sensing that you don't have a grasp on the politics of the actual situation going on now.

Word. I bet that he'd also think that Russia's been getting pushed around by Ukraine and has the right to invade/fight them by proxy
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i think what he meant was jews have been getting pushed around, however that still doesn't justify killing more than 800 people.  i don't care how many times u been woken up by sirens.

Most Palestinians did not leave because their Arab leaders urged them too. Around only 5% did. Most left due to persecution, war, etc. Most were expulsed because of ethnic cleansing of their towns and due to massacres.
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Israel won't let them leave. Now you're enlightened.

Why should they leave if they do not want to? Plus they'd never be allowed back in to see other family members.

Palestinians are not treated too well by other Arab countries. But some Arab countries like Jordan and Syrian gave them access to a lot of services and jobs.

Palestinians are used as pawns as well by some Arab leaders and regimes for their own political gains.
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I'm seeing on fb my Jewish friends get mad at any sympathy for Palestine and criticism of israel.
So do you guys see anything wrong with Hamas, or are you going to avoid answering that too?
Walid Shoebat: “Why is it that on June 4th 1967 Iwas a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”  Yasser Arafat, born in Egypt suddenly became Palestinian overnight. Palestine is a fictional country. Not in our Quran.
Walid Shoebat: “Why is it that on June 4th 1967 Iwas a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”  Yasser Arafat, born in Egypt suddenly became Palestinian overnight. Palestine is a fictional country. Not in our Quran.
There are countless of maps of the area that are hundreds of years old and have the world "Palestine" as the name for the land. And even if Arafat was born in Egypt, that is still substantially closer to Palestine than Belarus, Poland, Russia and the other countries where the zionist leaders were born. And since you brought religion into it, I am pretty sure that the land is holy for the Muslims and has the third holiest place in Islam after Mecca and Medina.
There are countless of maps of the area that are hundreds of years old and have the world "Palestine" as the name for the land. And even if Arafat was born in Egypt, that is still substantially closer to Palestine than Belarus, Poland, Russia and the other countries where the zionist leaders were born. And since you brought religion into it, I am pretty sure that the land is holy for the Muslims and has the third holiest place in Islam after Mecca and Medina.
I didn't mean to bring religion into it, I just copy and pasted the whole quote 
People on both sides dying for no reason.

Even though the land rightfully belongs to the Palestinians IMO, this war will never end in their favor, Israel is way too powerful. 

You mean the US? That's the 51st state bruh
So do you guys see anything wrong with Hamas, or are you going to avoid answering that too?

I repeated numerous times, I abhor Hamas. They're rocket firing and targeting of civilians is unjustifiable. However, as the weaker party who do not have Israel's military might, they are limited in tactics and strategies and will resort to other unjustifiable means. Israel is still the bigger and badder one.
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Walid Shoebat: “Why is it that on June 4th 1967 Iwas a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”  Yasser Arafat, born in Egypt suddenly became Palestinian overnight. Palestine is a fictional country. Not in our Quran.

Walid Shoebat is a fakeand is not the greatest person to quote. A lot of things he says are unverified and no evidence is found of his claims.

As for Arafat, who are you to claim what he is? He is Palestinian and Egyptian by blood and moved to Jerusalem as a child.

I was born in Kuwait. Who are you to claim i am not Palestinian because of where I was born. Yet Jews and their ancestors from eastern Europe who never visited Israel can go and move to Israel and claim Israeli citizenship?
Israeli settlers and soldiers shot 4 Palestinians dead during peaceful demonstrations in the West Bank calling for a stop to Israel's bombardment of Gaza. One of them worked for the Defence for Children International charity.
Israeli settlers and soldiers shot 4 Palestinians dead during peaceful demonstrations in the West Bank calling for a stop to Israel's bombardment of Gaza. One of them worked for the Defence for Children International charity.

Peaceful demonstrations? Nothing I'm seeing out of East Jerusalem in terms of demonstrations has been peaceful.
Israeli settlers and soldiers shot 4 Palestinians dead during peaceful demonstrations in the West Bank calling for a stop to Israel's bombardment of Gaza. One of them worked for the Defence for Children International charity.

Peaceful demonstrations? Nothing I'm seeing out of East Jerusalem in terms of demonstrations has been peaceful.
Exactly... You can't really have demonstrations when you are already engaged in warfare. The moment Hamas decided to fire rockets the whole of Palestine is considered a combat zone.
Israeli settlers and soldiers shot 4 Palestinians dead during peaceful demonstrations in the West Bank calling for a stop to Israel's bombardment of Gaza. One of them worked for the Defence for Children International charity.

Peaceful demonstrations? Nothing I'm seeing out of East Jerusalem in terms of demonstrations has been peaceful.
Exactly... You can't really have demonstrations when you are already engaged in warfare. The moment Hamas decided to fire rockets the whole of Palestine is considered a combat zone.

Y'all in here still claiming that the PEOPLE are running into the rockets huh? :smh:
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Exactly... You can't really have demonstrations when you are already engaged in warfare. The moment Hamas decided to fire rockets the whole of Palestine is considered a combat zone.

Were the protesters running around with guns shooting Israelis? It is the IDF which then comes in with their riot dispersal tactics to disrupt the demonstration and use scare tactics and shooting to kill a few to lay as an example. Supposedly to keep the peace from a few rioters. Imagine the outcry in North America if riot police killed a few rioters. Why the hell do you have a settler coming out with a gun and killing a demonstrator? Let alone a 17 yr old demonstrator shot dead????

No surprise. Excuses and justifying Israel's killing of innocent civilians.
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Anyone defending Hamas and Palestine should move to Gaza or another Mideast country to chill with their peaceful brethren.

So this is what we resort to? Can't even defend our people/land without being told to get the hell out of somehere?

Very typical zionist response.

Zionism should just be reclassified as racism.
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