So this is what we resort to? Can't even defend our people/land without being told to get the hell out of somehere?

Very typical zionist response.

Zionism should just be reclassified as racism.

Where did he tell you to get the hell out? You seem to misinterpret a lot of things. What I believe he means is to look how Hamas treats their own civilians.'s not very good.

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I'm going to make this very clear once again, I'm here to bring awareness to the Isreali Occupation of the Palestinian people, the racism and segregation it places upon the Palestinian people and the terrorism it forces upon the Palestinain people.

I'm not here to argue which side is wrong, and I'm not here to hear out any reasoning done by any Israel supporter, sympathizer without regard to the innocent civlians killed by the Terrorist acts done by the Israeli people, government or leaders.

So if you're an Israeli, and Israeli supporter or a sympathizer - I suggest you create your own thread (once again) and stay out of here with that trash you guys try reasoning yourselves with.

It's been made clear you guys fully support a terrorism state like Israel; therefore - I will no longer acknowledge, respond or feed into any of the ******** you guys bring into this thread.

Any person who does so, will be blocked and ultimately ignored - I have no tolerance for people who support Zionism, or terroist acts upon innocent people.
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Someone supporting Israel put me on, all I been hearing is free pal and I'm on the fence haven't heard reasons for the hate on Palestine
You seem to completely ignore the fact that Hamas has been killings innocent people indiscriminantly just as much as Israel has. Their own people even. How you can honestly talk about Israel being a "terror state" with such determined indignation is very worrying. I fear for the safety of those you associate with who dont sympathize with terrorists.
I'm going to make this very clear once again, I'm here to bring awareness to the Isreali Occupation of the Palestinian people, the racism and segregation it places upon the Palestinian people and the terrorism it forces upon the Palestinain people.

I'm not here to argue which side is wrong, and I'm not here to hear out any reasoning done by any Israel supporter, sympathizer without regard to the innocent civlians killed by the Terrorist acts done by the Israeli people, government or leaders.

So if you're an Israeli, and Israeli supporter or a sympathizer - I suggest you create your own thread (once again) and stay out of here with that trash you guys try reasoning yourselves with.

It's been made clear you guys fully support a terrorism state like Israel; therefore - I will no longer acknowledge, respond or feed into any of the ******** you guys bring into this thread.

Any person who does so, will be blocked and ultimately ignored - I have no tolerance for people who support Zionism, or terroist acts upon innocent people.

Sounds like you're actually the racist one.
You seem to completely ignore the fact that Hamas has been killings innocent people indiscriminantly just as much as Israel has. Their own people even. How you can honestly talk about Israel being a "terror state" with such determined indignation is very worrying. I fear for the safety of those you associate with who dont sympathize with terrorists.
This has to be a joke. Compare the death toll between both sides and your argument is dead. All i'm hearing is denial when it comes to Israel and their terroristic tactics. It's such a shame, brainwashing at its finest. 
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Also to make clear once again, I have 2 sisters and 1 brother living currently in the Beit-Hanina neighborhood of East Jerusalam.

And my father was laid to rest in the West Bank.

This touches close to home for me.
You seem to completely ignore the fact that Hamas has been killings innocent people indiscriminantly just as much as Israel has. Their own people even. How you can honestly talk about Israel being a "terror state" with such determined indignation is very worrying. I fear for the safety of those you associate with who dont sympathize with terrorists.

This has to be a joke. Compare the death toll between both sides and your argument is dead. All i'm hearing is denial when it comes to Israel and their terroristic tactics. It's such a shame, brainwashing at its finest. 

Fox news lies, CNN lies. Joan Rivers lies too...

..but we all know that numbers don't lie.

Nearly 800 civilans dead compared to 3. This isn't a war or battle. It's onslaught masscare after the Israeli government pushed it's propeganda of it's 3 boys killed, supposedly by Hamas - who then denied the killings. So instead of launching an appropriate investigation - they accused - without evidence, Hamas as the killers.

Yet, Hamas has no problem admitting killings of any kind - usually boasting about them - but here in this matter, they denied it. Yet, Israel insisted it was them - creating an uprise with it's Israeli population , further pushing the envelope of attacking civilians in Gaza...

This was planned in heart by the Israeli government, to further push it's genocidal proposition and force the 120,000 currently without a home, into refuge.

So in part, this is EXACTLY the way the state of Israel planned this out - and unfortunately, is working.
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The usually honest and forthcoming Hamas denies the brutal killing of Israeli kids. Yeah Ill take their word for it. Radical Islam has causef the deaths of hundreds off thosuands, many of them innocents. This goes way beyond the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is a country standing up against a murderous, intolerant and bloodthirsty faction of a religion that would wipe them off the face of the Earth if given ample oppurtunity.
Fox news lies, CNN lies. Joan Rivers lies too...

..but we all know that numbers don't lie.

Nearly 800 civilans dead compared to 3. This isn't a war or battle. It's onslaught masscare after the Israeli government pushed it's propeganda of it's 3 boys killed, supposedly by Hamas - who then denied the killings. So instead of launching an appropriate investigation - they accused - without evidence, Hamas as the killers.

Yet, Hamas has no problem admitting killings of any kind - usually boasting about them - but here in this matter, they denied it. Yet, Israel insisted it was them - creating an uprise with it's Israeli population , further pushing the envelope of attacking civilians in Gaza...

This was planned in heart by the Israeli government, to further push it's genocidal proposition and force the 120,000 currently without a home, into refuge.

So in part, this is EXACTLY the way the state of Israel planned this out - and unfortunately, is working.

We get it...every news broadcast is lying......except Al Jazeera and PressTV. I don't know what news network you're watching, but they are ALL reporting the civilian deaths going on in Gaza and constantly mentioning it. It's not like they're trying to hide the civilian death count.

Oh Hamas didn't come out and admit it this time, I'll put all my faith in them telling the truth then. Yeah.....ok. Either way if they did it or not, Israel doesn't need to justify it when there are sophisticated terror tunnels connecting Gaza to the backyards of Israeli civilians along with thousands of rockets being fired. It is what it is.

So in part, this is EXACTLY the way Hamas and Gaza planned this out. Have Israel kill its citizens and make them look awful with the high civilian death count, which some are yes, unjustifiable.
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Anyone defending Hamas and Palestine should move to Gaza or another Mideast country to chill with their peaceful brethren.
Exactly! Better to move to civilized peaceful Russia where gangs of skinheads beat black or Central Asian looking people to death (literally) on the streets or public transport vehicles and then post the recorded video on the Internet. I guess that is also why you support the blatantly racist zionist regime that treats its immigrants like sub-humans.
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This has to be one of the few times that I agree with AT on something. None of the Israeli supporters in this thread have given any sort of plausible justification for the overwhelmingly disproportionate response taken by Israel against the Palestinians. It's straight collective punishment against an entire group of people for the defensive,yet still abhorrent, actions of a minority of the population. The whole self defense justification for these miltary operations has always been off base in regards to International law when held in the context of an ongoing occupation and inhumane blockade that has lasted for decades.
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This has to be one of the few times that I agree with AT on something. None of the Israeli supporters in this thread have given any sort of plausible justification for the overwhelmingly disproportionate response taken by Israel against the Palestinians. It's straight collective punishment against an entire group of people for the defensive,yet still abhorrent, actions of a minority of the population. The whole self defense justification for these miltary operations has always been off base in regards to International law when held in the context of an ongoing occupation and inhumane blockade that has lasted for decades.

Couldn't of summarized this particular situation any better my dude, repped.
Thanks. One of the more quality, unbiased, fact filled posts in this thread. Repped.

the simple answer to your question is that the arab countries have been bought by the israelis and the united states....they do so much business with those two countries to risk anything for palestinians...

when your talking about trillions of dollars and the power to do anything you want in this world...religion, life, culture, unity, brotherhood becomes an after thought.

all the 'muslim' countries in the region are zionist supporters and thus do not get involved...

watch this very short video by george galloway who makes a point about the unusual silence of the muslim world/arab world:

when we talk about "muslim" countries and the arab world it almost always refers to the government/political leadership in that area...there is a strong unity amongst the people which is very positive.
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Muslim countries use palestinans like tools. Their leaders love having Israel to point to. Instead of focusing their anger and rage at the leaders, they focus their attention towards the Jews. I promise you, must of these leaders do not want Israel to go away. Do you really think Iran's neighbors want Iran to have a nuke?

There are several themes that keep popping up

1- "Israel essentially shouldn't have a border"

It's ludicrous and wouldn't be asked of any other country.

2- "there would be peace if the blockade was lifted."

I see no reason to believe that is the case.

Before there was a barricade their we're countless suicide bombings in Israel. Even the bare minimum of supplies going in now... They build tunnels and buy rockets. You cannot convince me that a group that calls for the destruction of Israel will suddenly be peaceful when they are given more resources to operate. This is a huge issue that needs much thought. How can this be fixed so that Israel is safe but the blockade is lifted?

3- "who cares if Hamas sends bombs into Israel. The iron dome has a 99% success rate"

This one is plain stupidity. No country will continue to love under rocket fire. The killing isnt disproportionate due to lack of trying. Hamas simply isn't as successful. Make no mistake about that. Just because they aren't good at doing what they are attempting to do...(which is kill innocent Israelis)... Doesn't mean Israel will be okay with rockets lobbed into their country. And neither would you.

Does anyone actually have a plan of any sort? Besides "Israel shouldn't exist" or "palestinans remain under the current conditions in Gaza"

Because that's all that matters at this point. Every argument is going in circles and this is a complex issue no matter what people like AT will say. (mostly because it hits him very personally)


It's not a black and white issue... So whats the solution?
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Lol @ all Muslim countries are Zionist. I don't know how you guys make this stuff up. it's Creative to say the least. Goading Arab countries to support Hamas by accusing them to be Zionist if they don't. I support Palestine. I don't support Hamas. Hamas must go for there to be any peace. Without conflict Hamas loses support and $$. They need the conflict to continue to maintain power. It's easy to see.
someone said, if you support Hamas or whatevers go join the militant groups.

Per US counter terrorism officials, new inflows of foreign fighters, many with western and US passports are joining groups in Syria and Iraq. go look it up.

And theres no point trying to discuss when certain individuals want to bully others. Funny how they claim to support and sympathize Hammas on such a bias and condensed look but hypocritically act other wise. No American values or ettiquette, just lame rage. Basically any sort of free dom of speech in this thread against OP will be ignored. For those that continue to discuss, don‘t waste your time.

Guys who wanna fight this and not just talk can go there. Aviation bans were lifted. Plenty of groups and choices for you and your people. Might as well give up your US citizenship. No wonder this can never end, the rage spills over,

talk the talk, but go walk the walk.

happy friday. cheers
someone said, if you support Hamas or whatevers go join the militant groups.

Per US counter terrorism officials, new inflows of foreign fighters, many with western and US passports are joining groups in Syria and Iraq. go look it up.

And theres no point trying to discuss when certain individuals want to bully others. Funny how they claim to support and sympathize Hammas on such a bias and condensed look but hypocritically act other wise. No American values or ettiquette, just lame rage. Basically any sort of free dom of speech in this thread against OP will be ignored. For those that continue to discuss, don‘t waste your time.

Guys who wanna fight this and not just talk can go there. Aviation bans were lifted. Plenty of groups and choices for you and your people. Might as well give up your US citizenship. No wonder this can never end, the rage spills over,

talk the talk, but go walk the walk.

happy friday. cheers

So you're saying anyone that supports the Palestinian people; and are against or criticizes Israeli political policies and aggression are a terrorist and should go overseas and fight as one?

That's pretty damn racist and radical if you ask me.

Thanks for your open view on this. Let's see what Mr @Methodical Management feels about this.
So you're saying anyone that supports the Palestinian people; and are against or criticizes Israeli political policies and aggression are a terrorist and should go overseas and fight as one?

That's pretty damn racist and radical if you ask me.

Thanks for your open view on this. Let's see what Mr @Methodical Management feels about this.

How you gonna tattle on him when you've said some extremely controversial things in this thread?

Not that I agree with what he's said and believe you twisting his words, it's really not much different from you saying anybody who supports Israel is a terrorist.
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I think Animal Thug should just do as he wants and ban all Israelis and Israel supporters from the thread so we can see how Meth feels about that.
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