Kind of topic, but sort of correlates. One thing that bothers me about the recent situation is that I'm seeing people who do not normally talk about Mid East politics now all of sudden have a "moral conscious" about Palestinian civilians being killed because "X" celebrity hashtags "free palestine". Yet, these are the same people that were in favor of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and drone bombings in numerous other countries in which thousands of civilians were murdered. Said nothing. Where were you when news surfaced of drone bombings of kids' birthdays in Afghanistan? Where were you when US troops massacred civilians and then posed with pictures with the dead corpses? Where were you when 16 year old Abdulraman al-Awlaki was killed?

Everybody has been complaining about the wars since bush... what are you talking about?
It's getting worse and worse each day |I . Here's a pretty graphic video of an IDF sniper taking out a relief worker that was trying to look for his family and other injured Gazans. They were indescriminately shooting during an announced "ceasefire".

Kind of topic, but sort of correlates. One thing that bothers me about the recent situation is that I'm seeing people who do not normally talk about Mid East politics now all of sudden have a "moral conscious" about Palestinian civilians being killed because "X" celebrity hashtags "free palestine". Yet, these are the same people that were in favor of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and drone bombings in numerous other countries in which thousands of civilians were murdered. Said nothing. Where were you when news surfaced of drone bombings of kids' birthdays in Afghanistan? Where were you when US troops massacred civilians and then posed with pictures with the dead corpses? Where were you when 16 year old Abdulraman al-Awlaki was killed?

It is because of the awareness news shared through and popularity of digital and social media. Back then in 2008-2009 during Operation Cast Lead against Palestinians in Gaza there wasn't as much awareness on social media like this either because it was less popular. Back then you had the public get more brainwashed by mainstream media whereas now you cannot control or hide pictures of dead Palestinian babies in the blogosphere or anywhere on the internet. All over Twitter and Facebook.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict strikes a cord with the public because of all the ties to the region due to the conflict and since its been going on almost 70 years.
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It is because of the awareness news shared through and popularity of digital and social media. Back then in 2008-2009 during Operation Cast Lead against Palestinians in Gaza there wasn't as much awareness on social media like this either because it was less popular. Back then you had the public get more brainwashed by mainstream media whereas now you cannot control or hide pictures of dead Palestinian babies in the blogosphere or anywhere on the internet. All over Twitter and Facebook.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict strikes a cord with the public because of all the ties to the region due to the conflict and since its been going on almost 70 years.

My concern is that it's become "fashionable". Darfur, "Bring Our Girls Home", ect. all fashionable and for people to say "Hey look at me! I suppport 'X'. Let me give a "Like" on FB or RT on Twitter to make it seem like I care.". True, it's been brought to their attention, but in 2 weeks it will be forgotten about.

Everybody has been complaining about the wars since bush... what are you talking about?

Not so, sir. Who's this everybody?
Kind of topic, but sort of correlates. One thing that bothers me about the recent situation is that I'm seeing people who do not normally talk about Mid East politics now all of sudden have a "moral conscious" about Palestinian civilians being killed because "X" celebrity hashtags "free palestine". Yet, these are the same people that were in favor of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and drone bombings in numerous other countries in which thousands of civilians were murdered. Said nothing. Where were you when news surfaced of drone bombings of kids' birthdays in Afghanistan? Where were you when US troops massacred civilians and then posed with pictures with the dead corpses? Where were you when 16 year old Abdulraman al-Awlaki was killed?
Everybody has been complaining about the wars since bush... what are you talking about?

obama won his first election on the "pulling troops out" card ....well it was one of his strategies 
Theres no real point discussing anyway. But its cool to talk. As some have posted, its just talk. You either stand one way or the other.

So to further it, I suggested to just let them fight it out. Its harsh, but what do you expect? A petition for a militia? A charity or fund? With any bloodshed, resolution is often established by the winner. Is this not correct?

Can you supporters as some claim to be,
look at religion and beliefs ad a cause for this? Rationalr and logic are defined differently by those people.

NT doesnt handle political threads too well, so people are often hessitant to say what they wanna say.
Kind of topic, but sort of correlates. One thing that bothers me about the recent situation is that I'm seeing people who do not normally talk about Mid East politics now all of sudden have a "moral conscious" about Palestinian civilians being killed because "X" celebrity hashtags "free palestine". Yet, these are the same people that were in favor of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and drone bombings in numerous other countries in which thousands of civilians were murdered. Said nothing. Where were you when news surfaced of drone bombings of kids' birthdays in Afghanistan? Where were you when US troops massacred civilians and then posed with pictures with the dead corpses? Where were you when 16 year old Abdulraman al-Awlaki was killed?

Most people do not realize how senseless it is when it comes to war. There is no remorse or regret. People just dont accept this, especially in this day and age.

What about people beheading other people in the history of civilization? How are you supposed to define what‘s humane and whats not in warfare?

Perhaps some of you folks should recall your history classes. Don‘t expect the USA to liberate and bully every little thing.
Heh @ calling a modern day genocide as "just war"

Guess that's what hitler was was just war right?

israel is bombing a city of 1.8million with the most sophisticated military technology available...

yet the death toll is less than 500? heavy handed and unfair agression maybe.... but calling this genocide is a disrespect to the millions in cambodia, vietnam, germany, rwanda, congo that have actually been massacred
Are you not aware that 80% of the attacks committed since July 6th have been on women and children?? Are you also aware that the definition of a genocide has no direct correlation with the number of deaths, but WHO is killed and HOW, how many are displaced from their home and how many begin to seek refuge??

We have people in this thread who are attempting to justify terror and a legitimate genocide....that's just sad as the creation of the state of Israel itself.

We've seen this happen before though, in regards to anyone who supports the state of's to use lies, to cover up more lies, to cover their ***.
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Kind of topic, but sort of correlates. One thing that bothers me about the recent situation is that I'm seeing people who do not normally talk about Mid East politics now all of sudden have a "moral conscious" about Palestinian civilians being killed because "X" celebrity hashtags "free palestine". Yet, these are the same people that were in favor of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and drone bombings in numerous other countries in which thousands of civilians were murdered. Said nothing. Where were you when news surfaced of drone bombings of kids' birthdays in Afghanistan? Where were you when US troops massacred civilians and then posed with pictures with the dead corpses? Where were you when 16 year old Abdulraman al-Awlaki was killed?

it's annoying to see, but it happens ALL the time with whatever the new "trendy" issue is. things like wear X color shirt to "support" Y used to always get me :smh: thing is not everyone has the time/intelligence to learn about/understand injustices in the world that dont visibly affect them, thats just a fact - and no one "was there" or can be there for all of them. maybe a few people learned/might remember where gaza is on the map now which is better than nothing.
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Are you not aware that 80% of the attacks committed since July 6th have been on women and children?? Are you also aware that the definition of a genocide has no direct correlation with the number of deaths, but WHO is killed and HOW, how many are displaced from their home and how many begin to seek refuge??

We have people in this thread who are attempting to justify terror and a legitimate genocide....that's just sad as the creation of the state of Israel itself.

We've seen this happen before though, in regards to anyone who supports the state of's to use lies, to cover up more lies, to cover their ***.

So what you're essentially saying is Hamas is trying to commit genocide on the Jewish people too then, right? By firing rockets into 100% civilian areas, their goal is to kill innocent civilians, and sometimes they are successful.
its not genocide. its a massacre. its senseless. but its not genocide. its ridiculous tho.
Are you not aware that 80% of the attacks committed since July 6th have been on women and children?? Are you also aware that the definition of a genocide has no direct correlation with the number of deaths, but WHO is killed and HOW, how many are displaced from their home and how many begin to seek refuge??

We have people in this thread who are attempting to justify terror and a legitimate genocide....that's just sad as the creation of the state of Israel itself.

We've seen this happen before though, in regards to anyone who supports the state of's to use lies, to cover up more lies, to cover their ***.

So what you're essentially saying is Hamas is trying to commit genocide on the Jewish people too then, right? By firing rockets into 100% civilian areas, their goal is to kill innocent civilians, and sometimes they are successful.

Nope. I don't think up to date with what's going on RIGHT NOW.

It's a genocide when they're deliberatly killing innocent women and children by the 1000's, forcing 80,000 (current numbers) to seek refuge because their homes were blown up to rubbles by adavanced military artiliary.

Israel has this Iron Dome knocks down 75% of the missiles shot at them in defense, so the state of Israel would never face the same barbaric attacks that the Palestinians face that kill as many civilians.
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Nope. I don't think up to date with what's going on RIGHT NOW.

It's a genocide when they're deliberatly killing innocent women and children by the 1000's, forcing 80,000 (current numbers) to seek refuge because their homes were blown up to rubbles by adavanced military artiliary.

Israel has this Iron Dome knocks down 75% of the missiles shot at them in defense, so the state of Israel would never face the same barbaric attacks that the Palestinians face that kill as many civilians.

You just said numbers didn't matter though.

Even before this conflict started a month or so ago and before the teens were kidnapped, there were rockets being fired from Gaza by the hundreds weekly. Why should ANY country have to put up with rockets flying into its country??

Like I've said this whole's very sad that all these civilians are being killed and these houses blown up to rubble...but under these houses are tunnels that Hamas use to try and kill innocent civilians as well.

And the Iron Dome is EXACTLY what is wrong with this situation. It SAVES Israeli lives. Would people be more empathetic with Israel if they didn't have the Iron Dome and more Israeli civilians were being killed?

I guess we can blame Israel and the success of Iron Dome for coming up with solutions to protect its civilians from terrorists.
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There is no genocide happening in Israel, sorry.

And again, I suggest you create a new thread for that topic - it doesn't belong here.
hamas and idf are attempting genocide...

israel is just better at it and palestine gets handed the L's
And the Iron Dome is EXACTLY what is wrong with this situation. It SAVES Israeli lives.
No it doesn't. Every Palestinian person that is murdered by Israel is someone's son, someone's father, someone's mother, someone's cousin, someone's friend. Every house they destroy was built by someone and is probably just about the only material possession they had. Israel is only generating more hate in the long run through their atrocities, creating more and more people who have lost everything and have nothing else to lose except their life that they are ready to give with explosives strapped around their chest in a crowded area.
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hamas and idf are attempting genocide...

israel is just better at it and palestine gets handed the L's

You literally have no knowledge of the situation at hand. The difference of levels of military, the killings, the numbers of those displaced and seeking refuge staggering. There is no damn "attempting" of genocide of the Palestinian people, because It's actually happening as we speak.

And FTR, Hamas has been willing to sit down and negotitate a peace treaty for YEARS, but the state of Israel refuses by classifying them as terrorists.

And Im stating this from now, I will not be responding to any Israel-supporters/sympathizers in this case, there's nothing much for you to argue here. Your country is a terrorist state, lead by terrorist leaders making terrorist decisions - regardless of how you try to justify it.
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It's like Los Angeles going to war with the Valley. At any moment, one push of a button, your block is gone. Why? Cause they suspect you have weaponry. 

I know it has already been said but the only FACTS you need to know are...

1. It's Palestine's land.

2. For all the disgust the holocaust received, the world turns a blind eye to the holocaust being implemented in Israel by Israelis. They house Palestinians in concentration camps and kill aimlessly.

The world is disgusting.
I dont think anyone wants to see the innocent get hurt, but when you are at war, any thing goes. Call it whatever you want.

Its kinda like saying, the US atomic bomb was also an attempt at genocide? Massacre? You can debate all you want, when you go to war, you go to war.

All this courtesy stuff some of you believe to exist is not applicable. This is a fact.

War is not a sport! What else do you folks wanna talk about? That maybe Israel.should pun point attacks on just the military? Is that supposed to make it less of a genocide? Jeez.
hamas and idf are attempting genocide...

israel is just better at it and palestine gets handed the L's
You literally have no knowledge of the situation at hand. The difference of levels of military, the killings, the numbers of those displaced and seeking refuge staggering. There is no damn "attempting" of genocide of the Palestinian people, because It's actually happening as we speak.

And FTR, Hamas has been willing to sit down and negotitate a peace treaty for YEARS, but the state of Israel refuses by classifying them as terrorists.

And Im stating this from now, I will not be responding to any Israel-supporters/sympathizers in this case, there's nothing much for you to argue here. Your country is a terrorist state, lead by terrorist leaders making terrorist decisions - regardless of how you try to justify it.
There was a call for a truce like last week that Hamas rejected
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