Because the grandma was part of a cult that worships the devil. She made a deal with him that the family would be rich, but in return, would have to sacrifice their first-born son. In the beginning of the movie, you saw that she was pushing the mom to have a son, but the mom refused. The demon was just simply growing impatient because the mom just didn't wanna have another kid, therefore throwing the odds of a son out the window.
Okay, so after some reading, from my understanding, both the girls went with the grandma because they were both brainwashed. The part that has me confused the most is, I thought only one girl can be possessed? Because you saw the girl that is friends with Toby get possessed (hence why she was staring at her parents all night), and then you see her sister get possessed and attack the guy. How the hell can Toby jump from girl to girl or possess two girls at the same time? I thought he can only possess one of them because only one believes in Toby? What the hell?

Also, what the hell was it that Toby wanted the girl to do?
dem old creepy people tho 
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Because the grandma was part of a cult that worships the devil. She made a deal with him that the family would be rich, but in return, would have to sacrifice their first-born son. In the beginning of the movie, you saw that she was pushing the mom to have a son, but the mom refused. The demon was just simply growing impatient because the mom just didn't wanna have another kid, therefore throwing the odds of a son out the window.

But how could she make a deal to be rich? In the other movies they weren't rich I mean they weren't poor neither. They need to expand on that plot line a lil.
You can see that the grandma had a big-$!! house, so big that it took the dude like, 10 minutes to go around the house looking for his girlfriend and kids. That's the first sign that the grandma is rich. How the hell can you not make a deal with the devil when you're a devil worshipper? You're basically communicating with him, and you can't make a deal with him?
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Okay, so after some reading, from my understanding, both the girls went with the grandma because they were both brainwashed. The part that has me confused the most is, I thought only one girl can be possessed? Because you saw the girl that is friends with Toby get possessed (hence why she was staring at her parents all night), and then you see her sister get possessed and attack the guy. How the hell can Toby jump from girl to girl or possess two girls at the same time? I thought he can only possess one of them because only one believes in Toby? What the hell?

Also, what the hell was it that Toby wanted the girl to do?

Did Toby ever possess them at the same time? And Katie started believing in Toby halfway thru the movie when she ran into him while she was playing with her sister and he pulled her hair.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Okay, so after some reading, from my understanding, both the girls went with the grandma because they were both brainwashed. The part that has me confused the most is, I thought only one girl can be possessed? Because you saw the girl that is friends with Toby get possessed (hence why she was staring at her parents all night), and then you see her sister get possessed and attack the guy. How the hell can Toby jump from girl to girl or possess two girls at the same time? I thought he can only possess one of them because only one believes in Toby? What the hell?

Also, what the hell was it that Toby wanted the girl to do?
I'm pretty sure it had to do with "marrying" toby. As far as the possessing stuff, they never said that they can only possess one at a time. I mean Kristie wasn't possessed during the same time Katie was when she was next to the stairs. I don't think it mattered that Kristie believed in Toby and Katie didn't. He just chose to speak and reveal himself to Kristie rather than Katie. It shouldn't limit his powers or whatever.
But if you watch the 2nd movie, you see that only Kristi was possessed, and Katie doesn't get possessed until her husband passes the possession onto another blood relative. You're telling me that Toby can possess two girls in the 3rd movie, but can only possess one in the 2nd one?
that's definitely something they can explore in the next one, but for now, I'd just chalk it up to how strong Toby gets when there's more fear.  
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

that's definitely something they can explore in the next one, but for now, I'd just chalk it up to how strong Toby gets when there's more fear.  

That makes sense too. That, and maybe it wasn't Toby who had Katie when she was by the stairs? Could be the work of the old ladies too. And in the 2nd one, the whole point of possessing Kristie was to get Hunter, her son. There's no point in taking over both of them when you can just get the mom.
And I can't wait to see the footage they didn't use. Like that specialist dude in the commercial who got his face slammed into the desk by Toby. 
Originally Posted by FourReal

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by LaunchPadMcQuack


I absolutely refuse to see any movie like this! That crap could be real and nope no way, I refuse
i feel you bro
i can't stand watching exorcism most of that !@#$ is really scary and mad creepy yo
plus when i be watching this i seriously think that im about to get�possessed by a demon/devil @ night��
To this day I will leave the room or turn off the TV/change the channel if the original Exorcist movie is on. I don't mess with exorcism movies. Seems too real to me. I peeped that trailer and I am definitely not watching that!
Awful movie. I'm not even gonna spend any time reviewing it. Nothing happened for over an hour and the movie was only and hour and a half.

Definitely going to see The Devil Inside, though.
Originally Posted by coolnesschris

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

that's definitely something they can explore in the next one, but for now, I'd just chalk it up to how strong Toby gets when there's more fear.  

That makes sense too. That, and maybe it wasn't Toby who had Katie when she was by the stairs? Could be the work of the old ladies too. And in the 2nd one, the whole point of possessing Kristie was to get Hunter, her son. There's no point in taking over both of them when you can just get the mom.
And I can't wait to see the footage they didn't use. Like that specialist dude in the commercial who got his face slammed into the desk by Toby. 
another thing is when we first see the ghost, when the dirt from the earthquake happens, it's silhouette looks pretty small.  Then, it was the size of a little girl when it was behind the babysitter in the sheets, and then later on, when it pulls katie's hair, it seemed very tall from the way she looked up at it.  And that's not even counting the deleted scene in the commercial where the bloody mary ghost was also a little girl.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by coolnesschris

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

that's definitely something they can explore in the next one, but for now, I'd just chalk it up to how strong Toby gets when there's more fear.  

That makes sense too. That, and maybe it wasn't Toby who had Katie when she was by the stairs? Could be the work of the old ladies too. And in the 2nd one, the whole point of possessing Kristie was to get Hunter, her son. There's no point in taking over both of them when you can just get the mom.
And I can't wait to see the footage they didn't use. Like that specialist dude in the commercial who got his face slammed into the desk by Toby. 
another thing is when we first see the ghost, when the dirt from the earthquake happens, it's silhouette looks pretty small.  Then, it was the size of a little girl when it was behind the babysitter in the sheets, and then later on, when it pulls katie's hair, it seemed very tall from the way she looked up at it.  And that's not even counting the deleted scene in the commercial where the bloody mary ghost was also a little girl.

I'm guessing it can change shapes. If you watch the first movie, when it laid the footprints, it was like a giant bird.
movie was alright, my girl was covering up for most of the movie

that scene where 'tobey' was crawling up the girls bed,
someone yelled, "she has a boner!!"
good way to break the tension

i cant be the only one who witnessed that....
I was just checking IMBD and it has Doctor Fredrichs listed.  I remember him being in the first one, but did I miss him somewhere in this one?
Originally Posted by arrjae2

movie was alright, my girl was covering up for most of the movie

that scene where 'tobey' was crawling up the girls bed,
someone yelled, "she has a boner!!"
good way to break the tension

i cant be the only one who witnessed that....

Yooo... I swear when Julie and that guy was about to make a sex vid, some guy in the back yelled out "he bout to beat dem guts!!!" and randomly someone else said "Sorry! Elbows to pointy!"

I started rolling
my girl was like "what are you laughing about?" and I was like "foreveralone"
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

I was just checking IMBD and it has Doctor Fredrichs listed.  I remember him being in the first one, but did I miss him somewhere in this one?

He was probably edited out.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

terrible, only part that was creepy was the old ladies in the garage.

SMH very disappointed

nah the bathroom scene was freaky

but you right, that scene with the old ladies was


Originally Posted by ashleythetall

Originally Posted by LaunchPadMcQuack
they wrote the first one with no intentions of it being a major blockbuster, so some of the stuff doesn't really flow.
like when i was watching the second one, i was thinking like why in the first one did we never meet her sister or hear about any of the creepy stuff that was going on. the sister wasn't even mentioned or seen in the first one.

i guess they had to write stuff backwards, hence some of the plot holes.

but the sister was mentioned in the first one...
Originally Posted by nyzMaGiciAn

the devil inside freaked me the hell out. i'm not watching that

%!$$ looked

yo, as far as PA3....where was the fire?

they said their house burned down when they were young

but the house never burned down.

i guess the brainwashing explains why none of this was ever mentioned in the first movie...


but they dont remember what the tapes are, they dont remember their mom and her boyfriend being murdered, nor that their house never really burned down.

it was cool to see "the picture" actually get taken, tho..


the whole "let me talk to you about important features that drive the plot, but please, hold on so i can position the camera just so....when i show you an article about witches....let me film it so the audience can see what you see" deal IS getting kinda old.
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

movie was good.

the wife was lookin toooo good tho. she had hips/booty.

Wife had a nice shape to her.

And yes I would dipped after the first time I saw something on the tape... No dambs given...
Spoiler [+]
The parts that creeped me out the most.
When the girls were running and Katie ran into Toby. Buddy yanked her up by her hair.

The part where all the kitchen stuff i wouldve ran out of the damn house too
That sheet with the babysitter. Bricks wouldve been %!+$
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by nyzMaGiciAn

the devil inside freaked me the hell out. i'm not watching that

%!$$ looked

yo, as far as PA3....where was the fire?

they said their house burned down when they were young

but the house never burned down.

i guess the brainwashing explains why none of this was ever mentioned in the first movie...


but they dont remember what the tapes are, they dont remember their mom and her boyfriend being murdered, nor that their house never really burned down.

it was cool to see "the picture" actually get taken, tho..


the whole "let me talk to you about important features that drive the plot, but please, hold on so i can position the camera just so....when i show you an article about witches....let me film it so the audience can see what you see" deal IS getting kinda old.
the house burning was in the commercials and trailers but was cut out of the actual flick. we'll probably see it in the dvd release. i was thinking that tobey was gonna burn it down when they got back home from the grandma's house but yeah... 
 now i'm guessing the house was burned down by the cult to destroy any evidence?
and they wouldn't know what was on the tapes cuz dennis never showed them the tapes.
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