Parents on Facebook??

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

my mom is on it but there's no way i would ever add her.. hell, i regret adding some relatives..
both my parents are my facebook friend.....hate it sometimes when i realize they can see my statuses
i don't do/say anything my parents can dad is my friend but i don't think he's on that much...i really don't cuss on there cuz a bunchof lil kids from my church on there...i should delete they lil %@% lol
i added my mom cuz she requested me... how would i look like rejecting her? plus i dont add anything secretive on there.... but 1 time she posted on my wall soi got embarrased and blocked her from my wall so she cant see my news feeds...
Never a good look. Why would my parents be on FB?

I got a hard enough time with cousins trying to be my friends on FB since none of them know me like that
my moms there but we arent friends
wish i could say the same with my other relatives...sigh
I've told my parents I wouldn't add them if they ever made FB accounts. They cool with it.
My dad is asking me to help him set one up. I said I would but I just can't bare him seeing my friends and what I get up to on FB.
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