Parents/Siblings Kissing on the Lips. Vol. O_o

I was about to say there was an old NT thread about this but leave it to DC to bump it :lol:

I recall when this is brought up a few NT fathers/sons exposed themselves imo.

Kissing ya kids on the lips aint the wave.

Reminds me of the GSA thread that was on here and the link to the gsa forum :rofl: :sick:
I used to kiss my lil girl in the mouth all the time.

She'll be 6 in a couple weeks and gets mad and wipes her mouth these days :lol:

I don't think I've done it in a while.

It was always a quick peck, none of this prolonged ****.

This is actually a psychological occurence that happens often in these situations.
I just dont think prison is the appropriate remedy for this situation.

sidenote: how you get charged with adultery? I legit didnt know that was a crimev
Southern states still outlaw a lot of dumb ****.

Can't piiygb in some states down south.
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