Sep 27, 2003
In conjunction with the last thread, which had some good discussion, but was closed and locked for I'm not sure why.

Some good discussion in the last thread about teeth and dental work. I added my last post on here so that people saw it, but if you have any other questions just ask. And I agree with the other thread, a lasting smile that you are happy with makes a huge difference, much better then a couple pairs of Jordans.

Again if possible, just state what y'all would be looking for or requesting in a dental office (besides the broads). Ceiling TV? Internet Bar? Coffee? Wifi? IDGAF just get me out of there asap?

On the phone so these responses would be relatively quick.

Originally Posted by Wavy Daddy View Post

You do gold slug implants? How does the whole process even work.

Im interested in gettin 2 gold teeth but dont know where to start

Real talk, don't waste your money. If you have a missing space and need an implant already that's fine, and a gold crown may be doable but if not, don't ruin your natural teeth.

Originally Posted by Slighted View Post

Have you ever heard of a patient dying from the shock induced by pain during an operation?

Smart guy. I don't want you dying during the operation, fam.


Death strictly from shock and pain, not likely. Haven't heard of it. Most deaths are related to underlying medical conditions or meds that were not disclosed by the patient. It's usually the patient going getting anxious and over working themselves so blood pressure increases, syncope, diabetic issues, etc.

Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL View Post

Can you please give your recommendations for tooth paste, whitening strips/paste, electric tooth brushes, mouthwash, and anything else needed for good oral care?

Would appreciate your input.
No real recommendations for toothpaste. I tell patients use whatever they like best and most have the same ingredients. Personally prohealth does not work for me and leaves my mouth feeling different in a bad way so anything but that but some people like it. Unless you need sensodyne or a prescription toothpaste stick to whatever gets you to brush.

Same with electric toothbrushes. All the same premises but personally I'm a sonicare fan.

Mouthwash same. If you can stand the alcohol do not get listerine, I personally use listerine.

Best advice is to floss. Not so much the cavities on the top of your teeth but the sides of your teeth you got to watch out for. Water pick is cool, I tell my patients if you're not flossing at least use a water pick but I still need/want you to floss as often as you can as the water pick is just an alternative, a lesser one at that.

Originally Posted by Beacon ave south View Post

As far as cleaning goes, is it true that if everyone took care of their mouth as they're supposed to, dentists would be out business?

In theory yes. But realistically no. Bunch of other things we do that don't deal with cavities and there's a bunch of drugs out there that cause other issues (dry mouth, etc). But for the norm, brush and floss everyday and you won't have to see us but 2x a year to get things cleaned and checked up.

Originally Posted by Based Jesus View Post

Gentleness embarassed.gif

Agreed x10.
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion View Post

@sole searchin What are your thoughts on teeth whitening? I heard that there are different results for different people and some people damn near don't even see much of a difference afterwards.

I get patients in the chair asking for whitening and are willing to pay the fee for it. I tell them what I did myself. Don't waste your money right off the bat. Use the over the counter (Crest Whitestrips) and go from there. They usually do the trick. If it does not or you need them whitened faster then I'll do it for you, but TBH don't waste the money without trying the Whitestrips first (and if you do, switch to sensodyne about a week or so before starting).

Again if possible, just state what y'all would be looking for or requesting in a dental office (besides the broads). Ceiling TV? Internet Bar? Coffee? Wifi? IDGAF just get me out of there asap?
Recommend me a good toothbrush. I've grown tired of manual and wanna switch to an automatic. 
I had a piece of gingivitis drilled off my tooth after a piece of my gum fell off after flossing. Have had a history of bleeding gums and it would happen 80% of the time I brushed my teeth.

After a cleaning and a prescription mouthwas im good, flossing is that big of a deal?
Recommend me a good toothbrush. I've grown tired of manual and wanna switch to an automatic. 

Sonicare or oral B. Whatever you can afford will probably be better then a manual one.

I had a piece of gingivitis drilled off my tooth after a piece of my gum fell off after flossing. Have had a history of bleeding gums and it would happen 80% of the time I brushed my teeth.

After a cleaning and a prescription mouthwas im good, flossing is that big of a deal?

You have/had gingivitis but the thing they drilled or scaled off your tooth is calculus (basically stones/rocks of bacteria that overtime clump up and stick on to your teeth under your gums and eat away at your bones). Bleeding gums is an indication of gingivitis since the bacteria is under your gums and causing some inflammation every time you brush. Flossing is a huge deal, only way to really get into the spaces between your teeth. Brushing is great, but flossing is a big key in maintaining your teeth and health.
Repped. So essentially my tooth coudda fell out eventually if I hadnt took a chunk of my gum out by accident? Anyway to prevent this again or know if I have it anywhere else?
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The first thread had good info that I was writing down. Look at it and it got locked for some reason.
Repped. So essentially my tooth coudda fell out eventually if I hadnt took a chunk of my gum out by accident? Anyway to prevent this again or know if I have it anywhere else?

Pretty much. As gingivitis progresses to Periodontitis, the bone essentially gets eaten away by the bacteria. You are not taking out a piece of your gums, but going under the gums towards your bones to remove all the "Debris" that is stuck onto your tooth/roots.

Best way to prevent this is brush/flossing/and routine check ups. Only way to know if it's anywhere else is Xrays and/or an exam to see your bone levels which is routinely done at the check ups. Flossing is key as it scraps the plaque/buildup around your teeth/gums before it can turn into the "hard rocks"
Should I cop the 50 dollar Sonicare or splurge to get the 150 dollar model?
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