Pelle Pelle WAS da longest running last URBAN brand that still wield DOMINANCE.. RIP

they did update their look. their jackets are actually form fitting now. ninjahood has some pics up throughout this thread showcasing that.

@Halftimelook throughout this thread. ninja put pics up of how they aren't as big looking now. French looks good in it and some other pics showing non fat or brolic dudes pulling it off.
Just peeped the French pic and some other pics of their newer jackets.

The fit is slimmer but still loose by today's standards.  French is a big dude still tho so it looks okay on him.

I mean if you 5'7" 130 wearing a Pelle, even with the updated fit, you'll be drowning. 

They've lasted here for so long but their popularity has definitely decreased as compared to a year like '02.
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they did update their look. their jackets are actually form fitting now. ninjahood has some pics up throughout this thread showcasing that.

@Halftimelook throughout this thread. ninja put pics up of how they aren't as big looking now. French looks good in it and some other pics showing non fat or brolic dudes pulling it off.
oh okay, I briefly looked through their site and they appeared to look huge/
Just peeped the French pic and some other pics of their newer jackets.

The fit is slimmer but still loose by today's standards.  French is a big dude still tho so it looks okay on him.

I mean if you 5'7" 130 wearing a Pelle, even with the updated fit, you'll be drowning. :lol:

They've lasted here for so long but their popularity has definitely decreased as compared to a year like '02.
it all depends where you are. obviously if you chill around soho or mid/downtown manhattan you will hardly see a pelle, but go to the bx or harlem when its that time and youll see way more pelles.

I think that the sizing of the jacket in that French pic is perfect, how much tighter could it really get without looking ridiculous? some of todays standards are clownish to tell you the truth. that jacket is on some grown man swag.

I also think that they make smaller sizes which would even fit a 5'7" 130 pound dude fine. its all in what size the person buys it in and what look they are going for.
if they don't (I didn't check, even if I were in good shape, which im not, I would still be almost 6 foot and around the 200 mark) you could always get em in a kids size, save some money :lol:

oh okay, I briefly looked through their site and they appeared to look huge/
you gotta get the correct size. if you want them to look big then you get the big size but they've definitely adjusted to the better.
Ended up going to Donna sacs and copping the kid a blk on blk joint. They ain't have no more kid leathers so got the regular joint wit the big leather pelle decal on the back n on the chest. Time for me next, I peeped a green and orange one in there that caught my eye. Next month, time to retire my brown pelle jacket
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I still got a plain Phat Farm black leather I rock. You can't even tell the brand on it, and it's a good fit (slightly baggy).

I'd like more urban brands to come back tho.
Wheres the spot to cop pelles n tha dmv?
Check clearance section. They got jackets at 3-360

I still got a plain Phat Farm black leather I rock. You can't even tell the brand on it, and it's a good fit (slightly baggy).

I'd like more urban brands to come back tho.
sorry bro but phat farm is no bueno. I'm not one to tell ppl what to rock but those have been done. I'd cop a pelle if I were you
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My dude alp looking liking like val kilmer in tombstone with that billy bob mustache lmao that jacket does look like a jacket camron would wear while cracking a bottle of alizae over his enemies head tho
How much slimmer can it get in that French pic?

Do you not see how huge those arms look on him? The body of the jacket is huge as well, but especially the arms.

No matter how much you size down, that cut will never work. If you wanna stay hood fresh though...
mine is pretty dope, it's down with corduroy lining, joint keep me dumb warm.
Nice. I like rl but I'm not one of the rl fiends. I know they got some nice bombers but I personally feel their polo down jackets are lacking. Don't look warm to me.
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