Pentagon preparing to send US troops to Israel VOL. Here we go

JD214 wrote:

My people =/= Just me

Yes a lot of Mexicans and other immigrants get treated like crap in the US, and some of those will still fight for the US.

Bruh'. They get treated like crap in Mexico as well, thus the influx of illegal aliens in the US. And no one ever brings up how the Mexican govt. treats their illegals either, so really... you're just talking about nothing. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

US would annihilate Iran.  

[table][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td][h1]Compare Countries Results[/h1][/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td][table][tr][td] [/td][td]
United States of America
[/td][/tr][tr][td]CURRENT GFP RANK[/td][td][table][tr][td]1[/td][/tr][/table][/td][td][table][tr][td]12[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]Total Population[/td][td]313,232,044[/td][td]77,891,220[/td][/tr][tr][td]Military Manpower Available[/td][td]145,212,012[/td][td]46,247,556[/td][/tr][tr][td]Fit for Military Service[/td][td]120,022,084[/td][td]39,556,497[/td][/tr][tr][td]Reaching Military Age Yearly[/td][td]4,217,412[/td][td]1,392,483[/td][/tr][tr][td]Active Military Personnel[/td][td]1,477,896[/td][td]545,000[/td][/tr][tr][td]Active Military Reserves[/td][td]1,458,500[/td][td]650,000[/td][/tr][tr][td]Total Aircraft[/td][td]18,234[/td][td]1,030[/td][/tr][tr][td]Total Land-Based Weapons[/td][td]56,269[/td][td]12,393[/td][/tr][tr][td]Total Naval Units[/td][td]2,384[/td][td]261[/td][/tr][tr][td]Towed Artillery[/td][td]2,163[/td][td]1,575[/td][/tr][tr][td]Merchant Marine Strength[/td][td]418[/td][td]74[/td][/tr][tr][td]Major Ports and Terminals[/td][td]21[/td][td]3[/td][/tr][tr][td]Aircraft Carriers[/td][td]11[/td][td]0[/td][/tr][tr][td]Destroyers[/td][td]59[/td][td]3[/td][/tr][tr][td]Frigates[/td][td]30[/td][td]5[/td][/tr][tr][td]Submarines[/td][td]75[/td][td]19[/td][/tr][tr][td]Patrol Coastal Craft[/td][td]12[/td][td]198[/td][/tr][tr][td]Mine Warfare Craft[/td][td]14[/td][td]7[/td][/tr][tr][td]Amphibious Operations Craft[/td][td]30[/td][td]26[/td][/tr][tr][td]Defense Budget / Expenditure[/td][td]$692,000,000,000[/td][td]$9,174,000,000[/td][/tr][tr][td]Foreign Reserves[/td][td]$150,000,000,000[/td][td]$75,060,000,000[/td][/tr][tr][td]Purchasing Power[/td][td]$14,660,000,000,000[/td][td]$818,700,000,000[/td][/tr][tr][td]Oil Production[/td][td]9,056,000 bbl[/td][td]4,172,000 bbl[/td][/tr][tr][td]Oil Consumption[/td][td]18,690,000 bbl[/td][td]1,809,000 bbl[/td][/tr][tr][td]Proven Oil Reserves[/td][td]19,120,000,000 bbl[/td][td]137,600,000,000 bbl[/td][/tr][tr][td]Total Labor Force[/td][td]154,900,000[/td][td]25,700,000[/td][/tr][tr][td]Roadway Coverage[/td][td]6,506,204 km[/td][td]172,927 km[/td][/tr][tr][td]Railway Coverage[/td][td]226,427 km[/td][td]8,442 km[/td][/tr][tr][td]Waterway Coverage[/td][td]41,009 km[/td][td]850 km[/td][/tr][tr][td]Coastline Coverage[/td][td]19,924 km[/td][td]2,440 km[/td][/tr][tr][td]Major Serviceable Airports[/td][td]15,097[/td][td]319[/td][/tr][tr][td]Square Land Area[/td][td]9,826,675 km[/td][td]1,648,195 km[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]

i'm sure the graph comparing iraq and the US in 2001/2002 was very similar. 
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

If you guys don't like this country so much, then don't let war, or the draft be the straw that breaks the camels back; just leave now. Be a man, save your lip service.

For what it's worth, I don't think there will be another draft for another 20 years (when the whole world will be fighting over water), so leave now and save your children from fighting those wars.

 Man, be quiet.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

I seriously hope you are NOT implying you'd get better treatment in Mexico than you do here. Seriously, shut that $%%@ up. I hope you differ with what I said, I seriously do. I'm tired of hearing you spill nonsense around the board.

My people =/= Just me

Yes a lot of Mexicans and other immigrants get treated like crap in the US, and some of those will still fight for the US.

and if you or any other NT'ers are tired of my posts there's an ignore button, y'all don't have to read my %%*%.
Wait, what?
are you saying that all hispanics/ latinos get treated unfairly as well? 

Nah, I don't believe it. It just has to be one big joke.

Tell me something, why do you think you'd get better treatment in Mexico? I'm curious. Is it because your family lives there or what?

I didn't say "all", I said a lot.

Don't know how you don't see the way people get treated different in the US.

and yes I have family in Mexico, but probably most are in the US.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

I seriously hope you are NOT implying you'd get better treatment in Mexico than you do here. Seriously, shut that $%%@ up. I hope you differ with what I said, I seriously do. I'm tired of hearing you spill nonsense around the board.

My people =/= Just me

Yes a lot of Mexicans and other immigrants get treated like crap in the US, and some of those will still fight for the US.

and if you or any other NT'ers are tired of my posts there's an ignore button, y'all don't have to read my %%*%.
Wait, what?
are you saying that all hispanics/ latinos get treated unfairly as well? 

Nah, I don't believe it. It just has to be one big joke.

Tell me something, why do you think you'd get better treatment in Mexico? I'm curious. Is it because your family lives there or what?
I can't tell if you are being serious or not.  Hispanics get treated pretty poorly here..  This is coming from a black man engaged to a Hispanic woman, Mexican to be exact.  I've seen and heard some vicious things regarding Hispanics and racism.  I really hope that was your attempt at sarcasm.

While I was in Mexico, people couldn't have been nicer to me.  Maybe it was because of the people I was with.  We as Americans seem to believe that everyone in the world wants to be like us, which simply isn't true.  In my experiences, most people immigrate here based off the dream and get hit with a stark reality from day one.  The US is all I know as far as actually living here, and I love it, but other places are mos def doing better than us.  Those countries, we choose to make fun of. 

Also, this isn't anything new.  The US has had a steady stream of troops going over to that region for the past decade AT LEAST.  We'll see how this plays, but there always has to be an enemy.  There will never be peace.  As much as I hate to sound like one of those guys, it is true.  There has never been a time is the past 40 years or longer that was free from conflict.   
You guys are going broke if you keep fighting with other countries. Wars ain't cheap.
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

fighting/possibly loosing my life for a war the upper class started for no real reason? nah i'm good.


and if there's really a war with a draft,

I'm moving to Mexico as well, I'm not fighting for a country that treats my people like crap.
Why do you think people from Mexico move to the US in the first place? They aren't exactly being treated well over there as well.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

No. Its just that you and everyone else that tells people to leave the US for whatever reason....sound like complete morons.
I don't think I sound any worse than these internet guys who talk a big game and won't do a damn thing.

I've been hearing people yell that same garbage since the war in Iraq started. It's tired.
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by JD214

My people =/= Just me

Yes a lot of Mexicans and other immigrants get treated like crap in the US, and some of those will still fight for the US.

and if you or any other NT'ers are tired of my posts there's an ignore button, y'all don't have to read my %%*%.
Wait, what?
are you saying that all hispanics/ latinos get treated unfairly as well? 

Nah, I don't believe it. It just has to be one big joke.

Tell me something, why do you think you'd get better treatment in Mexico? I'm curious. Is it because your family lives there or what?

I didn't say "all", I said a lot.

Don't know how you don't see the way people get treated different in the US.

and yes I have family in Mexico, but probably most are in the US.
wow, bro, in all honesty, I'm not even going to try. You don't see that people, specifically MEXICANS get treated like crap in mexico as well. The way the government does it's people is downright disgusting. The police force is a joke. Get pulled over and they want a "mordida" or else they take your car and throw you in jail. Good luck getting your car back after that, you'll probably have to pay up more than what the cop wanted to begin with.
To the dude up there, honestly, you just went down there to visit. Live over there for a year and you'll see what some parts of mexico are really about. I'm not gonna bunch all of mexico into one, but some parts are severely poor and the corruption makes it hard to get by without turning into other means of obtaining money i;e joining cartels, coming to the US, or doing criminal activities. Sure, it's like that everywhere, but coming from someone who has lived over there, I wouldn't want to move back to the place I know things are 5x harder to accomplish due to level of poverty. It's saddening when you can't get all of your family out the !%+$ hole man, it really is.

JD- have you lived in mexico? This is what I think, you are more than welcomed to correct me in anything, you were born here and you only go visit every now then and you get to have fun (which is basically what a vacation is all about). Now, I take it you don't witness much of the stress that mexican citizens go through everyday because they get underpaid for their jobs, right? You probably hear about it, but you don't mind it, why would anyone mind it? You live in the US where theres a minimum wage and you get health care. Sure, it's not the best because it's free, but at least you get something. Now over there, tell me if there's health care. You break your arm, where are you going to get the money to pay for the hospital bill if your job is paying 100 dollars a week? Seriously bro, you're speaking from an outsiders point of view. Any mexican who isn't upper middle-class or high class will tell you that life is easier out here. 

You go visit a place like mexico, you don't stay there unless you are well off.
Originally Posted by dro 44

Originally Posted by AJ fanatic

Originally Posted by dro 44

Originally Posted by Demps

%%%@ that.

if something goes down im fighting, i am not gonna run to another country and hide and then come back like a coward..
Define "something goes down"...The US is such an antagonist when it comes to enemies of Israel. Need proof? Look up the Stuxnet Virus. I'm a Veteran and I'll never fight again...coward? There's nothing cowardly to refusing to fight on a lie. Don't let the media fool you into "doing the right thing". 

Don't go pretending that there is credible information on the Stuxnet virus. I'm a cyber analyst in the Air Force and there is no credible evidence to blame any country for Stuxnet. Doesn't mean it wasn't but all the information out there is all speculation.
What's a "credible source"? The media is an oligopoly and you hear what they want you to hear....and it's damn sure not coming from your chain of command. Keep waiting on that official word, though.

Just saying that NO ONE can say who is responsible for it. I've studied stuxnet, duqu and other similar viruses for work. I'm not saying who wrote it and nor am I waiting for my chain to come tell me. Just saying that until there is concrete evidence you can't accuse anyone. With these attacks that are seen daily it's still hard to pinpoint who did it. With stuxnet it's just not hapenning.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Bunch of chicken littles in this thread

That article is complete BS.

Secondly, and more importantly, you need to stop picturing "war" with Iran as a Hollywood movie would portray it - with thousands of missiles raining down everywhere etc. The war is already going on. It's being fought 'quietly' through proxy conflicts all over the world (ex: we just sold Saudi Arabia a bunch of new military planes - guess who that's intended to scare), with spies (Iran been catching these by the dozen recently), with computer viruses (stuxnet), and rarely - with highly targeted military action (assassination etc). The point if neither side wants a typical conventional battle because it would destroy both sides. Don't buy into the empty rhetoric coming out of Tehran or Tel Aviv or DC. It's similar to the North Korea situation. Every time North Korea would fire some test missile or make some statement there would inevitably be a bunch of people who had no idea what they were talking about claiming WW3 was on the horizon. Yet they fail to realize that the whole point of what all sides in this conflict are doing is to avoid a traditional military show down. Iran is enjoying power it hasn't seen in literally centuries. Israel is more isolated than ever, and the US has successfully shown its incompetence at handling simple insurgencies. Let's not be ignorant of the fact that Russia/China are very much in the mix here (on Iran's side) as well. Why in the world would Iran throw it all away and shoot a missile at Israel ? Absurd. We all know that Israel has America by the leash and is desperately trying to get us to handle Iran's nuclear program (just as they cheer-led us into Iraq) - but the American public is slowly realizing that they don't want to have more Americans die for Israeli soil (note the backlash/attempts by mainstream media to stifle Ron Paul because he would cut aid to Israel). So what about Israel taking the first step ? Also highly unlikely. The only conceivable way this would happen would be if they were to bomb/raid a nuclear facility and quickly scurry back across the border (see Operation Opera) - but now that Israel's friends (all the Arab dictators that have been removed, even former friends turning their back such as Turkey) are gone and Islamists are having tremendous success in all these countries, they know that this is not 1981, or for that matter, 2010 anymore. It would be suicidal to attempt such action. The strategy of surrounding Iran from both sides (Iraq/Afghanistan) then taking them on has been a resounding failure.

Cliffs: Iran is getting stronger, Israel (and by default, the US) are therefore mad; but realize they can't do anything about it due to all the mistakes they've made since since '01. Back then the threats actually carried some weight
The consequences of these mistakes are slowly beginning to show.

PS: If you were one of those who bought that whole Iran/Saudi assassination plot that was all over the news not too long ago; please do me a favor and don't respond to my post.
You know...when you're not ranting illogically about Islam and Allah being "the only god" you make a lot of sense.�
...if only we could get over that cognitive dissonance...
Anyways, you're right... This is by no means a conventional war...

I mean if the number of nuclear scientists Mossad has been popping off is any indication then we're in for a doozy.

Also, anyone who thinks a full out war with Iran would be a cake-walk needs to drop the BF3 controller and open their eyes to the reality that we MIGHT lose that one...Iran has one of the largest AND most capable military in the world.�

We would have ridiculous casualties.�

Not an easy fight AT ALL.
Originally Posted by AJ fanatic

Originally Posted by dro 44

Originally Posted by Demps

%%%@ that.

if something goes down im fighting, i am not gonna run to another country and hide and then come back like a coward..
Define "something goes down"...The US is such an antagonist when it comes to enemies of Israel. Need proof? Look up the Stuxnet Virus. I'm a Veteran and I'll never fight again...coward? There's nothing cowardly to refusing to fight on a lie. Don't let the media fool you into "doing the right thing".�

Don't go pretending that there is credible information on the Stuxnet virus. I'm a cyber analyst in the Air Force and there is no credible evidence to blame any country for Stuxnet. Doesn't mean it wasn't but all the information out there is all speculation.

Did this dude REALLY just say this?

If I were you, i'd start learning to look outside of what your "supervisors" hand down to you my man.�

My man, I'm an E-7 in the Air Force. Carry on with your day! I know how the game works!
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Funny guy?

You're the one who didn't read the article

I didn't need to read the article. I study this crap every day.

I already knew we were headed to Israel because they feel a pre-emptive strike on Iran is needed because Iran said they wish to "whipe Israel off the map".

Too bad Iran's president never said those words. Us going to war with Iran has always been apart of the plan. Britian was built off war and so was America and it's how it always will be.

Originally Posted by AJ fanatic

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Bunch of chicken littles in this thread

That article is complete BS.

Secondly, and more importantly, you need to stop picturing "war" with Iran as a Hollywood movie would portray it - with thousands of missiles raining down everywhere etc. The war is already going on. It's being fought 'quietly' through proxy conflicts all over the world (ex: we just sold Saudi Arabia a bunch of new military planes - guess who that's intended to scare), with spies (Iran been catching these by the dozen recently), with computer viruses (stuxnet), and rarely - with highly targeted military action (assassination etc). The point if neither side wants a typical conventional battle because it would destroy both sides. Don't buy into the empty rhetoric coming out of Tehran or Tel Aviv or DC. It's similar to the North Korea situation. Every time North Korea would fire some test missile or make some statement there would inevitably be a bunch of people who had no idea what they were talking about claiming WW3 was on the horizon. Yet they fail to realize that the whole point of what all sides in this conflict are doing is to avoid a traditional military show down. Iran is enjoying power it hasn't seen in literally centuries. Israel is more isolated than ever, and the US has successfully shown its incompetence at handling simple insurgencies. Let's not be ignorant of the fact that Russia/China are very much in the mix here (on Iran's side) as well. Why in the world would Iran throw it all away and shoot a missile at Israel ? Absurd. We all know that Israel has America by the leash and is desperately trying to get us to handle Iran's nuclear program (just as they cheer-led us into Iraq) - but the American public is slowly realizing that they don't want to have more Americans die for Israeli soil (note the backlash/attempts by mainstream media to stifle Ron Paul because he would cut aid to Israel). So what about Israel taking the first step ? Also highly unlikely. The only conceivable way this would happen would be if they were to bomb/raid a nuclear facility and quickly scurry back across the border (see Operation Opera) - but now that Israel's friends (all the Arab dictators that have been removed, even former friends turning their back such as Turkey) are gone and Islamists are having tremendous success in all these countries, they know that this is not 1981, or for that matter, 2010 anymore. It would be suicidal to attempt such action. The strategy of surrounding Iran from both sides (Iraq/Afghanistan) then taking them on has been a resounding failure.

Cliffs: Iran is getting stronger, Israel (and by default, the US) are therefore mad; but realize they can't do anything about it due to all the mistakes they've made since since '01. Back then the threats actually carried some weight
The consequences of these mistakes are slowly beginning to show.

PS: If you were one of those who bought that whole Iran/Saudi assassination plot that was all over the news not too long ago; please do me a favor and don't respond to my post.
You know...when you're not ranting illogically about Islam and Allah being "the only god" you make a lot of sense.�
...if only we could get over that cognitive dissonance...
Anyways, you're right... This is by no means a conventional war...

I mean if the number of nuclear scientists Mossad has been popping off is any indication then we're in for a doozy.

Also, anyone who thinks a full out war with Iran would be a cake-walk needs to drop the BF3 controller and open their eyes to the reality that we MIGHT lose that one...Iran has one of the largest AND most capable military in the world.�

We would have ridiculous casualties.�

Not an easy fight AT ALL.
Originally Posted by AJ fanatic

Don't go pretending that there is credible information on the Stuxnet virus. I'm a cyber analyst in the Air Force and there is no credible evidence to blame any country for Stuxnet. Doesn't mean it wasn't but all the information out there is all speculation.

Did this dude REALLY just say this?

If I were you, i'd start learning to look outside of what your "supervisors" hand down to you my man.�

My man, I'm an E-7 in the Air Force. Carry on with your day! I know how the game works!

No disrespect...but people don't make it to E-7 by thinking on their own. You may know how the "little game" is played, given your rank...but you're a ways away from understanding the BIG PICTURE. Just sayin....
Originally Posted by FOOLIO

US/Iran relations have been deteriorating. though i don't understand why iran would blow things up as a result of international sanctions, that would just make them the worlds pariah wouldn't it?

why not??
its all prep for the new world regime
Agree with that but I have a lot more I the picture than most of you on here if not all. As far as thinking in my own ... Gimme a break dude! I'm in the Air Force! No one coerced me to do anything or think a certain way! I work with mostly NSA civilians so there's no "Yes Sir" attitude I'm dealing with. I didn't have to do anything to make it to E-7 but study for a few test and score higher than my peers. I made it at 13 years too which is fairly fast so I'd like to think I'm pretty good at what I do!
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Theres no better place to live than the United States 

Oh? Is that why the U.S. wasn't even ranked in the top 10 for best countries to live in, by Newsweek? Get a clue and a passport.

My family is here. My life is here. Right now, there's no better place. If you dont agree, take your own advice - get a clue and a passport.
I don't give a #@$! about you or your family. You said there's no better place to live than the U.S., just calling out your erroneous statement. You should have said "In my opinion, there's no better..." 
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Originally Posted by finnns2003


Oh? Is that why the U.S. wasn't even ranked in the top 10 for best countries to live in, by Newsweek? Get a clue and a passport.

My family is here. My life is here. Right now, there's no better place. If you dont agree, take your own advice - get a clue and a passport.
I don't give a #@$! about you or your family. You said there's no better place to live than the U.S., just calling out your erroneous statement. You should have said "In my opinion, there's no better..." 

Ya u mad.The USA is still the best place to live in the entire world.Talking about S.Korea being better because a newsweek top-10 told him so. ++%!$.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

US would annihilate Iran in conventional warfare.  
You gotta remember how persistent their soldiers(if you want to call them that) are. Long after the main battles, they still would most likely continue to attack US troops. But, for the guy that was comparing them to Iraq, they have a more built and stable government and military so their tactics in fighting aren't as unconventional (rudimentary) as Iraq was. I'm only talking about the actual military, terrorists and loyalists are a completely different story. So, all in all, they would lose convincingly to us if they fought us in the manner we have extensive experience in (conventional warfare) but, if they use guerrilla tactics or something similar, we could be in it for the long haul.
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