Peope Who Ride Bikes in the Middle of the Road When There's Clearly A Sidewalk Right There....

Jul 22, 2008
Seriously Yo?

Like I really don't even see the benefit....pothole gravel vs. often smooth sidewalk concrete....really???

I don't know how it is round yall Nter's way but downtown ATL all these fools do is piss people off with their obnoxius behavior....

Then they act like they can't even hear us honking and laugh as we let the explatives fly....smh

At least down here every once in a while a mutha will just run you over....
They may be those "Go Green" people and they can be obnoxious
but that's still not write
Originally Posted by inNoutluvr

Originally Posted by natelav129
yo...thats tuff. lmao. im sorry.

gets me everytime...damn I'm so wrong for laughing at this
It's not against the law to ride on the middle of the lane, is it?

I only ride on the middle of the lane when I'm making a turn, other than that, side to the right next to the sidewalk where the biking lane is at.
OP, are you serious?

I don't even bike, and I know that bikers are supposed to be on the road and not the sidewalk. We have bike lanes where I live, but either way, you should NOT be biking on the sidewalk.
Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

riding bikes on the sidewalk is a crime in some areas.

it is in mine.

its a misdemeanor

but bikers, please stick to the bike lane or the far right lane next to the sidewalk.

worst of the worst is when all these stupid hipster fixie ridin bums have a bike gathering and clog up the entire damn street (all lanes going in both directions).

man, sometimes i just wanna go at em like that clip that OP posted.  if you wanna ride your bike on the road and act like any other motor vehicle, FOLLOW THE DAMN RULES OF THE ROAD.

Man its always a group of about 10 to 15 of em just riding in the middle of the street around where I am.
Originally Posted by natelav129

@ the gif

I can relate op, I hate cyclist with a passion. I can respect going green or even getting in shape, but stay the %+!# out of the way when cars are present.
I have a tendency to hate the opposite depending on which activity I am doing. As a cyclist, I hate inconsiderate drivers who cut me/us off, only to block us at the stoplight. As a motorist, I hate inconsiderate cyclists who don't know how to %$%+ the way. There needs to some kind of mutual respect between the two, and in your case OP, the cyclists are out of line.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

but bikers, please stick to the bike lane or the far right lane next to the sidewalk.

worst of the worst is when all these stupid hipster fixie ridin bums have a bike gathering and clog up the entire damn street (all lanes going in both directions).

man, sometimes i just wanna go at em like that clip that OP posted.  if you wanna ride your bike on the road and act like any other motor vehicle, FOLLOW THE DAMN RULES OF THE ROAD.

It's never the Lance Armstrong looking dudes, they are always respectful and move to the far right.

It's always the "Fixie Hipsters" that think they can take over the entire street. 
, *$@%#%* nuisance.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Can't ride on the sidewalk
Air ih Zona wrote:
They may be those "Go Green" people and they can be obnoxious
but that's still not write

You should right a letter to your local government. 
Well played.
I'm an avid road cyclist and only ride in the streets. I'm not a hipster, i'm the Lance Armstrong looking cat with the tights on and everything. Op you should do more research since in most major cities you can get a ticket for riding your bike on the sidewalk. I always ride in the right most lane close to the sidewalk. I'll occasionally make left turns from a left turn lane instead of waiting at two crosswalks.

Can't stand the hipsters on there fixies, these dudes make everyone in the bicycle community look bad. Definitely give us a bad rep.
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