people that live in NYC. what does it feel like visiting another city.

there is nothing like it...Florida is a different world...DC, even upstate NY...its a whole Diff ball game
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Feels weird. Cities aren't as diverse as NYC and I really don't like that. I love the melting pot of cultures and languages when you walk around and how different each neighborhood is depending on who are the residents.

When I compare it to the south I always laugh at how people in the project housing here thinks they have it bad. Man the slums in the south are much worst.

Then I just love how we have everything we want here. Theaters (broadway and movie), every sports event, clubs bars and lounges by the thousands depending on your mood, any kind of store of boutique you can imagine with moms and pops stores that have the same thing for cheaper as well, and our MTA system (as much as it sucks it's so well connected so you practically don't need a car). No other city has a combo of these things. Almost every city I visited in the states was missing some of these things.
Every big city in America has of that. The only difference is NYC has the original Broadway venues and other cities have variants.
NYC does not have a 21st century amusement park with large rides though.

No, Coney Island does not count.
Tell me where you can actually put it
6 flags is only anhour drive from the city

People def are nicer outside of NYC. When I was a teenager, we use to always go to my friends 2nd house in PA, 1st time we went some1 waved hi to us (no1 knewwho they were) I was confused
He's like its normal here every1does that.

I do like Long Island though. It seems to have that 50/50 comparison. It has some busy places to eat/shop etc, and than it has that peacefull'ness to it.
And yes 1 thing i hate about NYC compared to other cities is the liter problem. Its kinda disgusting when you see how clean other cities are.
Driving you HAVE to be aggressive here
My motto is you snooze you lose
Only major cities have appeal...Miami, Atlanta, L.A. etc...NYC isn't the most glamorous but everywhere else seems so country/boring
whenever i go to NY and especially when i used to live with my dad out there when i was younger i would always have that feeling like, "damn thissucks" whenever i would go back home. i'm a night person and even though stuff is open late in LA its not the same. nothing beats the feeling ofwalking out your apartment at any time and having almost every thing you want open for you.
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

It is wierd.. I just went to Boston this past weekend.. so clean and people are so much nicer.. its a culture shock

tho I will admit it seemed like there are almost as many if not more homeless people there

boston is pretty clean. they take care their streets. too bad the transit system stops at like 1230/1am.

coming from queens, I live in philly now since im studying full time at Temple university and i can pretty much say this city is TRASH.

1.Transit system is still on that token tip
and shuts off at 1230am.
2. North Philly is extra hood with so much trash/feces on the streets you'd tink you in a third world environment.
3. mad hobos and/or mofos askin for random amounts of change...or a token.
4. fat city.
5. madd tom foolery around the city (dudes lookin extra broke with mad long beards and capris, putting 27" chromes on broke ++$ cars like a buick, crownvic, or your standard mid 90s minivan
, plus the drivers put the seat all the way back when driving)
6. only 1 movie theater in all north philly, and its crzy ghetto. (people dont +$$%, pick up their cell phones let alone putem on vibrate, etc).
7. high crime.
8. i don't understand why philly is obsessed with scented oils. thats just cheap as %#@!. what really gets me is dudes tryin to hustle this $hyt in thestreets, opening up a bottle and rollin up on you hard, pause, like "you try this out homie" and im like

im venting. bottom line nyc > philly.
I always wanted to hear NYer's opinions on other cities too. I'm from Toronto, and have visited NY many times. I've also been to most of the majorcities in the states, and IMHO, there is no city as busy as NY. To me, the hustle and bustle is just overwhelming for a dude. If I'm there for 3 days, itfeels like and week and a half. I always imagined someone from NY visiting another city (no matter how large), and saying "Man, this city is slow ashell."
Originally Posted by Mercenary X

It feels weird.

I visited Oklahoma once and I felt like I was on another planet.

Like, I ain't never even seen a real cow before till' I visited OK.

but I can't picture cows in NY anyways so its understandable
For the most part it's allright. Visiting another place brings a new perspective on places we've only heard of. For example I'm in Atlanta forschool but I was born and raised in NYC. Visiting ATL for the first time was a great experience, minus the allergies. But at first it seemed like ATL was agreat city to be in, friendly people, slow paced attitudes, easy lifestyle. Now that I'm a full time senior here I can honestly say that I cannot wait toget out of this dump. I mean seriously, nothing Nothing can compare to NYC, at least no other city in the US.

But I will say that if I go to other major cities that I have never been to before, I may change my mind and I won't be afraid to accept that.
i love leaving the city.

it's always fun to visit another place. but not for too long though, cuz then you end up thinking it sucks compared to nyc. cuz there is so much less todo.

and yes that applies to everywhere.
I went down south this summer and I was miserable. No trains, no buses. You HAVE to have a car down there. I was so glad to get back to New York.
Ive never been to ny so i dont know, but...

a few months ago my cousin brought her bf and his roommate to Dallas for a visit, we went to a club and then to a house party. At the party I guess someonelooked at him wrong and he was trying to get it poppin, dude was saying stupid @!%@ like, 'im from ny ya cant @$** with me' and @!%@ like that. It wasmy dudes party so i told them to chill and just ignore him and i tried to tell him to chill, but dude still kept on running his mouth until i had enough and itold my boys that i tried to warn him and the only thing left is to teach him a lesson. I tried to feel sorry for him when i saw him on the floor but @$** ithe shouldnt of been running his mouth.
thats what i thought. when i went to nyc i was like oh +**# you dont need a car here. everybody was hustling on the side of the street. nyc is the best city inthe united states. im from houston. there is no other city like it. i would think that if nyc people moved out to another city they would think it would beextremely boring and quiet.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

dude start say stupid @!%@ like, 'im from ny ya cant @$** with me'

I hate when people wolf about where they're from, like is that seriously supposed to be intimidating?
Yea other cities literally have a bed time. The fact that I can't up and go watch movie, eat, go to a comedy club, watch a live performance at some club,etc. from the hours of 2am-5am pisses me off.

I wouldn't say spoiled but that whole kindness and niceness don't rock with me. Smiling at me, waving at me? You don't know me!
++@% remind me of Pleasantville

Going to other cities without a plan and goal in mind is a waste where as I can hop on the 5 right now and do several random things from Union Square to 42ndand in between

CT was ruff, FL was ruff, NJ was ruff. I wonder if it's like that when I start traveling in Europe?
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Feels weird. Cities aren't as diverse as NYC and I really don't like that. I love the melting pot of cultures and languages when you walk around and how different each neighborhood is depending on who are the residents.

When I compare it to the south I always laugh at how people in the project housing here thinks they have it bad. Man the slums in the south are much worst.

Then I just love how we have everything we want here. Theaters (broadway and movie), every sports event, clubs bars and lounges by the thousands depending on your mood, any kind of store of boutique you can imagine with moms and pops stores that have the same thing for cheaper as well, and our MTA system (as much as it sucks it's so well connected so you practically don't need a car). No other city has a combo of these things. Almost every city I visited in the states was missing some of these things.
It's fun actually. Things are different like attitudes, food, drinks, air etc... They attention you get is cool too.
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