People trying to break into your whip UNAPPRECIATION POST! Vol. IT JUST GOT SERIOUS.

May 13, 2006
So I found out somebody tampered with my keyhole to my truck last night. It must have happened after 3AM when I fell asleep, because I look outside mywindow every 30 minutes to an hour. It's getting ridiculous nowadays, people can't have anything anymore. I don't have any rims or anything on theoutside to attract jackers, so I know they were trying to jack my system.. spent way too much on that system.

They messed up my keyhole and the door handle part is kind of cracked now. Anybody knows where I can go to get it fixed? How much would a dealership cost? Iknow it'd be a rape price, but I need to get it fixed ASAP!

I feel violated right now and I've been pissed ever since. I'm staying up all night tonight.. let's see if they try to come back.

I noticed 4 of my CD's are gone, but nothing else was missing nor tampered with. So I'm left questioning myself did they actually got the door to open?
one time someone busted out the little back window in my car.... they didnt break in or take anything but they threw some candy into my back seat.... and imnot even making this up
Originally Posted by JJ1223

one time someone busted out the little back window in my car.... they didnt break in or take anything but they threw some candy into my back seat.... and im not even making this up
Originally Posted by JJ1223

one time someone busted out the little back window in my car.... they didnt break in or take anything but they threw some candy into my back seat.... and im not even making this up

Damn thats just like a dump in the face.
Originally Posted by JJ1223

one time someone busted out the little back window in my car.... they didnt break in or take anything but they threw some candy into my back seat.... and im not even making this up
the hell
I deff. don't leave my faceplate on my deck when I get out the car, like some people.
I remove the faceplate, so it wont seem like I got a system and hide it somewere in the car when I get out of it, like in the glove box.
Someone tried to steal my gas last week right in front of my house.... I had a 1/4 tank in my truck and I guess they couldn't siphon it out or somethingand just left the tube on the ground nearby. Since then I have bought a gas cap lock and park backwards so my sensored house lights go off if anybody gets tooclose to my car.
Originally Posted by hellaones

its a snake city down in the H


Tell me about it.
This crap is getting ridiculous fam.

Everything on my truck is stock. I don't have a deck, screens, rims, and whatsoever. It's somebody that probably stays in my neighborhood that knows Ihave a system. I don't even jam in or around my neighborhood anymore.
My whip got broken into a few years back. They threw all my papers and trash all over the seats, and stole my NF backpack and football equipment
OP, the same thing happened to my 'burban..and a few weeks later after that happened, I come out from the hospital and that !%*+ was gone.. no joke, but Ifelt like crying.
Damn OP, hopefully nothing will happen....

I hope this never happens to me
Wondering what makes people want to do senseless $*@% like this is the reason I plan on going into Psychology.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

OP, the same thing happened to my 'burban..and a few weeks later after that happened, I come out from the hospital and that !%*+ was gone.. no joke, but I felt like crying.

That just put me in a worse mood. I drive an Avalanche. I hope nobody actually takes my whip. I'm going to be one depressed NT'er. I feel you bro,I'd cry too.
Back in september i was walking out of petsmart with my younger bro and i saw some guy in my parking spot with my trunk open i just went
there was a getaway car standing behind mine i grab my cell dialed 911, they saw me runningtowards them the guy jumps in the getaway car and they start backing up, i close the trunk get in my car and start chasing them. all this went down in ashopping center, so im chasing them with the operator on the phone giving them the car description and the tag number, at this point the keep going and exitthe shopping center. They drive into a residential area and pull into a driveway. Im still on their tail i pull up behind them blocking them in, at this pointim just trying to buy sometime so the cops can show up, the operator tells me that i cant do that cuz is kidnapping and i will be charged this just got me
so i just hung up. the guy in the passenger seat starts screaming out "dont callthe cops, we didnt take anything" that just got me even more
, the guy couldnt beolder than 17 and the driver was some 18-19 year old broad. the chick backs up and scrapes the front of my bumper trying to get away, i jumped out of the carcuz at this point they cant go anywhere (at least i thought) i go up to their car and reach in trying to take the keys from the ignition (poor judgement on mybehalf), the broad tries to block me by putting her face in the way lets just say her
fell off with the quickness. i end up just grabbing the keychain (which had the drivers library card, a name tag,and some other garbage girls carry ontheir keychains) and pulling it off and someway they drove off after that. The cops showed up after that i make a report the officer tells me not to worry thecar is registered to the broad driving blah blah blah and can u believe this is the day that i still havent heard from the police about the case, ive calledthe officer dozens of times and nothing has been done yet, most likely they will get off easy cuz they are underage and nothing got taken.
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Back in september i was walking out of petsmart with my younger bro and i saw some guy in my parking spot with my trunk open i just went
there was a getaway car standing behind mine i grab my cell dialed 911, they saw me running towards them the guy jumps in the getaway car and they start backing up, i close the trunk get in my car and start chasing them. all this went down in a shopping center, so im chasing them with the operator on the phone giving them the car description and the tag number, at this point the keep going and exit the shopping center. They drive into a residential area and pull into a driveway. Im still on their tail i pull up behind them blocking them in, at this point im just trying to buy sometime so the cops can show up, the operator tells me that i cant do that cuz is kidnapping and i will be charged this just got me
so i just hung up. the guy in the passenger seat starts screaming out "dont call the cops, we didnt take anything" that just got me even more
, the guy couldnt be older than 17 and the driver was some 18-19 year old broad. the chick backs up and scrapes the front of my bumper trying to get away, i jumped out of the car cuz at this point they cant go anywhere (at least i thought) i go up to their car and reach in trying to take the keys from the ignition (poor judgement on my behalf), the broad tries to block me by putting her face in the way lets just say her
fell off with the quickness. i end up just grabbing the keychain (which had the drivers library card, a name tag,and some other garbage girls carry on their keychains) and pulling it off and someway they drove off after that. The cops showed up after that i make a report the officer tells me not to worry the car is registered to the broad driving blah blah blah and can u believe this is the day that i still havent heard from the police about the case, ive called the officer dozens of times and nothing has been done yet, most likely they will get off easy cuz they are underage and nothing got taken.
This is why I dont understand the point of ops or laws. You havecriminals and you sit there and can do all the work for the cops and all they have to do is follow through and... nothing gets done. Someone breaks into my carand I can't follow them, the cops aren't gonna come, aren't gonna care if I know where they live. Then when you have no info , maybe a picture of alicense plate or a sotlen care plate and it just goes as an open case never to be touched.
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by JJ1223

one time someone busted out the little back window in my car.... they didnt break in or take anything but they threw some candy into my back seat.... and im not even making this up
the hell

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