People trying to break into your whip UNAPPRECIATION POST! Vol. IT JUST GOT SERIOUS.

My wheel got broken into a few years back as well. I had to park on the street cause all the parkin spots in the lot were takin and I aint wanna parkillegally and get a huge ticket. I come out to drive to Wendy's around 1am. I'm thinkin, "It'd be crazy if my window was broken out" Iget to my car, open the door, thinkin "why it look like my window broken out?" sure enough it was
They aint take anything, thank God. Had blood onthe seat and my gym bag. I'm thinkin cops gon have a field day w/ the evidence, mofos aint even take prints or anything talkin bout "oh it wasprobably a drug addict, don't worry about it." Meanwhile I had to pay $170 outta pocket to get it fixed since I didn't wanna raise my premium
i remember a family members accord getting stolen. i guess some kids took it for a joyride. it ended up in ANOTHER cities towing facility. sat there for like 5weeks. cops didnt do their job. insurance didnt do their job.. he almost bought another car only to find that only the steering column was destroyed.

knowing the tow truck places making money by it being there, they werent too helpful on the phone, so you really have to basically fight for your car back.

gotta love the justice/insurance system we have out there. We, the people, are the ones that have to do all the work if we want something done.
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Back in september i was walking out of petsmart with my younger bro and i saw some guy in my parking spot with my trunk open i just went
there was a getaway car standing behind mine i grab my cell dialed 911, they saw me running towards them the guy jumps in the getaway car and they start backing up, i close the trunk get in my car and start chasing them. all this went down in a shopping center, so im chasing them with the operator on the phone giving them the car description and the tag number, at this point the keep going and exit the shopping center. They drive into a residential area and pull into a driveway. Im still on their tail i pull up behind them blocking them in, at this point im just trying to buy sometime so the cops can show up, the operator tells me that i cant do that cuz is kidnapping and i will be charged this just got me
so i just hung up. the guy in the passenger seat starts screaming out "dont call the cops, we didnt take anything" that just got me even more
, the guy couldnt be older than 17 and the driver was some 18-19 year old broad. the chick backs up and scrapes the front of my bumper trying to get away, i jumped out of the car cuz at this point they cant go anywhere (at least i thought) i go up to their car and reach in trying to take the keys from the ignition (poor judgement on my behalf), the broad tries to block me by putting her face in the way lets just say her
fell off with the quickness. i end up just grabbing the keychain (which had the drivers library card, a name tag,and some other garbage girls carry on their keychains) and pulling it off and someway they drove off after that. The cops showed up after that i make a report the officer tells me not to worry the car is registered to the broad driving blah blah blah and can u believe this is the day that i still havent heard from the police about the case, ive called the officer dozens of times and nothing has been done yet, most likely they will get off easy cuz they are underage and nothing got taken.
Damn i would've went back later on and torched it
cops rollin deep at first colony mall now after that dillards shooting went down, i saw 3 squad cars roll up on some dude with his system up, and there 2 squadcars lurkin in the back watch the other 3
what if the world coming to....about 4 months ago i was sleeping, i t was around 4am my father came charging in to my room woke me up and we both ranoutside.when we get to the front of my house all 4 of our cars have broken front windshields, back windshields, drivers seat window, passenger seat window, andtail lights broken completely i was like
the whole day and couldnt get over it.supposedly it was 4 gangster who ganged up on our cars.if i ever cath themdoing the same thing to my cars or any of the cars in my neigborhood, theyre gonners!!!about a week later the corner house down my street got their car windowseffed up too
stupid people dont have anything better to do.
Originally Posted by retromj17

what if the world coming to....about 4 months ago i was sleeping, i t was around 4am my father came charging in to my room woke me up and we both ran outside.when we get to the front of my house all 4 of our cars have broken front windshields, back windshields, drivers seat window, passenger seat window, and tail lights broken completely i was like
the whole day and couldnt get over it.supposedly it was 4 gangster who ganged up on our cars.if i ever cath them doing the same thing to my cars or any of the cars in my neigborhood, theyre gonners!!!about a week later the corner house down my street got their car windows effed up too
stupid people dont have anything better to do.
sorry OP, i thought of this when i saw the title

But yeah, the worst i've had is some CDs and a phone charger stolen out of my car.
This is horrible man. I swear if I would have caught them, then me and my brothers would have whooped the crap out of them.
It ain't even funny. Youdon't mess with a man's whip.

It's about 4:30AM now and I'm still up looking out the window just in case. I don't know how many nights I'm going to continue to do this.. NT,do yall think they'll come back?

I know they were trying to get my speakers, because that's all I have. And it would be very hard to take it out of my truck if they did it in front of myhouse, so I'm even more worried about them taking the entire truck.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

had the charger broken into twice, couldnt get t he 15's out though the box in the trunk was too big...dummies

Got hit on Monday...
this happen to my mom back in 06

they could've get the nav unit out the dash so they broke every window, cut the seats, cut the headliner, and slashed the tires

it was like 5k in damages
^ That's another thing I'm afraid of. I don't have any money to pay for broken windows, cut up seats, and tires.

Last week somebody broke my Dad's driver seat window while he was at a store and he still hasn't fixed it. So that's how I know for a fact thatthey were tryna get my speakers, because they would have messed with my Dad's truck as well. This is one of the worst feelings ever.
not having a car in this situation ftw.

people trying to steal your bike though...
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Recommend a GPS/CD/DVD head unit that is harder to get ripped?
anything can be taken if dude really wants it

I'm gonna have razor blades soldered behind the unit so when they reach to grab the wires, they'll cut their fingers up..i'm also gonna put multiple sirens all over the car

gon' be hard to get my radio when you got a 130 db alarm going off near your ear
Step up your security game. Look into a back up battery set up. Also, don't bump your music loudly in our around your neighborhood because people willcatch on you got a system.
Originally Posted by JJ1223

one time someone busted out the little back window in my car.... they didnt break in or take anything but they threw some candy into my back seat.... and im not even making this up

What the hell?
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