People who dont smoke

Never been my steez but people that do smoke don't bother me at all as long as it's not affecting me.  
who's ready for @+@@?
Originally Posted by il prescelto

who's ready for @+@@?
*raises hand* Thought I was gonna have some brownies for Friday but my boy ate the batch we had made wks ago except for 1 brownie 
.  FTR, I had one brownie when we first made the batch.  Got invited by a female friend to a grand opening party for this tattoo shop.  I rather hit the vape and meet up with some heads in NYC but maybe I'll do both. 
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I used to have a really strong urge to smoke but couldn't due to my job. I did it a couple times, but then the urge just evaporated instantly when I did some research on all the chemicals and %*!% they put into it to make it more potent. I have no desire to smoke now. But if people want to smoke that's their own business. I do agree with dude that said it's annoying when dudes try to rub it in your face and act like it makes them cool or something.

are you buying your pot from mexican cartels?
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

why does it seem that people who dont 
always seem so angry about weed. like they are always saying how bad it is, how its lame, how it kills you but most have never even tried it. i have friends that dont smoke but i dont call them out about not smoking. 

I personally dont care at all. Its crazy to me that people seem to think they are cool cause they do smoke though. 
I dont judge the next so dont judge me cause I dont. 

Live and let live.
I haven't smoked for 2 years, I do miss it but I'm more positive and feel less dead in the morning. 
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

I don't smoke. I love the smell whenever I come across it. It's fine by me. If I never got cancer in my lung area, I would probably be more willing to give it a try... as for cigarettes, yeah you're a lame.
pretty much
lol how did I know one of these threads would show up around this date.
bt I was always on tht tip until I got really into smoking weed. then I quit the 1st week of January & havnt smoked since.
I may light one for ++$% thou just for the hell of it. but besides that I only smoke legals.(synthetic/hookah/etc)
People are judgmental. Whatever though, do you and let them do them... if they can't make that work them start hangin with some new peeps
If you judge me for smoking, I don't want to be your friend anyways. Nor do I care what your opinion is on the matter, to be honest.

I understand people who don't like getting smoke blown in their faces and such but other than that, it's my body and not yours. I will deal with the consequences later down the road if there are any, which I doubt. The positives of marijuana for a lot of people far outweigh the negatives. Name one drug that has as many medical uses as weed. And this is a PLANT.

I'm one of those smoke before doing most fun things because uh, why wouldn't I wanna make something fun even more fun? I don't HAVE to, but I like to.

Originally Posted by skylerof209

I may light one for ++$% thou just for the hell of it. but besides that I only smoke legals.(synthetic/hookah/etc)
Are you talking about like K2 or Spice? Those are a lot more dangerous than weed. Read up on it. Avoid that +$*# at all costs.
Originally Posted by maicolkickhead

i dont smoke, but i have a few friends that do. my problem is that they smoke literally 3 times a day 7 days a week and yet they claim they aint addicted

why do you have a problem with what others do with theyre lives? they are not harming you or themselves so what do you care?
non smokers and non drinkers always think theyre all high and mighty. always looking down on someone else for !$@! that doesnt concern them.

people who smoke arent the problem. dumb ##%+% who are in other peoples business forcing their beliefs and opinions on others are the problem
I do not smoke nor do I care that people smoke. I do care when people think it's acceptable to enter into my vehicle with it on them and I get annoyed when people constantly tell me over and over that I need to smoke with them despite explaining to them that I do not enjoy smoking.

I will never understand why this plant, simply nature, is against the law.

"If life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness don't include the right to experiment with our own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on."
Originally Posted by Thizz Marley

Originally Posted by maicolkickhead

i dont smoke, but i have a few friends that do. my problem is that they smoke literally 3 times a day 7 days a week and yet they claim they aint addicted

why do you have a problem with what others do with theyre lives? they are not harming you or themselves so what do you care?
non smokers and non drinkers always think theyre all high and mighty. always looking down on someone else for !$@! that doesnt concern them.

people who smoke arent the problem. dumb ##%+% who are in other peoples business forcing their beliefs and opinions on others are the problem
take a sit brah.

Like i said "friends". people that i have known for years, people that i care about. im not talking about random dudes i say what's up to. my problem is that my "friends" say they not addicted but act otherwise. 
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I hate the cornballs who act like weed is the miracle plant.Dudes who are dependent on weed to make them happy . idiots who love to pretend that weed has no adverse affects on you.Dudes who love to cite random documentaries and joe rogan.Lames who smoke to fit in .Lames who are lazy bums because of weed.Fake lobbyist who pretend drug cartels don't kill folks over weed or people don't get into fights over weed.Who pretend weed doesn't lead to other drug usage .Dudes who pretend that Weed doesn't harm the people in the vicinity as far as second hand smoke.Idiots who pretend failing a drug test due to weed is Un fair and act like weed Doesnt effect performance.Enjoy your habit and coughing up your lungs and wrecking your heart you guys are no better than functional alcoholics and smokers
not to thread jack but dose mj have a negative affect on your health? iv never smoked and all the stuff i google seems mad bias
Originally Posted by maicolkickhead

Originally Posted by Thizz Marley

Originally Posted by maicolkickhead

i dont smoke, but i have a few friends that do. my problem is that they smoke literally 3 times a day 7 days a week and yet they claim they aint addicted

why do you have a problem with what others do with theyre lives? they are not harming you or themselves so what do you care?
non smokers and non drinkers always think theyre all high and mighty. always looking down on someone else for !$@! that doesnt concern them.

people who smoke arent the problem. dumb ##%+% who are in other peoples business forcing their beliefs and opinions on others are the problem
take a sit brah.

Like i said "friends". people that i have known for years, people that i care about. im not talking about random dudes i say what's up to. my problem is that my "friends" say they not addicted but act otherwise. 
marijuana addiction? are you serious? shut the $$$@ up. it aint that serious. weed is not addictive. you make it sound like they on that rock.
"have you ever sucked a ^%$& for weed?" once again shut the $$$@ up
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