People Who Drive Too Slow Are Just As Bad As Speeders

Dec 20, 2000
I swear brothers, there is nothing that makes me angrier than someone on the Freeway/Highway doing 45/50 in a 65/70 zone :smh:

That makes people that are driving the speed limit have to go around you.

Or people like this that drive super damn slow in the fast lane :smh:

Or how about the person that merges onto the freeway at 40 mph and you're stuck behind them :smh:

That's a good way to die brothers, stay safe.
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I'm a speed demon to an extent I show off on occasion but I hate when I go 5-10 mph over the speed limit respectively and ******** still feel the need to pass me like I'm going slow. And 85% of the time my car has double their horse power. I feel insulted.

I feel what your saying though. If you wanna go that slow just take the scenic route.
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As long as the people who drive slow aren't in the left lane, I really don't care.
As long as the people who drive slow aren't in the left lane, I really don't care.

I do when I'm trying to merge onto the freeway, in the Bay Area or maybe California for that matter it's really bad especially on the 101 :smh:
people who don't go with the flow of traffic grinds my gears.

This... I don't get how some people are too stupid to understand this.

Moving with the rate of traffic and keeping your 10/10 is the best way to reduce your chances of a collision. This means driving under the speed limit when traffic is flowing slowly (especially relevant in poor weather) and driving over the speed limit when the pace of traffic is moving faster than the posted limit. It's common sense...Driving faster than the rate of traffic greatly increases your chance of being in a front end collision. Driving slower than the rate of traffic greatly increases the chance of your car being rear ended.
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I'm a speed demon to an extent I show off on occasion but I hate when I go 5-10 mph over the speed limit respectively and ******** still feel the need to pass me like I'm going slow. And 85% of the time my car has double their horse power. I feel insulted.

I feel what your saying though. If you wanna go that slow just take the scenic route.
You "show off" while you're driving? 
One time I passed them on the right lane.

I looked to my left so see what the person looked like.

I swear to god this was what I saw.
You "show off" while you're driving? 

Yes to an extent. I do it for myself mostly. But very rarely. I know what's under my hood but sometimes I like to takeoff at a light or rev my engine a bit. Just to see who's jk.
Nj state troopers do some crazy stuff

These gents got me doing 83 in a 60. Bastards

Dodging NYPD traffic cops isn't too hard. I've had good experiences with them though. Luckily they are semi-predictable in my area.

NYC drivers have to be the craziest though. Its either drive aggressive or get nowhere.

I agree people going too slow can be the bigger problem on streets with a speed limit more than 30mph tho.
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As long as the people who drive slow aren't in the left lane, I really don't care.

This. Nothing grinds my gears more than someone in the left lane going slower than traffic to the right of them and nothing but daylight in front of them... Especially when it's someone in a minivan and there's no way around them because all the other lanes are packed
I hate when a you get with a pack of cars riding good in the interstate speed limit is 70 we all riding doing about 79-80 in the left lane. Then we come up to that ONE car in the fast lane doing 68 and they won't move over, then on top of that they're pacing the person in the middle lane so you're trapped [emoji]128544[/emoji]

I hate when somebody pulls out in front of you, when they had plenty of time to do it before you got close, THEN they drive slow in the fast lane, and won't get over even when the right lane is EMPTY
In the fast lane I'll give you (except it's technically the overtaking lane but I'll allow it) but in the inside lane they can do what they want - that's why there are other lanes.

What irks me more is people pulling out when there's clearly either not the space or you're on the highway clearly going faster. Happened to me about ten times today.
bruhhhhh i hate people who drive slow in the left :x dont come to the left lane if u arent doin atleast 75 :smh:

i hate people in the right lane that get mad when im tryna exit too :x **** is u doin in the right lane getting mad when people tryna exit :stoneface: get the **** out the right lane if you arent about to exit :stoneface:
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In the fast lane I'll give you (except it's technically the overtaking lane but I'll allow it) but in the inside lane they can do what they want - that's why there are other lanes.

What irks me more is people pulling out when there's clearly either not the space or you're on the highway clearly going faster. Happened to me about ten times today.

I don't know about other states, but in California if you're in the far right lane and going under 55 MPH not only are you going to slow but you're breaking the law the minimum speed limit is 55 and that's in place for big rigs. Same thing goes for merging onto the freeway.

Edited, I meant to say far right lane.
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I swear brothers, there is nothing that makes me angrier than someone on the Freeway/Highway doing 45/50 in a 65/70 zone :smh:

That makes people that are driving the speed limit have to go around you.

Or people like this that drive super damn slow in the fast lane :smh:

Or how about the person that merges onto the freeway at 40 mph and you're stuck behind them :smh:

That's a good way to die brothers, stay safe.

That cop will forever be cool in my book...
What I hate is when they rush to get in front of you then go super slow, :smh:. Like wtf was the point?
another thing i hate when they drive slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww as hell in front of you but when you change lanes and speed up they start speeding too :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: aiiiiiighhttt u wanna play :stoneface: THINK THIS **** A GAME?!?!?!??!?! :stoneface: :lol:
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I hate when I'm going 75-78 in the left lane and they're still tailgating me acting like I'm going too slow. I'm not driving to impress anyone. I'm not trying to die sorry.
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I'm a speed demon to an extent I show off on occasion but I hate when I go 5-10 mph over the speed limit respectively and ******** still feel the need to pass me like I'm going slow. And 85% of the time my car has double their horse power. I feel insulted.

I feel what your saying though. If you wanna go that slow just take the scenic route.

You "show off" while you're driving? 

I do, not on the highway but if I'm able to take one of my friends muscle cars out, you best believe I'm doing a couple burnouts.

I get bored if I go under 70 on the freeway, it just doesn't feel right.

A couple weeks ago I got SO heated. This lady was driving 60 in the left lane (speed limit is 65 here) and she didn't realize I was behind her, trying to get past her the whole way. :smh:

I have no idea how some people get their licenses.
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