People who over-update on Facebook vol. OMG STOP....

8:24pm- Alicia is: on her way to spend the night with her man...I'm comin babe! <3
[Kevin likes this!]
Kevin wrote: wear the black one this time *insider*
Alicia wrote: lol u silly...see u soon I love u...

10:30am: Alicia is now tagged as 'single'

10:32am- Alicia is: done with men and is focusing on school, work and God...

Thank god for the ignore feature
Some people seriously OD on Twitter. I've seen cats who post ALL day & night. FB & Twitter gives some people a platform that they normallywouldn't have to speak on.
LMAO! Naw me and my friends find it super amusing, we got this one associate/friend who puts everything out on his updates, girl problems ,the whole nine andwhen we get on facebook/myspace we check his out for cracks/laughs and we let each other know like how's his life and er'thing what he got planned inhis life next lol, we call it, The life and times of "insert friends name", its like a tv show of himself and we just keep up see whats going onhaha. Its just hilarious if ya'll have a friend or associate like that its some good shh. I have no idea why ppl make their business for the world to knowword to Ben Baller but i guess thats the way they row their boats....
Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

i do that, kinda.. but i post lyrics and quotes i find on here loll.

Hell, me too! I am a pretty active facebooker, but some folk just take it waaaaay over the top, and need to be told about themselves...that's all....
this thread is 100% true. i got dudes that be postin like this. who the hell cares that you are dpressed at 11 AM and happier than @#+% at 4PM. and you alwayshave those simp guys that post on every girls status that says they are not happy
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

you always have those simp guys that post on every girls status that says they are not happy

You peeped that too, huh? Ambulance-chasin #@$ dudes... Spittin Ne-yo lyrics and !#@@
That just makes me laugh tho...
Originally Posted by potus2028

You get the general picture here. This ain't Twitter, ya dumb truck...take that ++*+ over there. Its just irritating as hell to read some people's whole personal lives against your will, especially since on average about 45-75% of your Facebook friends ain't REALLY 'friends' at all, just folk you know from...somewhere. Its really weird not to say 3 words to a person in real life and know every single hourly update on their existence. I personally suggest a 5-status-change-a-day limit (which is still a bit much, but there should be a cap somwhere) but since I know good ole Mark Zuckerberg ain't goin for that, if I see this type of ++*+ from any of my Facebook friends, they gets deleted...hit the showers. Its a good policy, and it works for me. AJ is: deleting some folk right now.

- i deleted my FB altogether, and made a new one with a different first/last name and put up every security search feature allowable. now i only have 9 friendsand im cool with it.
def unappreciated

i got a couple people that put ALL their biz on FB.. two immediately come to mind and i swear to god they both update at least 10x a day.
I have this dude that I've met like two-three times playing Poker that I know through a better friend who over the last 2 weeks has updated over 30 times aday with lyrics from the band Converge, pretending to be all hardcord/traumatized by the world when he really, REALLY isnt. I know I can block him, but itsamazing to watch how stupid he is.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

I have this dude that I've met like two-three times playing Poker that I know through a better friend who over the last 2 weeks has updated over 30 times a day with lyrics from the band Converge, pretending to be all hardcord/traumatized by the world when he really, REALLY isnt. I know I can block him, but its amazing to watch how stupid he is.
converge is a good band but thats od
Originally Posted by proper english

he's mad b/c nobody ever comments on his status updates.

I get mad when I dont get comments......

There a million pet peeves I got about facebook, but im not gonna sit here and list them
I just like when people put depressing statuses trying to throw a pity party....I just hit the 'like' button
I dont have a facebook but sometimes on twitter you will see a wall of updates from one person , good thing most of the people i follow on there are funny
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Am I the only one whos never made a twitter, facebook or myspace?
yea i think so, you need to hop on facebook and myspace.. you will get them girls, that liked you in H.S. but were to shy to tell you..

its guarenteed to happen
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