Philadelphia Eagles @ New York Giants...Sunday Night Football

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

and alot of yall are wrongfully blaming coaches when players arent executing.


there is no logical explanation for calling a hb draw on 3rd and 6/ 3rd and 7 whatever it was, given the situation

this is not up for debate.
I mean, REALLY? You can't tell me that wasn't a bonehead move. Just idiotic. IDIOTIC.
yea he called a trap cus Philly had been loading up blitzes every 3rd and 5.

but the fact that the Giants have 35+ points and yall are blaming Gilbride and no other coaches makes No sense at all

but Im more talkin bout cowboys not being able to get one yard on 4 straight plays.
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

If somebody would have told me we would of had 500+ total yards and losing I wouldnt have believed it.

yea my dude. its all Gilbrides fault!
Andy Reid's sweatin' grease over there on the sidelines...he better tell his defense to take care of business out here.
Gilbride's play calling when it mattered most was sad....Giants let this game get away with all the costly mistakes. At least the next two weeks are Skinsand Panthers.

Both QB's had some damn good games but both defenses were sad.

@ these fights.
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