Philadelphia Eagles @ New York Giants...Sunday Night Football

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Stay classy New York
Huh? I know a Philly fan ain't talking about "classy"

I said on the last page I didn't see the replay of Trent swinging first. Quit taking sh*t personal, yall ain't on the field
* Reported for edited profanity

aint dat a snitch..
Just got back from the game, pretty disappointing, but Giants deserved to lose tonight. Can't be mad when the better team won...Giants made lots of badmistakes that good teams don't make:

1. jacobs fumble - TD, had us playin catchup all night

2. punt return TD (I was yelling "kick it out of bounds" as loud as I could before that play

3. 3rd and 10 blown coverage right before the half, lets Eagles score another TD

4. Eli's slide/fumble? (I still don't understand why he wasn't down, I thought QB's can slide on their knees)

5. 3rd and 5 Draw/Kneel by Ahmad Bradshaw...and the subsequent decision to punt the ball from like the 40.

Can't blame the offense for this one (maybe Jacobs)...the secondary is just terrible, and Bruce Johnson is possibly the worst corner I've everseen...Giants might make the playoffs, but we're not doing anything if we are unless we fix a lot of problems. I'm still on the fence about Gilbride(the playcalling is very conservative, and sometimes takes us out of games...ex. chargers final drive, 08 playoffs w/ 4 striaght runs, today), but even worseis the defense being totally dominated through the air every game....I think we need a real Defensive coordinator next yr
First of all Good damn win by us today!!! In a huge game to be able to put up points, and respond to be down for a second was big!! I havent seen our offenseclick like that in forever.

1. Just so all you know the reason why Eli wasnt down is because he didnt slide, he dove head first tryna pick up extra yards and wasn't touched

2. D Jack
this guy does it all.... so happy to have him on our team

3. Shame on the defense:smh:

4. Glad to see we are finally realizing how to use vick, and its just in time to make a run these last few weeks and in the playoffs... saw a good mix ofreverses, runs, and passes

Overall I am extremely happy with this win...
i have no idea what happend

i just heard NY scored , and the philly threw it deep on em again . oh well.

hopefully it will be the boys vs eagles for the division .
Originally Posted by RiverXBear

i have no idea what happend

i just heard NY scored , and the philly threw it deep on em again . oh well.

hopefully it will be the boys vs eagles for the division .
IDK man the Eagles are starting to peak as they usually do around this time and are playing good football, i see them running away with thedivision. The Giants are starting to play better and have a much easier schedule than we do and they own the tie breakers. We'll see how it goes but ican see us getting left out once again.

Jackson =
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Stay classy New York
Huh? I know a Philly fan ain't talking about "classy"

I said on the last page I didn't see the replay of Trent swinging first. Quit taking sh*t personal, yall ain't on the field
* Reported for edited profanity
Good game, Eagles. You deserved it no doubt. On to the next one for the G-Men.

And yes, a Cowboy L this week to the Saints and a Giant W on Monday Night would put the Giants in the 6 spot in the NFC. Situation is feasible, but we need toworry about our game and that's it!
Whats ya'll's feelings on Desean Jackson. Giants and Eagles fans. Im not a Giants or Eagles fan but I like Jackson, enjoy watching a exciting playerthat NFL defenses cant stop. Got into a debate at work about the guy and wanted to see what some of your 2 cents was.

Guy at my job : "He's so good, but also such a piece of crap. You can tell he's going to be a problem, like a TO type of guy. He didn't stoptalking for like 30 mins after his long TD reception"

Me: Piece of crap? That guy is awesome, he hasn't showed any signs of being a diva. He has made a few boneheaded plays but you don't hear from him thatway. Which long one? The 72 yard punt return or the 60 yard reception to tie the record for most plays from scrimmage over 50 yards in a season? I don'tknow a receiver in the NFL that wouldnt talk after that and after coming back from a concussion.

Guy at my job: He hasn't had the chance to be a diva because he doesn't have that gigantic contract yet, AND Donovan McNabb is keeping him in line fornow, which is why you don't hear from him...yet. He also has Drew Rosenhaus as an agent, and he makes a spectacle every time he scores a TD. Yes he hadthat stupid play where he dropped the ball before scoring that TD last year because he was all wrapped up in himself and what he was going to do to celebrate.I'm sure there's other things I haven't seen or heard about him that would support his "piece of crap" status I'm giving him. Mark mywords, he'll be a problem child in the NFL.

When I said "TD reception" I meant "TD reception".

As for WRs that would not talk for 30 mins after a TD reception, Andre Johnson, Reggie Wayne, Larry Fitzgerald, Wes Welker, Bernard Berrian. Those are just afew of some of the best WRs in the NFL that wouldn't do that, I'm sure 90% of WRs in the NFL wouldn't, but you don't hear about those guys asoften. Also, a concussion is no big deal, it's part of playing in the NFL and the main reason people in the NFL have such low life expectancies.

Don't get me wrong, he's a fantastic player, as I mentioned in my original email when I said "man he's so good" so the issue isn'this ability, just that he'll be one of those guys everyone hates like TO and Randy Moss when he was on the Vikings and Raiders, and now his true colors arecoming out again on the Pats since they're not the best in the league any more.

Me: Bernard Berrian??

Do you guys agree or disagree??
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