Phonte calls 808s And Heartbreak an "act of cowardice"

comments are OD in my opinion...not like Kanye trying to be recognised as a pure vocalist. Dude just singing (albeit in autotune)

Besides which he sang at the grammys live (hey mama) and on the album. I'd call hm many things but never a coward. Phonte just love talking #!@! imo...fairenough you don't like the album (neither do i) but he just sounding salty.
Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by Sosincere09

Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by cronicmole

I dont agree with him fully because as we are seeing in 09 Kanye's features are CRAZY hot, and for you guys saying who is Phonte who does he think he is...He's your favorite rappers favorite rapper i.e Drake.

I guess Drake's favorite rapper means something in '09.

Maybe 808's goes over my head but i dont understand what the difference between this and a ron browz record except kanyes entire cd was about love and love loss
Ron Browz music is garbage. Kanye, while its debatable I guess I can rock with it. I think Kanye used autotune to contribute to music. To do something innovative. I think Ron Browz job is to be the NY T-Pain.

but what is innovative about it?
I didn't say it was innovative. I think that's the goal Kanye went for when he produced the album and didn't really succeed I guess. From the album artwork, to the production to the use of autotune, if we're calling it a hip hop album than its some hip hop i've never in my life heard. But you hear a lot of people compare it to different genre's like emo and the dude above called it trip hop. I'm not familiar with those genre's so I can't speak on them. But I do think that was the intent of this record. I don't think there was a blueprint for 808 Heartbreaks. I think he went in trying to make a record we've never heard from a rapper before. I do think though Speakerboxx/Love Below could be considered the father of this album.

Oh i gotcha.... Yea this album does remind me of Love below but andre can hit a note. The production on 808 was crazy but the autotune just kills it for me.
Little Brother was one of my favorite artists in high school but I'm kinda over Phonte. I was stoked for Leave It All Behind and was EXTREMELYdisappointed. And I've never really had the same opinion on hip-hop as him - Lil' Wayne is one of his favorite rappers and I can hardly stand Weezy. Ithough 808s & Heartbreaks was a great album and even if he disagrees, to call it an "act of cowardice" is just ignorant. If anything he was braveto release such an album because he knew that it wouldn't be accepted by so many people. Kudos to him for having the balls to go in a completely differentdirection when he is on the top of the world and release an album that has so much emotion and comes straight from the heart.
It wouldve been an act of cowardice if Ye kept everyone waiting three years after registration was put out, then put out 808
Originally Posted by TeamJordanKidd532

Little Brother was one of my favorite artists in high school but I'm kinda over Phonte. I was stoked for Leave It All Behind and was EXTREMELY disappointed. And I've never really had the same opinion on hip-hop as him - Lil' Wayne is one of his favorite rappers and I can hardly stand Weezy. I though 808s & Heartbreaks was a great album and even if he disagrees, to call it an "act of cowardice" is just ignorant. If anything he was brave to release such an album because he knew that it wouldn't be accepted by so many people. Kudos to him for having the balls to go in a completely different direction when he is on the top of the world and release an album that has so much emotion and comes straight from the heart.
Agreed. Phonte is my boy, but he comes across as a "hater" sometimes as well: "I love hip hop, I just hate the $$!$$% in it..."

I agree that there's too many copycats in music, but at least Kanye is talented with it and is bringing something different to the table as far as theoverall approach to the tracks, besides using auto-tune of course.
i though LB and Kanye were cool, they did a lot of tracks together

Phonte is the truth
808s is a decent album to me, but "Welcome to Heartbreak" is the only song I haven't gotten tired of yet. I like that he stepped outside the box,and overall, I think it exceeded my expectations.
"If I don't like it I don't like it, that don't mean that I'm hating" [/Com Sense]

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if anybody else but Ye dropped 808s it would be nowhere near as critically acclaimed.

And Ye raps and/or singles better than Phonte?
surely you jest. And I like Kanye.

Different =/= good. Love Below was different AND good. 3stacks also > Kanye at rapping & singing
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

"If I don't like it I don't like it, that don't mean that I'm hating" [/Com Sense]

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if anybody else but Ye dropped 808s it would be nowhere near as critically acclaimed.

And Ye raps and/or singles better than Phonte?
surely you jest. And I like Kanye.

Different =/= good. Love Below was different AND good. 3stacks also > Kanye at rapping & singing
I agree with everything you said, except for that little bit. Phonte is vastly overrated, and popular largely because he isn't famous. Heisn't THAT great. 'Ye is a stronger artist than him.

That said, I think a lot of you (Phonte) missed the point of 808s. if Ye wanted to sing and make it sound good (even by using autotune) he could have. Thiswas an art piece. He knew how he wanted it to sound. He wasn't trying to dazzle anyone with his pipes.
Phonte>>>Kanye. YEZZZZZIRRRRR.

On the real though, Kanye is agreat artist no denying that. No matter how much I have came to dislike dude as a person I can't deny his ear for muscialability.

With that said, I understand the intention behind 808's, I just thought !@%+ generally sounded awful. It wasn't good music imo, no matter what genreit was. And I agree, the last Foreign Exchange sucked, but still a lot fo y'all acting like he a scrub in the game when he has 3 very good albums withLil'Brother, 1 excellent foriegn exchange album and Zo! and Tiggalo love the 80's which were all dope albums. While I agree that Kanye is the bettermusican and artist of the two, Phonte's rap skills are far superior and he is isn't a bad artist in his own right.
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