===Photoshop Contest 2009 Kickoff===Congrats BWC!

Voting is CLOSED
bwc- 4
arff - 2
boredONE - 2
SinP - 2
Juan P - 1
Donkey Kong - 1
BP - 1

Lets open this up to discussion. If anyone has questions for entrants, or criticism about the contest, or anything else,lets discuss.

Also thoughts on the next contest? In hindsight this one had a few flaws, what can we do to make these better, and whatshould the next contest be?
Well for one BP...My understanding of the primary color, was that the shoe was MOSTLY that color..However entries told other wise...
^ i understand. it said primary "accent" color, meaning a black, white, or gray based shoe with the main accent color being the one you picked, butyou could still have other accent colors.

for example...

the base is white, the primary accent is navy, and the secondary accent is red.

hope that clears it up
Shoes Based upon the theme of an NBA All-Star game?
Take a classic colorway (bred, am90 infared, etc) and apply it to the sneaker of ur choice.
ikno some ideas are kinda sketchy, but its better than nothing.
^ i like that idea. any sport, any shoe, any player. and you have to design a new logo for the player you choose.

anybody else like the idea?
My bad BP- I just missed the accent part..I know what it means, just overlooked it I guess...woops...

But I like the P.E idea too...
Hey BP i got an idea for a PS Contest, how about Retro/Old School shoes with futuristic/modern day technology ala the recent Converse Weapon Evo?
^this contest is over, and has been for some time.

and how the hell did you double your post count in 11 days? went from the mid 200s to nearly 600?
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