Physics prove Parallel Universes exist (Vol. LOST fans are still confused)

The multi-verse theory says the entire universe "freezes" during observation, and we see only one reality. = De ja vu
Tripped out right? I theorized a while back that de ja vu is when you either

a) Trade places with an alternate version of yourself
b) Merge with an alternate self
c) Experience the same moment with an alternate self

I've even witnessed an object phase into this reality and out of it within a matter of seconds, but people think I made that up.

To take all of this a step further, imagine using this theory to understand your path as an individual by connecting with the consciousness of alternate selves.

Now imagine the entire human species using it to understand our purpose and start seeing a larger picture.

What's really bugged out is that we know this planet will be destroyed one day, either by us or by "natural causes" and we are not focused as a species with our own preservation and moving on to alternate worlds or exploring alternate realities. Imagine the entire population of earth moving to a newer earth still pure and untouched.

I know I'm on one, but this is the kind of %**! I think about when I'm not focused on the day to day stuff.

We as a race are preoccupied with this idea that if you focus on one thing, you can be successful, but if your assignment or point of focus isn't part of a group project, then it is really only serving one lifetime/generation. I know that's a little out there for some people.

I just trip that there are other people who think like me and have the resources to put this idea into action and are sitting back and chuckling at the people who think that getting new stuff is important.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

The multi-verse theory says the entire universe "freezes" during observation, and we see only one reality. = De ja vu
Tripped out right? I theorized a while back that de ja vu is when you either

a) Trade places with an alternate version of yourself
b) Merge with an alternate self
c) Experience the same moment with an alternate self

I've even witnessed an object phase into this reality and out of it within a matter of seconds, but people think I made that up.

To take all of this a step further, imagine using this theory to understand your path as an individual by connecting with the consciousness of alternate selves.

Now imagine the entire human species using it to understand our purpose and start seeing a larger picture.

What's really bugged out is that we know this planet will be destroyed one day, either by us or by "natural causes" and we are not focused as a species with our own preservation and moving on to alternate worlds or exploring alternate realities. Imagine the entire population of earth moving to a newer earth still pure and untouched.

I know I'm on one, but this is the kind of %**! I think about when I'm not focused on the day to day stuff.

We as a race are preoccupied with this idea that if you focus on one thing, you can be successful, but if your assignment or point of focus isn't part of a group project, then it is really only serving one lifetime/generation. I know that's a little out there for some people.

I just trip that there are other people who think like me and have the resources to put this idea into action and are sitting back and chuckling at the people who think that getting new stuff is important.

Originally Posted by General Johnson

The multi-verse theory says the entire universe "freezes" during observation, and we see only one reality. = De ja vu
I've even witnessed an object phase into this reality and out of it within a matter of seconds, but people think I made that up.

more information...i demand it!
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by General Johnson

The multi-verse theory says the entire universe "freezes" during observation, and we see only one reality. = De ja vu
I've even witnessed an object phase into this reality and out of it within a matter of seconds, but people think I made that up.

more information...i demand it!
Told the story on here a few times and there really isn't much to it.

It was a ball of fire that looked like a sun, between the size of a basketball and a beach ball. It appeared right in front of my face, I was 10 or 11 at the time, and then it vanished once I started yelling out of fear.

I've had another very detailed experience too where I was told a little about how things work. That one happened later on in life. A few years after that I spoke to someone who I thought would connect the dots and she told me that I already had a lot of it figured out already.

For those who don't believe in an afterlife or other realms, they'll be stuck here for a while, I'll just put it that way.

You ever stop to think that people who aren't spiritual may not have spirits? Maybe they look like us, but are incapable of feeling like us? They are all around and they really think they are "human." You'll know them when they speak and by their actions and more importantly, how they "feel" after they do something wrong.

To some this won't make any sense and will be enough to joke on. I joke to, so I don't care about that. But if that made any sense to you at all, start evaluting the people around you. Challenge their opinions and let them reveal themselves to you and you'll really start to see people for what they are... 

EDIT: Some people will purposely mislead you or cause distractions in your life because to them, you are beneath them. They think they are superior in every way and hate you for your uniqueness. It gets deep. 
when an observer is present then the particles act like we expect them to act, but when its not there then they follow another pattern.

kinda like saying, "when the dogs away, the cats will play"
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by General Johnson

The multi-verse theory says the entire universe "freezes" during observation, and we see only one reality. = De ja vu
I've even witnessed an object phase into this reality and out of it within a matter of seconds, but people think I made that up.

more information...i demand it!

Godbless it! Man is slowly creeping into the divine yet we are in the most materialistic times.
This is really interesting...I've never really thought of things like that, as far as alternate states of being. That video is crazy how the simple act of observing the particles made them act differently.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Told the story on here a few times and there really isn't much to it.

It was a ball of fire that looked like a sun, between the size of a basketball and a beach ball. It appeared right in front of my face, I was 10 or 11 at the time, and then it vanished once I started yelling out of fear.

I've had another very detailed experience too where I was told a little about how things work. That one happened later on in life. A few years after that I spoke to someone who I thought would connect the dots and she told me that I already had a lot of it figured out already.

For those who don't believe in an afterlife or other realms, they'll be stuck here for a while, I'll just put it that way.

You ever stop to think that people who aren't spiritual may not have spirits? Maybe they look like us, but are incapable of feeling like us? They are all around and they really think they are "human." You'll know them when they speak and by their actions and more importantly, how they "feel" after they do something wrong.

To some this won't make any sense and will be enough to joke on. I joke to, so I don't care about that. But if that made any sense to you at all, start evaluting the people around you. Challenge their opinions and let them reveal themselves to you and you'll really start to see people for what they are... 

EDIT: Some people will purposely mislead you or cause distractions in your life because to them, you are beneath them. They think they are superior in every way and hate you for your uniqueness. It gets deep. 
I totally follow what you're saying. Sometimes the corner of my eye will catch something and then it's gone...

Also, about misleading people and distractions, I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately, even family is capable of that. You really can't trust many people.
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