Pick up lines --- yes they work.

trying to get a girl to laugh......better than.......trying to get a girl to talk.

(when using pick-up lines)
Anybody got that video of a kid talking about how he would get at girls at a mall by yelling "ay ma." I think it was in black and white.
Excuse me; I think you owe me a drink.” [She says, "Why?"] “Because when I saw you from across the room I dropped mine. It was a rum and Coke, and I’m......
-on a scale of 1-10, you're a 9 & i'm the 1 you need

or my go to
i use pick up lines for fun all the time **** is funny as hell

heres a tip though when you use a pick up line that waits for her response like this

Excuse me; I think you owe me a drink.” [She says, "Why?"] “Because when I saw you from across the room I dropped mine. It was a rum and Coke, and I’m......

dont wait for her response just say it flat out

excuse me i think you owe me a drink because when i saw you i dropped mine

sometimes they'll be like huh what? and it'll just kill it :lol:

just from my experience though :tongue:
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Real talk me and my boy were in Vegas and he's one of those dudes with noooooooooooooo filter.

Walkin down the strip drunk as hell....See two fine *** breezes.

My homeboy, outta nowhere blurts out, hey girl.... Hey girl. This **** ain't gonna suck itself.

They tried to play like they were disgusted but were laughing. Took em back to room. He handled and I took down her homegirl. :nthat:
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Real talk me and my boy were in Vegas and he's one of those dudes with noooooooooooooo filter.

Walkin down the strip drunk as hell....See two fine *** breezes.

My homeboy, outta nowhere blurts out, hey girl.... Hey girl. This **** ain't gonna suck itself.

They tried to play like they were disgusted but were laughing. Took em back to room. He handled and I took down her homegirl. :nthat:

Idc if it's ducktales or not but that idgaf swag is money
See a department store employee:

You: "What do I do if I see something I like/want and it doesn't have a price tag?
Her: "Show me."

Then you take her to a mirror & point to it.
See a department store employee:

You: "What do I do if I see something I like/want and it doesn't have a price tag?
Her: "Show me."

Then you take her to a mirror & point to it.

She'll think you're calling her a prostitute, as if you can just buy her. And she'll proceed to slap you and call the security for harassment.
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