Pics of the XIII + X Countdown Pack

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

People don't even know and cannot ever compare packs to the DMP because it just isn't in the same field.

DMPs were because it was a FIRST! More so, it featured the XIs. (common sense)

These are NO WHERE close to the prestige the DMP carries. Most hate the Xs and the XIIIs don't push up high either.

But we're now fed with MORE PACKS, and MORE RETROS and shoes like the BMP are good signs of how saturated it has already become. The only possible caliber to the DMPs would be the XI/XII. However, keep in mind production numbers will be more (IMO) because they will make more money and JB knows it. Put in the GS crap you see with all these other "retros", you have plenty !!!

More importantly, it's so saturated already.
this man is 100% correct
my pack has been shipped,
Resell prices IMO will be anywhere from $350-415

Ebay is going to be FLOODED by these.
to me it seems like some ppl beleive they will only be bmp status. but im highly doubting that
well its like dude said its not like they are dmp's an the shoes that are in this pack don't really excite people like that so dont be shocked if uwalk in the store an ur still able to get them im speaking 4 my area
JB is so smart for making these packs. Drop in a nice box with a nice print too and people will be attacking each other to have one.

In that perspective, I'm simply glad I don't live in the USA and know they won't release here, so I don't need to battle.
I wouldn't put a penny on Eastbay. But if you do decide to get them from Eastbay, call them as well. 56K need not apply.

VA757VA wrote:
Yea you're guaranteed a pack. Reservations aren't made until the shoes are in stock. What happens is you purchase a gift card at the amount of the shoes, and come Saturday, you just show your receipt and get your kicks.

Do all Finishlines offer reserves? and how would u ask them? cuz i remember when the flip III's were about to drop i went to a Finishline 2 days beforethe release date and asked an employee if they do reserves and she says no.
I'm not sure if all FNL's have adopted the reserve policy or not. Call and ask your nearest FNL. If they do, they shouldn't have a problem lettingyou know.
thats true but u have to think about it an im not trying to make people feel bad but if this is more limited then the dmp u have to really use ur head not onlyare u going head to head with folks on the street u are going againts the employees as well so who is to say they dont wear ur size shoe
We just got our shippment today, I'm gonna pass and wait for the VII/XVI and VI/XVII pack.
YES MY STORE JUST GOT THE FIRST PACK. JUST RECEIVED A TEXT MESSAGE. Anyone that stays in metro detroit area Finishline in Southland Mall will have them. sothat should answer a few questions on places in michigan... but i "think" all finsihlines will get them except clearance stores. < ---just mythought

Originally Posted by Stevetacular

VA757VA wrote:
Yea you're guaranteed a pack. Reservations aren't made until the shoes are in stock. What happens is you purchase a gift card at the amount of the shoes, and come Saturday, you just show your receipt and get your kicks.

Do all Finishlines offer reserves? and how would u ask them? cuz i remember when the flip III's were about to drop i went to a Finishline 2 days before the release date and asked an employee if they do reserves and she says no.

just go in and say, (first see if they even have them.) and say could i reserve the package in a size ___? and there response will even be "pick agift card", or "were not taking reserves right now" or, "our store doesn't do them." but thats is how people ask were im at, thefirst 2 answerers are what we would say.
Originally Posted by VA757VA

I'm not sure if all FNL's have adopted the reserve policy or not. Call and ask your nearest FNL. If they do, they shouldn't have a problem letting you know.

my manager said that fnl's aren't allowed to reserve the package, even thought every other shoe we allow it.

i can confirm that finishline as a company is only receiving 6000 packs. and they have around 700 stores. and my store is getting 20 packs.
So let me get this right, no where near as limited as the DMPs, but not as available as the BMPs.

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