Pics of the XIV + IX Countdown Pack

total plain and boring. it's like buying a pack of last shots and the '02 IX's, which at tops is only a total of $240 or so, not worth $310
i mean JB is taking the cut costs in production to maximize profits thing to a whole other level, using left over materials from last shots
to hopelessly make a "new" version of the last shots
i would definitely hunt a IX down from '02 then spend $300+, just MY opinion
but you also have to think it would be better for you to wear the 06 version instead of the 02 version...02 may not seem very old but the midsoles could crackand the paint chips
I Can't really see these packs doing DMP #'s until the actual XI pack drops. I think the first pack will definitely be decent but I feel like everysubsequent pack from that point on will be harder to sell than the last. I dunno what specific order these are dropping in but certain packs are just NOT GONNAsell well regardless of the hype surrounding it. I can see waking up a day or two after the RD and seeing the less desirable shoes online with low or no bidsfor stupid prices....Just watch......
Someone stated that you could get a a pair of IX and a pair of last shots for $240. Definitly not, the ix can go up around $200 and the last shots will atleast hit $125 (all including shipping). The pack is a good buy if you like the shoes. I just bought a pair of nds ixs and notice that the paint chips fast (itdid this on my other pair I got back in 02 as well). I will most definitly pick up this pack.
so far these packs are annoying...out of the first one, only the xiii's are worth getting. out of this one only the ix's are worth getting.
so copped! those IX's are top 5 for me, and im sure the xiv's will grow on me, if they dont ill just resell them

thanks for the pics
I'm really feelin' this pack. Those IX's are serious and the XIV's are all good with me. No complaints here...Definite Copp.
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