Pictures From Italy Vol. paging bkmac

Side note, my names Dominick, too
Originally Posted by SShanique

How were the Italian men over there, fam, and what did they think of the black girls?

Pause at asking me about men. But it's common knowledge that Italians are on that romantic stuff hard. When I first got here I thought everybody was gay, they're mannerisms are just so much more feminine than I'm used to but it's not the case. They're simply not as worried about protecting their masculinity as we are in the states. I still back up by instinct when dudes try to do the kiss on the cheek greeting tho'. They're not offended, they know how weird we are about our personal space.

But they love black women over here but honestly it's because they think they're all prostitutes. The majority of the broads working the streets out here are from Eastern Europe, South America and Africa, so any woman of color or not of Italian descent, they automatically think prostitute.

whats ur afsc?? where u stationed in lackland?
dude u look mad familiar...

I was stationed down there in tech school, in the Aircrew dorms back in 03. Was supposed to be a loadmaster but i changed to 3A (now 3D).
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

SShanique said:
How were the Italian men over there, fam, and what did they think of the black girls?

Pause at asking me about men. But it's common knowledge that Italians are on that romantic stuff hard. When I first got here I thought everybody was gay, they're mannerisms are just so much more feminine than I'm used to but it's not the case. They're simply not as worried about protecting their masculinity as we are in the states. I still back up by instinct when dudes try to do the kiss on the cheek greeting tho'. They're not offended, they know how weird we are about our personal space.

But they love black women over here but honestly it's because they think they're all prostitutes. The majority of the broads working the streets out here are from Eastern Europe, South America and Africa, so any woman of color or not of Italian descent, they automatically think prostitute.

He's right. In my pops town in Sicily, there's these 2 Dominican broads that live in town. They all think they're beautiful because they're Dominican. They're decent at best. And alotta the rumors about them is that they are prostitutes. So yeah, what dude said is true.

And again, over there, their mannerism's aren't like Americans. Its completely normal for 2 guys to walk arm-in-arm, just for a casual stroll. Thats just what the Italians do.
Originally Posted by SShanique

Thanks for the info, fams.

moving on...

Your pictures may of just given me the extra push to buy my ticket for this summer. It was between Italy and Hawaii really. I need to be free for a bit. I loved Europe the last time I went. Great pics. You look happy.
that's pretty sick dude especially for being in the air force.  i know a girl stationed in Korea, but I can't imagine it being nicer than Italy.  btw how is air force?  if I can get the funds then I'm definitely gonna try to hit up Italy
Damn Dom you got me on searching for flights and hotels

I would love to go out there and find a single bird that would let me move in for a couple months
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Tunisian shortyy bad.


You been gone too long, mayn... but I ain't mad at you.
If I were you; I'd get one of them North African/Italian/Brazilian/etc. broads pregnant (maybe twice over) and open an American Soul Food joint. Never come back.



nice pics bro... if you don't mind me asking, what camera did you use?  I plan on traveling soon and i need a cam!
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Italy looks nice as hell [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] .. and I've always wanted to thrash an Italian woman [/color]
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by Kazuum

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

GrimlocK wrote:

yo that was one of the most impressive set of pics ever posted of a foreign spot I've ever seen on NT, your doing it homie.

After reviewing what I said I'm gonna quote this for corrections

Trust me I will be hitting you up next year for some's not only the pics that make me want to go there its like someone said above me you look happy to be there and I always figured I'd have a good time in a spot like Italy, now I have something to look forward to.

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