Pictures From Italy Vol. paging bkmac

In here yes. Most people think that Americans are fat and obnoxious.
Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

In here yes. Most people think that Americans are fat and obnoxious.

         Its from the movies, thats funny how europeans like to go to the usa, and you wanna come here. Its way nicer there
The pizza looks pretty good to me. The pizza at the restaurant the Italian guy I use to like owns comes just like that. It's pretty good, too. What's that? Ricotta on top?
I think that they`re more open sexually over there but I could be wrong. I remember stopping over at Milan airport a few years back and walking into a magazine store only to see 90% of the magazines having naked women on the covers

I always chuckle when we have threads here with dudes saying that the U.S. is the best in this and that when I`m pretty sure 90% of these dudes have never left North America before.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I think that they`re more open sexually over there but I could be wrong. I remember stopping over at Milan airport a few years back and walking into a magazine store only to see 90% of the magazines having naked women on the covers

I always chuckle when we have threads here with dudes saying that the U.S. is the best in this and that when I`m pretty sure 90% of these dudes have never left North America before.

Half of the pictures in those fashion magazines have some form of nudity, so it's expected. It's when you pick up the local paper and you see **** on the 5th page you're like
I miss Italy so bad man,

Kind of wild to know that my old neighborhood (Castle Volturno) is now the heroin trafficking capital of Italy.

Dom you on GChat or AIM?

Love the pictures dude, brings me back to the time I visited Italy.  Naples and Amalfi are two best places I've been to.  Here's a pic I took when I was in Amalfi, I think it was the same beach that you were at, it just wasn't busy when I was there (mid-April).   


Is there still a lot of garbage on the streets of Naples, or have they cleaned it up?
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