So Odenkirk's character is basically the villain?

This one has been long in the making -- hope it's as good as the first
It has to be after that long hiatus
Coco was phenomenal
And inside out too
But Pixar losing ground to Disney animation studios
Nah I know that but I like to make distinctions between Pixar and Disney movies anyway

In general Disney movies have been doing better
^ Did you like Coco or nah?

Best Pixar movie since TS3. Depending on the day it's top 5 overall for me. Very few movies had me fighting em back like Coco did. Even with the cultural aspects I can't relate to, being black, the family aspects are too ****in real
Best Pixar movie since TS3. Depending on the day it's top 5 overall for me. Very few movies had me fighting em back like Coco did. Even with the cultural aspects I can't relate to, being black, the family aspects are too ****in real
Yeah I couldn’t relate culturally
But the family aspect had ya boy leakin
Def top 5 Pixar movie
Nothing will ever top toy story 3 though
Coco was excellent.

Looking forward to The Incredibles 2 and Toy Story 4.

And it seems like I'm in the minority, but I liked Finding Dory.
Watched Coco last night,
Boy this movie was AMAZING! Definitely an instant classic. Wasn't a fan of brave, inside out or the good dinosaur , those were OK to me but man, I severely misjudged this film and glad I was wrong!

The director of coco also directed TS3. Hope he keeps directing things for them. He's really good at having the villains do extremely bad things to people and making it look so grim for the heroes. At the end of both those movies I was just grateful they made it.
Had me stressed all movie
A Wrinkle In Time embargo lifted today.

45% on RT.

Drawing comparisons to Tomorrowland.
I love Coco. I loved how well it represented a lot of aspects of my culture.

I bought it in 4k and watched it with my mom in Spanish the other day.

I love Coco. I loved how well it represented a lot of aspects of my culture.

I bought it in 4k and watched it with my mom in Spanish the other day.


I ordered it off Amazon and they say it will be about 3-4 weeks to ship me the bluray. I also had friends having a hard time finding it in stores, i hope this means its selling in higher quantities than Disney thought it would.
Found the right thread
Decided to rewatch toy story 3 last night
Still the GOAT
BUZZ getting switched to Spanish mode
STILL cracks me up
I ordered it off Amazon and they say it will be about 3-4 weeks to ship me the bluray. I also had friends having a hard time finding it in stores, i hope this means its selling in higher quantities than Disney thought it would.
Picked it up at Best Buy on release week with no hassle
Found the right thread
Decided to rewatch toy story 3 last night
Still the GOAT
BUZZ getting switched to Spanish mode
STILL cracks me up

Lowkey took my younger sister to see Toy Story 3 just so i wouldnt go alone haha. Barely kept it together at the end
Toy Story 1 is still my favorite. (One of my favorite movies of all-time.) But man is Toy Story 3 great. I really don't want them to make a 4th. It ended perfectly.
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