Pizza delivery driver urinates on customer's doorstep for not tipping (video)

should have done carry out if you ain't tipping :smh: just imagine gas prices...and plus the extra exercise he has to do walking up and down those stairs while you're in your house waiting to be fed :lol: ...the audacity of the lady who's hungry... people these days just don't understand :rofl: sorry just being a little sarcastic :tongue:
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Tipping is generally expected.

I don't understand how you can not tip someone when they touch your food and they no where you live.Unless you are out of town and never plan on ordering from that place again how can you not tip?
warpig looks like it gets off on the combination of not tipping & devouring a large pizza dolo

but not justified (& i delivered pizzas in college and encountered one or two customers like this)
go with the golden rule not the golden shower
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Tipping is generally expected.

I don't understand how you can not tip someone when they touch your food and they no where you live.Unless you are out of town and never plan on ordering from that place again how can you not tip?

yeah people should be scared because they choose to the option of not tipping.

i can't believe people actually try to pass off this logic.
Is this what you want to believe or do you have the inside scoop Shack?
Nah brah, just know how big girl think, always doing dat fat math

This chick knew to the cent want that pizza would cost because it is probably her 10th time making the exact same order. She probably stopped at a 7-11 on the way home because she could get her 2 liter cheap there and pick up some of those store brand brownies for dessert.

Ain't ashamed to say I messed wit some whales in my youth, I learned those chicks know how to get the most bang for their buck when it comes to the snacks.

You should always tip. Dudes really are risking their lives, going to random, unknown parts of the city to deliver pizzas.

That being said, it was a **** move by the delivery guy to piss on the doorstep.
It would be crazy if this snowballed.

I mean, she said dude was probably struggling, and in turn, her reporting the incident got him fired, which he totally deserved...

But this is the kind of stuff that sends people over the edge. She said she wanted something more than him losing his job. I wouldn't be surprised if she got what she wanted when he shows up at her door after disabling the camera system.
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there.

EDIT: Didn't read the rest of post at first, I see what you did there, PAPI!

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Tips are not mandatory. They are based upon satisfaction of service. You don't tip because of societal pressure. If someone wants a tip, they have to earn it. People aren't giving money away, why should you for someone who does a half assed job?
Yuup,,,the pizza guy who brings me napkins,pepper and cheese gets a tip.
Pepper on a pizza de-aux dawg?

I'm hoping you mean peppers like green peppers
Tipping is generally expected.

I don't understand how you can not tip someone when they touch your food and they no where you live.Unless you are out of town and never plan on ordering from that place again how can you not tip?

yeah people should be scared because they choose to the option of not tipping.

i can't believe people actually try to pass off this logic.

When pizza orders come in the delivery driver has the option of not making your delivery the last one. I like getting my food fast.
people don't realize the importance of tipping till you have a job where you get tipped
what do you expect though when you do a job 16 year olds can do?

What does that have to do with anything? Because they are unskilled workers they deserve not to make a decent check?

There are people from all walk of life that work these jobs. Not everyone is some lazy scumbag who can't get off their *** and do better :smh:

thats how the real world works if you're unskilled you get paid less dont like it get a better job
they should know that when they apply and shouldnt be mad when they dont get tipped
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I heard about that. It was pretty wrong of them not to tip, but c'mon, is that really necessary?
I really don't understand people who can't tip someone $5 for bringing you hot food to your doorstep. Don't want to tip? Go pick the food up yourself.

I ordered a pizza and garlic twists the other day from round table and it came out to $32 and some change, I gave the delivery man $40 and told him to keep the change. He was so happy and said "aww man, thank you, the last couple customers didn't tip me anything". I couldn't imagine what this guy goes through everyday, I def. couldn't do it, i'd end up snuffing one of y'all or I'm taking a #2 on your doormat real talk.

Some of y'all sound like some real standup bastards...
dude stole some topiaries from my house one time cuz i didn't tip him.

the reason was, my pizza was like $27 bucks and all i had was $40.

dude didn't even give me change to tip him, he just started walking away with all my cash. i got mad and took all the change back.

so then the joints disappear from my apartment doorstep.
I always tipp. But this one time we showed up late to eat and it was about 20 miints for Chilis to close and this dude was givin us attitude the whole time u can tell he was mad that we ordered FOOD when they were about 20 mints about to close. Keep in mind we didnt know the time they closed we just showed up. He gave us our food and ina rude manner told us to rush cus he needs to close it up. And gave us the bill while gettin the food. And on the receipt it automatically said were all tippin $5 each. I had to tell em no that I wana tip less. He took the receipt and literally shook his head. So I gave him no tipp.
Studies have shown, people who don't tip in modern society have their food/service/belongings messed with 1 out of 6 times every time they're out/deliver.

Regardless, I tip 20%. The employees deserve it. Those who don't tip, The world has a way of balancing itself out.
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