Pizza delivery driver urinates on customer's doorstep for not tipping (video)

lmao its funny how theres people here are saying things like "if u cant tip u shouldnt order at all" thats the stupidest thing ever. tipping is a choice and obviusly some people can tip all the time and some cant and this lady happen to be low on cash. theres places that charge delivery fee on top of all the tax. and where does that delivery fee go? to pay the driver so they shouldnt be upset. i only tip places that dont charge tax AND delivery fee. if u charge either tax or delivery fee. no tip. period. paying taxes is enough stress
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How much do you think servers should be making? To get from 2 something to 8 something you need 6 bucks. Raise the price of drinks by 1 damn dollar and if you serve 6 patrons in an hr, covered.
How much do YOU think they should be making? .50c above MINIMUM WAGE?
Son if you want the same folk greeting at walmart serving you Seafood Fra Diavlo or some **** at a sit down restaurant then thats on you.  I'll fork out the extra few bucks on my $70 bill for the wife and I for someone who knows what they're doing and is personable.  

As for the delivery guy, if my pizza place is 10mi from my house and gas is $4.39 a damn gallon and I'm getting 24MPG average then is it not worth it for me to tip the man a few bucks so I don't have to use up my gas to begin with?  Seems like common sense.

1) I don't have to drag my *** off the couch.

2) I don't have to drive 10mi each way using almost a full gallon of gas anyways.
20% :lol: How much do you think servers should be making? To get from 2 something to 8 something you need 6 bucks. Raise the price of drinks by 1 damn dollar and if you serve 6 patrons in an hr, covered.
How much do YOU think they should be making? .50c above MINIMUM WAGE? :lol: Son if you want the same folk greeting at walmart serving you Seafood Fra Diavlo or some **** at a sit down restaurant then thats on you.  I'll fork out the extra few bucks on my $70 bill for the wife and I for someone who knows what they're doing and is personable. 

As for the delivery guy, if my pizza place is 10mi from my house and gas is $4.39 a damn gallon and I'm getting 24MPG average then is it not worth it for me to tip the man a few bucks so I don't have to use up my gas to begin with?  Seems like common sense.

1) I don't have to drag my *** off the couch.
2) I don't have to drive 10mi each way using almost a full gallon of gas anyways.

common sense and tipping together
da advocation of non tippin? lulz...i suppose ya cats is going to da strip clubs with ya hands in ya pockets as well.

That's HOW you pay the strippers. :lol:

You don't walk in the strip club ordering from a menu.
You're not?

Lap Dance doesn't have a set price?  You don't ask "how much" for the private dance? Oh you do?

Sounds like ordering off the menu to me

Alright, let me clarify. The ways a stripper gets paid are through the tips thrown on stage. They're not paid like a "conventional" job through wage or salary. Tipping a stripper is a lot different than tipping wait staff. Their employers are responsible for their wage.

LMAO at feeling the need to support a damn stripper financially but not wanting to tip someone serving you food table side or driving it to your house so you don't have to go out and get it yourself...

Wait staff and drivers already get paid though. They get paid by their employer. Restaurants already have minimum orders and charge delivery fees. Places make MORE money by offering delivery because you expand your customers beyond walk-in's/dine-in's. A tip is supposed to be gratuitous. No one should be obligated (*ahem* forced) to tip. I already said this on the last page, but I always tip because it's somehow wrong not to tip, but completely ethical to pay criminally low wages to hard working people because of our tipping system in North America. We shouldn't have to pay for the food AND the wage.
I dont think the $2 Delivery charge is going to the delivery mans pockets. Like after every order he gets $2 and the tip. Plus the hourly wage. I doubt it.

But its only few dollars. Even 1 will be fine.

When i order food and if its like $13 $12 i usually just let them keep the whole $20.
20% :lol: How much do you think servers should be making? To get from 2 something to 8 something you need 6 bucks. Raise the price of drinks by 1 damn dollar and if you serve 6 patrons in an hr, covered.
How much do YOU think they should be making? .50c above MINIMUM WAGE? :lol: Son if you want the same folk greeting at walmart serving you Seafood Fra Diavlo or some **** at a sit down restaurant then thats on you.  I'll fork out the extra few bucks on my $70 bill for the wife and I for someone who knows what they're doing and is personable. 

As for the delivery guy, if my pizza place is 10mi from my house and gas is $4.39 a damn gallon and I'm getting 24MPG average then is it not worth it for me to tip the man a few bucks so I don't have to use up my gas to begin with?  Seems like common sense.

1) I don't have to drag my *** off the couch.
2) I don't have to drive 10mi each way using almost a full gallon of gas anyways.
Yes somewhere around minimum wage. Where I live, $7.25 is minimum wage so if you're above $8 or certainly $9 for a job that requires no college education that you can do while in school or part time, you're doing pretty damn good.
20% :lol: How much do you think servers should be making? To get from 2 something to 8 something you need 6 bucks. Raise the price of drinks by 1 damn dollar and if you serve 6 patrons in an hr, covered.
How much do YOU think they should be making? .50c above MINIMUM WAGE? :lol: Son if you want the same folk greeting at walmart serving you Seafood Fra Diavlo or some **** at a sit down restaurant then thats on you. I'll fork out the extra few bucks on my $70 bill for the wife and I for someone who knows what they're doing and is personable.

As for the delivery guy, if my pizza place is 10mi from my house and gas is $4.39 a damn gallon and I'm getting 24MPG average then is it not worth it for me to tip the man a few bucks so I don't have to use up my gas to begin with? Seems like common sense.

1) I don't have to drag my *** off the couch.
2) I don't have to drive 10mi each way using almost a full gallon of gas anyways.

That's their JOB though. Restaurants increase their revenue and customer base by adding delivery. If you're near by, go to the damn place. If it's not near by, order out. The restaurant is now making business it wouldn't have because they are now getting customers that wouldn't dine inside because of the location. (Which is making them more money.) Every argument you made can also support that employers should pay more. Why are customers paying the difference so they can get a fair wage? A tip is no longer a tip in North America. It is not an option or a form of gratuity anymore. It's a fee in disguise.
How much do you think servers should be making? To get from 2 something to 8 something you need 6 bucks. Raise the price of drinks by 1 damn dollar and if you serve 6 patrons in an hr, covered.
How much do YOU think they should be making? .50c above MINIMUM WAGE?
Son if you want the same folk greeting at walmart serving you Seafood Fra Diavlo or some **** at a sit down restaurant then thats on you.  I'll fork out the extra few bucks on my $70 bill for the wife and I for someone who knows what they're doing and is personable. 

As for the delivery guy, if my pizza place is 10mi from my house and gas is $4.39 a damn gallon and I'm getting 24MPG average then is it not worth it for me to tip the man a few bucks so I don't have to use up my gas to begin with?  Seems like common sense.

1) I don't have to drag my *** off the couch.
2) I don't have to drive 10mi each way using almost a full gallon of gas anyways.
Yes somewhere around minimum wage. Where I live, $7.25 is minimum wage so if you're above $8 or certainly $9 for a job that requires no college education that you can do while in school or part time, you're doing pretty damn good.
Right, so if you think you're going to get quality servers either working in your establishment or serving you when you go out to a nice place paying them $8/hour, you need to check with reality.  Because that is not going to happen.
Quality servers :lol: Bruh, I've seen preteens serving. It's really not that difficult. Can you walk, talk, read, write, carry 20lbs, and identify the 7Up logo from the Dr Pepper logo? Good to go then. The soda fountain is already preset to fill the cups just to the right amount so you don't even have to wrap your mind around that. Fake European accent optional.
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thats how the real world works if you're unskilled you get paid less dont like it get a better job
they should know that when they apply and shouldnt be mad when they dont get tipped

Sure, because everyone working these kind of jobs can just get up and go get a better one :rolleyes

Especially in this economy :rolleyes

So to the teenager working his way trough school, just go get a better job. To the single mother who didn't go to school and got kids to take care of, just go get a better job.

Not everyone has the ability to just get a better job.

Whatever makes you feel better about not leaving that $2 brah. :smh:
:lol: one time I ordered pizza, the total was something like 14 after delivery and I only had a twenty. So pizza delivery guy gets there and I hand him the twenty after he hands me my pizza and begins to walk off, with my $20.00. Now blee me, I always tip, sometimes better but never any less than $3.00. So this dude (didn't even get to my place quickly) thinks hes getting a six dollar tip out of me, I'm just like "hey man, you forgot to give me my change." Dude had the nerve to say it was a tip, told him to give me my change once more or I was gonna call his boss. I was gonna give him a $3.00 tip, instead dude got nothing.
I always tip because most of the people working delivery/waiter jobs cant get better or are young HS/College kids for side money. A few more dollars won't change my financial situation and it can really help theirs. 

There was this one time I didn't tip because i ordered dominos and they told me would take ~30 mintues to get to me. The guy came 2 hours later :stoneface:
That's just WRONG and the PIZZA delivery guy will & deserves to get FIRED.

I don't which is worse.This or the story about the single Mom not tipping and leaving this note on her restaurant tab:

View media item 135869

Not seeing the big deal here. Is her making this excuse really cause for outrage/?

Guess this is a lesson for my non tippers. Keep it 100 like me and just don't tip. **** a reason or an excuse for it.
It may be a couple bucks for me but it can either make the delivery guy leaving happy or leaving pissed. I'd rather make someone's day with 3 bucks tip than piss him off over a few bucks.
Quality servers :lol: Bruh, I've seen preteens serving. It's really not that difficult. Can you walk, talk, read, write, carry 20lbs, and identify the 7Up logo from the Dr Pepper logo? Good to go then. The soda fountain is already preset to fill the cups just to the right amount so you don't even have to wrap your mind around that. Fake European accent optional.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
People take tipping way too far.
I've encountered some real snotty workers in restaurants and what not and they need to realize that tipping is an option... you're not entitled to a tip.

All of that.
I had one incident in Coconut friend and I were eating pizza inside of this bar (It's late mind you, so everything is being strewn about our table wasn't even properly cleaned) and after we ate and were about to leave when the waiter (who came by ONCE if that) waltzes up to me and goes "You forgot to leave a tip" :smh: I tossed two dollars at him and said "that was very tacky of you by the way".
How do you give sub par service and expect a tip?
All of that.
I had one incident in Coconut friend and I were eating pizza inside of this bar (It's late mind you, so everything is being strewn about our table wasn't even properly cleaned) and after we ate and were about to leave when the waiter (who came by ONCE if that) waltzes up to me and goes "You forgot to leave a tip"
I tossed two dollars at him and said "that was very tacky of you by the way".
How do you give sub par service and expect a tip?
Entitled ***** dude. I would've just laughed and walked out. He won though.

Tip for quality people
Not seeing the big deal here. Is her making this excuse really cause for outrage/?
Guess this is a lesson for my non tippers. Keep it 100 like me and just don't tip. **** a reason or an excuse for it.

yes it is, you spend 100+ dollars but use the single mom excuse for not tipping?

She's just a cheap *****.

Learn to cook if you refuse to tip for service, if you don't tip after receiving excellent service you're just a clown.
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