Players you despise vol. get outta here!

wright one the gold glove last year but that was the biggest fraud in the history of the award.

basically, its all a big popularity contest.

Anyone else have disgust???
You misused the word "disgust."

I thought so..
despise sounds a lot better right?

wow though, it seemed fishy but figured someone would have told me.

good looking out though.
MLB: Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens (do I really need to explain?)
NBA: Kobe, "Starbury", Ginobili, Bowen, Arenas (same reasons stated)
NFL: Eli Manning (same reason stated)...Alex Smith (I just hate him...I prayed we wouldn't take him SMH)...I also hate Peyton and Favre but I can'texplain why haha
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Who: Roster Guard 24 aka Jack Bauer aka Hiss

-As a 17 year old, declared that he would not report to the team that drafted him (Charlotte Hornets).
- Accused of attempted rape. When detained for questioning, proceeded to drag down his teammate Shaquille O'neal by revealing Shaq slept around and paid out hush money to his mistresses.
- He himself "paid out" for his wife's forgivness by buying her a 4 million dollar "I'm sorry" ring.
- Whined about wanting to be "the man" on his team. Became said "man" and demanded a trade. Then said no, he wants to stay. Then said yes, he wants to be traded. Then said, "I'm not saying anything anymore".
- Intentionally tried to get back at (and eventually wound up injuring) a player who he thought hit him on purpose.
- Has fans who ignore everything posted above and get mad at anyone who dislikes their anointed hero. As if the reasons posted above just aren't enough to justify disliking him.

What he said......

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Who: Brandon Lloyd

Why: He sucks. He doesn't play hard. He's a cancer. He took HGH and still sucked.

Does he still have them alligator arms?
....I am a Niner fan but Icouldn't stand when we had him. I hated it when people told me how great of a catch he made (them highlight ones) and all but dude was scared as !+%$ goingdown the middle of the field smh.
wow lmao @ shuges and jblack. i didnt know it was that deep, i mean damn im not a 'fan' of the guy but i respect what he does on the court. questionthough, dont you think that its a little extreme to still dwell on those things when they are now in the past? nobody is really looking for a reason to bringup his past legal issues or whiny attitude. many superstars in the league are guilty of similar things (minus the alleged rape).

Richard Jefferson
why?- he's an%%%#, quoted a few years back saying "The New York Knicks don't deserve to play in Madison Square Garden". Son has no right totalk, he hasn't done a damn thing in this league to come out and make outlandish comments about another team that doesn't concern him. His voice isgay, he cant shoot, he's not nice, he's a waste of life.

-end rant
Who: Gilbert Arenas

Why: Dude is a certified Attention @+%!%. Also, duke admittedly steals all-sta ballots to vote for himself. I swear, his entire career to this point has beento become an all-star. How selfish is that? I got so tired of hearing his sob story about him getting 0 pt, so he picks that as his number. Cry me a $*%+*@+river. Get over yourself, keep that +$*@ to yourself. And another thing, how corny was it that dude was advertising his b-day party? C'mon dude, you aintno superstar celeb who "demands" such hype. And to top it off, I hate the drones who stick up for this dude no matter what antic he's up to orwhat he says. "OMG, Gilbert has sooo much swag." Me:
Who: LeBron James
Why: He gets way too much star treatment and his "king" gimmick is extremely lame and played out..

Who: Terrell Owens
Why: Cocky, selfish, controversial

Who: David Wright
Why:another product of the NY hype machine

Who:Tim Tebow
Lebron James-I have always thought he was overrated but now it looks as though he thinks he's all that and he acts as if he's god's gift tobasketball. Smacking the talcum, all that I HATE lol

Same for DWADE, SASHA vujacic and a few others.

But in all actuality though, I am a sports fan and have no distain for no one. All I know about them is that they play sports and are good at it. That'sall. They do nothing to make anyone hate them. You don't know them and they don't know you. The things they do off the field/court should be irrelevantbecause we as "fans'' have come to know these athletes for what they do on the field/court, not off it. So an athlete gets in trouble a lot offthe field/court, big deal. People do all the time. None of these athletes have done anything to you, so why hate them?

They don't know me, I don't know them.

That's my rant
who- Ginobli and Devin Harris

why- hate the way both of them play, both flop every single and, and both flop every SINGLE play
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

wow lmao @ shuges and jblack. i didnt know it was that deep, i mean damn im not a 'fan' of the guy but i respect what he does on the court. question though, dont you think that its a little extreme to still dwell on those things when they are now in the past? nobody is really looking for a reason to bring up his past legal issues or whiny attitude. many superstars in the league are guilty of similar things (minus the alleged rape).

Richard Jefferson
why?- he's an%%%#, quoted a few years back saying "The New York Knicks don't deserve to play in Madison Square Garden". Son has no right to talk, he hasn't done a damn thing in this league to come out and make outlandish comments about another team that doesn't concern him. His voice is gay, he cant shoot, he's not nice, he's a waste of life.

-end rant

Anyways, I can't think of too many players I DON'T like.

I don't like Brad Miller because he's a punk, and he had cornrows.

I don't like Dan Dickau because he's waste of roster space.

DJ MBenga? Please, he's garbage.

I dn't like Brian Skinner because of his beard.

I DIDN'T like Drew Gooden because of his fuzz-patch.

I don't like reborn-Zo because he thinks he's the best ever.

I don't like Daniel Gibson because his nickname is "Boobie"

I don't like Marques Daniels because he's not on the Mavericks anymore
(he could have developed into an all-star alongside Josh Howard

I don't like Scott Pollard because he's just weird!

As you can see, I don't really have any reasons for hating any players, I'm just bothered by their attributes.

And no, I don't hate Nash, Amare, Matrix (well, maybe a little
), Duncan, Parker, Ginobili, Bowen, Kobe, Arenas, the entire warriors team, the entireheat team, or houston (because we kill them anyways, keep talking).
Who- Kawme Brown
Why- Do I really have to say why??

Who- Smush Parker
Why- He quit on the lakers last year

Who- phx sons
Why- Cuz I'm a LAKER
Ooh, this'll be easy


Player: Armando Benitez
Why: He's trash! He's been trash! He blames others for his inability to get hitters out. His WHIP is terrible. He never has a 1-2-3 inning. Veryinconsistent. When we have a 3 run lead, he'll come in the 9th and allow 2 runs to score before getting the save. Did I mention he has blown a whole lot ofsave chances?

Player: Pedro Feliez
Why: This is the best offensive player our farm system has developed? That tells you how weak our farm system is. We have pitchers, yeah, but in terms ofoffensive/positional players, we suck. Pedro doesn't hit for average. Pedro strikes out a ton of time over the course of a season. Pedro's approach atthe plate sucks. He can't hit behind runners to move them an extra 90 ft, can't drive in RISP, isn't clutch (I didn't forget about that grandslam vs the Dodgers a few years back, that's like all he's done).

Player: Ray Durham
Why: I just don't like him. He is our number 3 hitter? C'mon! He isn't great defensively. He doesn't steal bases. He has some power, but hestill sucks. He performs only during contract years. I hate this guy.

Player: Kirk Reuter
Why: I know the dude is retired but I had to include him in here. He was alright in the late 90's but towards the tail-end of his career, he was terrible.His ERA ballooned to something in the high 4.00's (I'm too lazy to check). He always had a terrible WHIP, always letting someone get on base. Neverstruck people out and was very predictable. He would pitch you outside, outside, and outside. I didn't care if he pitched "quick" to keep thedefense on it's toes... the defense had to stay on their toes because the ball was always going to be put into play. How he got wins was beyond me. He hadto credit a whole lot of his wins on the Giants offense.

Player: Randy Winn
Why: He sucks! I hate him! His batting stance is ugly. I don't care if he played basketball with Steve Nash at Santa Clara, I'm tired of hearing aboutthat! I hate Randy Winn!

And I'm a Giants fan by the way...


Player: Devin Harris
Why: He flops all-the-freakin-time. He irritates me! He doesn't play REAL defense, he just acts and falls to the floor.

Player: Manu Ginobili
Why: He flops all-the-freakin-time. He irritates me! He doesn't play REAL defense, he just acts and falls to the floor.

Player: Kobe Bryant
Why: Superstar calls. I don't really hate him for his alleged rape or his "I demand to be traded/I want to stay in LA" ordeal or his 4th quarterdisappearing act in the playoffs (I actually found that kinda funny), I just hate him because of his status as a superstar in the league, the refs will givehim the benefit of the doubt.

Player: Bruce Bowen
Why: He plays dirty... not that "tough, hard-nosed" defense they played in the 90's, but the "I'll stick my foot out here so you cantweak an ankle" defense.
Player: Ray Durham
Why: I just don't like him. He is our number 3 hitter? C'mon! He isn't great defensively. He doesn't steal bases. He has some power, but he still sucks. He performs only during contract years. I hate this guy.

Aww, I sorta like Ray!
I'm not a Giants fan, but I watch them all the time.

Player: Devin Harris
Why: He flops all-the-freakin-time. He irritates me! He doesn't play REAL defense, he just acts and falls to the floor.

Player: Manu Ginobili
Why: He flops all-the-freakin-time. He irritates me! He doesn't play REAL defense, he just acts and falls to the floor.

That made me chuckle.
ginobili and nocioni two argentian overrated punks!i'm waiting for fortson and artest to slam them real hard!
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