Playing Spades......** Appreciation ** PLAY At POGO.COM

Originally Posted by Dusted718

I play Joker, Joker 2 of diamonds and then 2 of spades...What about you all?

take the 2 2's out. (take out 2 of hearts and diamonds)
joker joker 2 of spades... for me

all the nil S!!! is foreign to me in real life.
didnt know there was fellow spades players on here...

we play big, little, ace, king.

can't bid 9. you have to go 8 or 10


a boston automatically wins that game

and you're right. never heard of nill until i tried playing online.
Originally Posted by infamousod

I'll try this pogo out but I don't know how playing spades online will be, no matter how hard you click a mouse nothing is like slamming the winning trump card on the table

I hope 2's are high and its by books not by bidding. that's white people spades

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

They need a professional Spades league

chappelle season 4 sketch

Originally Posted by infamousod

I'll try this pogo out but I don't know how playing spades online will be, no matter how hard you click a mouse nothing is like slamming the winning trump card on the table

I hope 2's are high and its by books not by bidding. that's white people spades
Pogo, 4 is board.

its by booking and bags.

10bags, minus 100.

im down to play. Im off tomorrow. We can play it up. PM ME
In HS me and my boy use to run it during lunch playing for money... Since we were both white they underestimated us

The way I play is big, little, 2 of diamonds, 2 of spades and toss out 2 of clubs and 2 of hearts... Im also off today so shoot me a pm or something...

Gotta go to bed first
Im something like a big deal when it comes to spades in real life not that net crap but love to play that 2 --

highschool got into alot of trouble made alot of money and new friends -
college - dropped out due to spades is was so bad we had rules posted in the lounge and taped to tables

aint nothing like a good ol talking over the board you just renigged spades fight

Spades>hold'em> Crazy 8s > all else
Originally Posted by sdfbheat

Im something like a big deal when it comes to spades in real life not that net crap but love to play that 2 --

highschool got into alot of trouble made alot of money and new friends -
college - dropped out due to spades is was so bad we had rules posted in the lounge and taped to tables

aint nothing like a good ol talking over the board you just renigged spades fight

Spades>hold'em> Crazy 8s > all else
Originally Posted by thagreatj

The NT Spades champ has just checked in.

I do appreciate you making the announcement for me good Brutha

I've made this post sooooo many times on this board.

I'm on pogo everyday at the gig but I can't play people for some reason so I'm designated to beating the cpu's @%! on the regular

I wish I could play some of y'all...ooooooooooooowwwwweeee I'd be on 50 at the table.
Originally Posted by HARMCITY45

preach on, i can spend an entire summer day drinkin beer and playin dominoes outside on the block, homies throwin food on the grill gettin ourgrub on and tryna holla at the chicks walkin down the street all day... good times
SeymoreCAKE but I can't install java plug on this damn pc the MIS director being the only one having administer rights ftl
Straight up some people just don't understand the spades culture. I was at a party earlier this year handing out beatings and talking all sorts of %%@% andwhy this ceediddy chick who was playing against me that I never even met before gonna hit me with the "wow you're really full of yourself."I'm like "b if you were winning I'd still be talkin isht and you'd still be ugly, hop off
" That was the end of that game. True story.
On some G !!%%... if you're not talking !!%% then you aren't really playing Spades. That just how I feel. I've called people who live that life({})'s and all types of other disrespectful terms during the course of this game and really didn't care.

You ({})'s Know What Time It Is GET UP!!!!!
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