Playing Spades......** Appreciation ** PLAY At POGO.COM

this _ NTimportking gettin us set like 3 times
is it mainly a black persons game? sorry if that sounded ignorant but I never hear white people talk about this game.
gangstas play with gangsta rulz:

Board = 5

Bags, get 10 you lose 100 points

No Ace Check, No Top 5= you just benefitting off a good hand

Complete SILENCE= I dont care if your partner cut your book, or you got ya ace cut and ya feeling are hurt, you talk after all the cards have been dealt or its3 books

Anyway thats how I play, any cats wanna play for money go to, they have improved plus on a good night you could flip 50 to 500 (if you got timelike that)
Originally Posted by gambit215

gangstas play with gangsta rulz:

Board = 5

Bags, get 10 you lose 100 points

No Ace Check, No Top 5= you just benefitting off a good hand

Complete SILENCE= I dont care if your partner cut your book, or you got ya ace cut and ya feeling are hurt, you talk after all the cards have been dealt or its 3 books

Anyway thats how I play, any cats wanna play for money go to, they have improved plus on a good night you could flip 50 to 500 (if you got time like that)

That's Lame As All Hell Bro.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by gambit215

gangstas play with gangsta rulz:

Board = 5

Bags, get 10 you lose 100 points

No Ace Check, No Top 5= you just benefitting off a good hand

Complete SILENCE= I dont care if your partner cut your book, or you got ya ace cut and ya feeling are hurt, you talk after all the cards have been dealt or its 3 books

Anyway thats how I play, any cats wanna play for money go to, they have improved plus on a good night you could flip 50 to 500 (if you got time like that)

That's Lame As All Hell Bro.
real talk i couldnt play with out gettin loud and slapin cards down
I used to hustle the %!$@ out of dudes at the lunch tables. I probably have only played Spades like twice since high school...
just added yall my pogo name is, MrinfamouZ
i tried to connect to yall game but i think my company has a firewall on java screens
I don't talk @$* normally but in spades I talk king @$*. And I will bust any of y'all dudes !%+ ( pause ). Takin cats to Boston. Joker joker deuce allday. Shoutout to my main partner Brandon (pause again)
If you want a real tough game go find a couple people been locked up for awhile..they will run you off the table, renig and you never catch em. I learned a fewtricks while I was in there but I havent played in about 6 months. Spades and Dominoes and you can stay entertained all night.
Originally Posted by Pushak513

If you want a real tough game go find a couple people been locked up for awhile..they will run you off the table, renig and you never catch em. I learned a few tricks while I was in there but I havent played in about 6 months. Spades and Dominoes and you can stay entertained all night.

and thats where you're wrong brotha... I gurantee nobodies renig'n on the table with me and getting away with it. I make mental notes of every cardthrown away or cut and what book it was as soon as it happens. Never Goin Bro!
word. i got clean up. I be down again. lolll

I heard BET going to be airing world spades tournament. Espn turned the offer.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Pushak513

If you want a real tough game go find a couple people been locked up for awhile..they will run you off the table, renig and you never catch em. I learned a few tricks while I was in there but I havent played in about 6 months. Spades and Dominoes and you can stay entertained all night.

and thats where you're wrong brotha... I gurantee nobodies renig'n on the table with me and getting away with it. I make mental notes of every card thrown away or cut and what book it was as soon as it happens. Never Goin Bro!
i make a mental note of P's that has done it so i never play with they bum !%@ again
IDK them old jail guys are clever with the cards... I got a question since everyones on there spade game. Jail rules you break spades whenever run everyone outof em and start walkin BS cards. when I play around here you got to cut with spades before you can bring em out.. How does everyone else play?
Unless your partner is cutting and then you can throw off unless you tryna cut your partner out and start a big $@+ fight.
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