Missed the silly debates when you were banned, bud. 
What gets me, I forgot where I seen it but it was a picture of Lee with his parents. I guess they no longer speak, so it was sort of a big deal to get them together at the same for the first time in years. All that and the bum still couldn't do something?
What gets me, I forgot where I seen it but it was a picture of Lee with his parents. I guess they no longer speak, so it was sort of a big deal to get them together at the same for the first time in years. All that and the bum still couldn't do something?
To his credit, he did grab double digit uncontested rebounds. 
Maybe I'm wrong, but playing physical and hussling has nothing to do with skill. There's no reason he shouldn't be able to do the little things to help the team. Guy needs Hansbrough's heart.
If Iguodala plays like he did tonight, I can almost excuse his FT shooting.  I'm just glad he's gaining confidence in his 3-point shooting. 

I want to say Green needs to step up offensively but dude has his hands full on a nightly basis defending other 4's and 5's that it would almost be asking too much from the guy.

Klay needs to cut out that horizontal movement and just attack.  He's not the quickest of foot, to that just buys time for help defenders to smother him.  He also had some very questionable decisions tonight trying to thread passes.  Attack and get to the line!

......... I don't want any part of OKC in the playoffs. 
^ I think the Warriors can hang with OKC if they play in the 1st RD. Not too worried about who they face actually.
Curious though...The West is so stacked, who WOULD you wanna face if given the choice?

Here are the standings:

If I could have it my way...I would say Dallas maybe, and Houston in the second round.

But Houston with Dwight, and now Terrence Jones, is a completely different story.
It really shouldn't matter. The Warriors could lose to any of these teams in a series, the West is that good. Imagine if the Warriors see the Spurs and handle them in 5 games.. I think it would do a little more for the team than beating a screwed up Mavs or Clippers.
It really shouldn't matter. The Warriors could lose to any of these teams in a series, the West is that good. Imagine if the Warriors see the Spurs and handle them in 5 games.. I think it would do a little more for the team than beating a screwed up Mavs or Clippers.
Gonna disagree with you there. Spurs are old as dirt, having them tired out would be nice.

That's not to say they won't bring their A game, but to face Parker, Ginobli, and Duncan after their first round of playoffs would be sorta helpful.
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