Plies Disses Tony Montana and Compares Hisself To Pac

Just watched the video down below and wow...dude seems extremely well spoken and somewhat intelligent...I wouldn't expect that just from hearing his(horrible, horrible) music.
�I don't like Plies nor do I think he's a good artist, but he DID say some stuff in this interview that made sense. He's not as stupid as I thought.
Yea dude was on point wit sum of things he said but us southern folks gotta stop gas'n dis dude up on the real... 2Pac is 1 of the greatestpoets, authors, & writers of our time plies is good 4 a couple of songs if the production on point...
See what happens when FRAUDS like him and others get into the game. They can get away with and say just about anything. Sad times for hip hop.
Well, you all decided that Thug Rap should be so popular. Look at the other threads in this forum. All I see is cats quoting rappers talking about kilos, guns,clips etc.

That's what y'all love. So of course that's the route cats trying to make money in this business are going to go. There's one thread about TheRoots and mad threads about gangster #*#$.

Plies ain't no goon. But you guys worship Mobb Deep etc. So why does it matter? Clearly you don't need to be real to talk mad #*#$ on records.

Plies is a smart dude. So smart he took his brother's life, is writing about it in his joints, and he's doing his thing because of it.

So who's fault is that. His? Yours? Or both?

Would he be getting the love he is if he wrapped in his speaking voice and spoke intelligently? Probably not.
Originally Posted by illphillip

Well, you all decided that Thug Rap should be so popular. Look at the other threads in this forum. All I see is cats quoting rappers talking about kilos, guns, clips etc.

That's what y'all love. So of course that's the route cats trying to make money in this business are going to go. There's one thread about The Roots and mad threads about gangster #*#$.

Plies ain't no goon. But you guys worship Mobb Deep etc. So why does it matter? Clearly you don't need to be real to talk mad #*#$ on records.

Plies is a smart dude. So smart he took his brother's life, is writing about it in his joints, and he's doing his thing because of it.

So who's fault is that. His? Yours? Or both?

Would he be getting the love he is if he wrapped in his speaking voice and spoke intelligently? Probably not.

Very very good point especially the Mobb Deep thing, people love the tough guy act whether it be real or fake. Your also right, no one on this board wouldbe checkin for him if he rapped the way he talks.
Originally Posted by illphillip

Well, you all decided that Thug Rap should be so popular. Look at the other threads in this forum. All I see is cats quoting rappers talking about kilos, guns, clips etc.

That's what y'all love. So of course that's the route cats trying to make money in this business are going to go. There's one thread about The Roots and mad threads about gangster #*#$.

Plies ain't no goon. But you guys worship Mobb Deep etc. So why does it matter? Clearly you don't need to be real to talk mad #*#$ on records.

Plies is a smart dude. So smart he took his brother's life, is writing about it in his joints, and he's doing his thing because of it.

So who's fault is that. His? Yours? Or both?

Would he be getting the love he is if he wrapped in his speaking voice and spoke intelligently? Probably not.

Real Talk even Plies said that in a recent interview that you have to be ignorant to sell records.
Mostly its just hate towards the south. I mean EastCoast dudes started this mean muggin the camera sh**.

And enough with this hes real hes fake bull. Who cares its entertainment. Everybody swears a rapper fake until he proves hes not and then people say hes"stupid" for being real.
Originally Posted by ejm205

Everybody swears a rapper fake until he proves hes not and then people say hes "stupid" for being real.

thats a helluva point
"He's alright, but he's not real"
Can a young man get money anymore?? Fakeness is music was here before Plies, or Mobb Deep . . . We're almost in the 20th year of thesee "fake"rappers . . . But at the same time I RARELY (if ever) go into an album, expecting a guy to rap his own life 100%, that's not even what "GangstaRap" was EVER about, so how yall gonna act surprised now?? Dudes been rappin their brothers, cousins, next door neibors lives and all from BIG, to Pac toG Rap to Schooly D & KRS One . . . So the issue of not liking someone because their fake seems ******ed to me . . . I don't want my favorite rappers tohave done all the things they've rapped about. It sounds borderline ******ed for someone to expect it, and its counter productive for the community is moreways (if they actually did it) . . .

I'm not a Plies fan, you won't catch me at a Plies concert or even in a record store buying his albums, but I do respect him, and wish him the bestwith whatever the entertainment business has to offer, his music, image, and characteristics he's displayed to the public is much more than"Goon" this and "Goon" that, I mean hip hop is propaganda anyway, and it seems a lot of you believe all they want you to believe and thendiscredit the rest. The way he raps is the way he raps, the way he talks is the way he talks, its 2008, aint NOBODY can say they don't have access to hearson speak inteligently, if you have the means to hear his "music", you can check out a YouTube vid on son or GOD forbid be forced to actually read anarticle. There's much more to son than what's shown on your TV screen, or computer screen . . . Rappers are represenatives to a certain group ofpeople, and regardless of how you feel about son, he's doin quite well with what GOD has blessed him with, and that's what should be important . . . Hedoes have other messages in his music besides sex and violence . . . Weather or not you like the way the *%$! sounds, you gota respect that . . . I dislike alot of modern day urban music, but at the same time I love to see young ninja get money . . . ESPECIALLY legally.
Can a young man get money anymore?? Fakeness is music was here before Plies, or Mobb Deep . . . We're almost in the 20th year of thesee "fake" rappers . . . But at the same time I RARELY (if ever) go into an album, expecting a guy to rap his own life 100%, that's not even what "Gangsta Rap" was EVER about, so how yall gonna act surprised now?? Dudes been rappin their brothers, cousins, next door neibors lives and all from BIG, to Pac to G Rap to Schooly D & KRS One . . . So the issue of not liking someone because their fake seems ******ed to me . . . I don't want my favorite rappers to have done all the things they've rapped about. It sounds borderline ******ed for someone to expect it, and its counter productive for the community is more ways (if they actually did it) . . .

I'm not a Plies fan, you won't catch me at a Plies concert or even in a record store buying his albums, but I do respect him, and wish him the best with whatever the entertainment business has to offer, his music, image, and characteristics he's displayed to the public is much more than "Goon" this and "Goon" that, I mean hip hop is propaganda anyway, and it seems a lot of you believe all they want you to believe and then discredit the rest. The way he raps is the way he raps, the way he talks is the way he talks, its 2008, aint NOBODY can say they don't have access to hear son speak inteligently, if you have the means to hear his "music", you can check out a YouTube vid on son or GOD forbid be forced to actually read an article. There's much more to son than what's shown on your TV screen, or computer screen . . . Rappers are represenatives to a certain group of people, and regardless of how you feel about son, he's doin quite well with what GOD has blessed him with, and that's what should be important . . . He does have other messages in his music besides sex and violence . . . Weather or not you like the way the *%$! sounds, you gota respect that . . . I dislike a lot of modern day urban music, but at the same time I love to see young ninja get money . . . ESPECIALLY legally.
Finally, a intelligent response.

Gangsta Rap has never, EVER been the 100% truth of what the artist has done in their life. Forreal, NO type of music has been, rap, pop, or rock etc. Plieshas managed to create a image, portrayed that on his album and sell (by today's standards) a lot of records, with minimal guest artists and no big namebudget breaking producers, which basically means, he's gettin money. However, at the same time he ain't let this image consume his life or take his egoto astronomic porportions, son isn't stupid at all, in fact most of his interviews i've he's had some good points in them.

Let me ask you this. Do you talk the same way in front of your friends, homebois, N_'s, that you would in front of your grandmother???? No, you don'tdo you? So wait does that mean your a fraud to. Cuz you don't keep it gangsta wit grandma in tell her how you was "beatin coochie up n gettin dahead from that blockhead down da street, while you was smoking a blunt"
. Like i said in another thread, if Plies is a "fraud" then Ludacris must be a fraud to. My cousin knows him and said he ain't nearlythe loud, weed-smoking 24/7 type dude you might think. He said Luda is basically a quiet bout his business type of dude

As far as Plies comparing himself to Pac, like somebody else said, in parts of Florida, especially with females, people treat him like he's holy. Otherpeople have compared him to Pac, but from that interview i didnt get the impression he thought he was like Pac. You can like or dislike the music a man makes,but to hate dude as a whole is just stupid. Jealousy i tell you..
So the issue of not liking someone because their fake seems ******ed to me . . . I don't want my favorite rappers to have done all the things they've rapped about. It sounds borderline ******ed for someone to expect it, and its counter productive for the community is more ways (if they actually did it) . . .
Well, you all decided that Thug Rap should be so popular. Look at the other threads in this forum. All I see is cats quoting rappers talking about kilos, guns, clips etc.

That's what y'all love. So of course that's the route cats trying to make money in this business are going to go. There's one thread about The Roots and mad threads about gangster #*#$.

Plies ain't no goon. But you guys worship Mobb Deep etc. So why does it matter? Clearly you don't need to be real to talk mad #*#$ on records.

Plies is a smart dude. So smart he took his brother's life, is writing about it in his joints, and he's doing his thing because of it.

So who's fault is that. His? Yours? Or both?

Would he be getting the love he is if he wrapped in his speaking voice and spoke intelligently? Probably not.
*agrees with both points

I do find it interesting that hip-hop is the only subculture/genre of music that demands their artists to be "real".

Lennon sure didn't live without any possessions, I doubt the majority of metal songwriters have ever taken the axe to the back of a fellow Viking'shead, and if those %+@@$#+!% emo kids started committing suicide at the rate they sing about it, we wouldn't have the music (*wouldn't complain).

Why do we expect demand it out of rappers?
Originally Posted by Tha Sun Child

I take it you don't live in Fla............Dude is like the second coming of Christ down here.
This true but theres plenty of people in FL that hate this dude with a passionn includin muh self
plies is a fake, soft, %$@!+ a__ n______ that should just quit with all that goon bs and buy a voice changer like t-pain's garbage *$!% and be an r & b"singer"
I'll say I did agree with him about what he said with Scarface. I never felt the movie too much for reasons similar to those but he did surprise metalking. And call me crazy but I would love to hear the day when dudes can just talk about what they actually did and didn't do with the same confidence. Ifeel the fact that people have to be ignorant and can't speak the way they already do is disturbing and I'm not sure if other people feel that way aswell. But I feel what was said about it never being real for the most part but I think that's what's missing honestly. More sincerity, less bs todistract people away from the fact that you have nothing to say.
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