pointless questions females ask...

6) 'Do you think I'm pretty?'

8 ) 'Is she prettier than me?'

Insecurity, low self esteem FTL.
Actually that can be saidfor a lot of those questions.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Well done, xD...you win so far. I especially felt #2...I told my girl to read my blog for the exact same reason.

NT is better than blogs tho! So she gotta guess who you are...if you havent disclosed your SN to her already
Originally Posted by potus2028

3) 'You care about *insert object or activity prized by male partner* more than me': This is a favorite of girlfriends/wives/'special friends'/clingy females. (Quick note to the guys: In the case of the latter 2 groups, the answer should always be 'Yeah, and?' You do, right? Don't put your balls in her pocketbook before y'all even have a title, damn.) Of course, if youre the significant other, we might still care about our Mustang or guitar or football team or personal time just as much as you (or maybe more...but he's not gonna let you know that if he wants to keep ya) but it doesn't mean we like you any less. We just like y'all differently, that's all. Forcing us to choose is apples and oranges.Whatever interest your man has satisfies him in ways you can't...and hopefully that goes the other way around too.
my last gf actually said I care more about niketalk thanher.

the what-if question are annoying too. "Would you still love me if I was bald?" "Would you still love me if i had no vagina?"
the last dude constantly asked me "what are you thinking?"

*@!! if I wanted you to know what I'm thinking I'd have $*@!+%% told you already.
Originally Posted by imsoDS

"why you so quiet?!"

#$%^ im watching the %^*% game !!!


"babe ill call you back.."

her: "why?"

Hate it when a chic replies with that question
Originally Posted by potus2028

2) 'We need to talk': See, the problem with this is WE don't do a gahdamn thing when you say this. Just say what you really wanna say...'I wanna talk at you.' On some real @%%%, we prolly still won't listen...but at least we'll respect your honesty.

This question pisses me off the most

Stupid #@$%^ said this to me and I walked out the door
after sex: so how was it?........was it good enough?
and cant forget: did u c..........."orgasm"..............like didnt u just see me doing all that jerking

also am i the only one who after sex just wants to roll over and go straight to sleep and not be bothered with all the cuddling and talking. its like i needsex in order to sleep lol
"how do you know her?" is in the top 3 annoying/pointless questions of all time. then, they ask more questions based off of your answer. they wannaknow all of the details of the past and get concerned about whether or not you "still have feelings" or some @@@!.. they end up more worried aboutyour past girls than you.

"yeah, i had her before but that happened before,
you get mad when you know so just don't ask me no more."
wen your girls casually ask u 2 rub there (back/legs/feet) and think im gonna turn into a 5 star massage therapist......and get mad wen u stop!
Originally Posted by Dunks R Us

wen your girls casually ask u 2 rub there (back/legs/feet) and think im gonna turn into a 5 star massage therapist......and get mad wen u stop!
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

"how do you know her?" is in the top 3 annoying/pointless questions of all time. then, they ask more questions based off of your answer. they wanna
know all of the details of the past and get concerned about whether or not you "still have feelings" or some @@@!.. they end up more worried about
your past girls than you.

On the phone with my girl right now about this $#(%
Originally Posted by Dunks R Us

wen your girls casually ask u 2 rub there (back/legs/feet) and think im gonna turn into a 5 star massage therapist......and get mad wen u stop!

Well...I can't really fault them for that...replace 'massage' with 'giving top' and you get most dudes attitudes toward their females...imabe fair here
i actually enjoy it. not really pointless, depends on how you see it (prospective).

*who was that?
(phone rings, reply to text, reply to IM's etc)

that just happened recently... i told her it was A psychic telling me that i was going to get asked who it was

the thing that irks me is the baiting...
my wife has this habit and she gets pissed when i dont bite the bait....
Scenario 1
Her: "Ohhhh im bored"
Her: "Whats wrong with you?"

Scenario 2
Her: You wanna hear something funny
Me: No
Her: well... why do you have to have an attitude about it
(just cuz i dont want to hear a virtually meaningless story, doesnt mean i have an attitude)
Hate when chicks ask who is that, like you really would know if i told. Then when you tell them the name, they have the stuck face and be like.......OH!!!!
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

All this, as well as when women make up fictional scenarios that always start with " What If...."
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