Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Me either
Highest one I've caught was about CP427 and even evolving it won't get me across that 1k threshold. The gyms in my area aren't as strong as other areas but the Pokemon there will still wash mine.
my neighborhood is only good for high level tauros, pinsir, and the occasional pigeot ranging from like 650-800~ but theyre few and far between. other than that everything ive found is mostly sub 500 with exception of the pokemon i dumped stardust into before i knew to be smart with them. still sub 1000 though 
I notice when I close and re open the game, my character takes steps even when I'm sitting still. Sometimes I even teleport then spawn back to my original location. I'm not complaining though. It allowed me to catch my first Voltorb that I was no where near. :smokin

Does this happen to anyone else ?

Yes. I realized that by doing this I flourish far more than walking around aimlessly.

Got me ****** up if they think I'm running around. Three steps my left nut.

I'm chilling sitting on my *** catching all kinds of ****.

Okay it's just pidgeys, zubats, ratatas & ekans but whatever.
Eevee to Vaporean is too OP.

Im level 20, evolved a ~500cp Eevee into Vaporean = 1350cp (25 candies total)

Evolved a ~750cp Ponyta to Rapidash = 1100cp (50 candies total)

Evovled a ~500cp Machop to Machoke then Machamp = 1200cp (125 candies total)

Growlithe to Arcanines second to Vaporeon, evolved a 700cp Growlithe = 1600cp Arcanine (50 candies total)

Leveling ups gon' be a struggle now too. From 19 to 20 is 25,000 exp, 20 to 21 is 50,000 exp and 21 to 22 is 75,000 exp.
I am halfway to 23

cashed in my candies yesterday

dont think i can grind beyond 23

100xp for orange ring difficulty isnt worth it
Me either :lol: Highest one I've caught was about CP427 and even evolving it won't get me across that 1k threshold. The gyms in my area aren't as strong as other areas but the Pokemon there will still wash mine.
my neighborhood is only good for high level tauros, pinsir, and the occasional pigeot ranging from like 650-800~ but theyre few and far between. other than that everything ive found is mostly sub 500 with exception of the pokemon i dumped stardust into before i knew to be smart with them. still sub 1000 though :lol:

I'm level 14 and all I have in my area are the usual common Pokemon and they're all weak. Hell, I walked a good 2 miles all over downtown today only to yield about 6 Pokemon which I already have and 4 of em were sub-cp100
Eevee to Vaporean is too OP.

Im level 20, evolved a ~500cp Eevee into Vaporean = 1350cp (25 candies total)

Evolved a ~750cp Ponyta to Rapidash = 1100cp (50 candies total)

Evovled a ~500cp Machop to Machoke then Machamp = 1200cp (125 candies total)

Growlithe to Arcanines second to Vaporeon, evolved a 700cp Growlithe = 1600cp Arcanine (50 candies total)

Leveling ups gon' be a struggle now too. From 19 to 20 is 25,000 exp, 20 to 21 is 50,000 exp and 21 to 22 is 75,000 exp.
View media item 2106441
I'm level 14 and all I have in my area are the usual common Pokemon and they're all weak. Hell, I walked a good 2 miles all over downtown today only to yield about 6 Pokemon which I already have and 4 of em were sub-cp100
i honestly thought the that the game was configured in way that the longer stretches you plaid the progressively rarer/stronger the pokemon get. but this new map thing has me thing otherwise. it really is random. im level 17 btw
Eevee to Vaporean is too OP.

Im level 20, evolved a ~500cp Eevee into Vaporean = 1350cp (25 candies total)

Evolved a ~750cp Ponyta to Rapidash = 1100cp (50 candies total)

Evovled a ~500cp Machop to Machoke then Machamp = 1200cp (125 candies total)

Growlithe to Arcanines second to Vaporeon, evolved a 700cp Growlithe = 1600cp Arcanine (50 candies total)

Leveling ups gon' be a struggle now too. From 19 to 20 is 25,000 exp, 20 to 21 is 50,000 exp and 21 to 22 is 75,000 exp.
View media item 2106441

Pokemon captured definitely needs to scale to your level, I get it that they want to slow the game but higher CP Pokemons that takes a dozen PokeBalls definitely need to give more exp.
I'm at 20 now and I'm still catching rats pigeys and drowzees most common and it's too lopsided. Haven't even seen one fire Pokemon. That's what's going to make the game stale catching 20 of the same damn Pokemon everyday
I'm level 14 and all I have in my area are the usual common Pokemon and they're all weak. Hell, I walked a good 2 miles all over downtown today only to yield about 6 Pokemon which I already have and 4 of em were sub-cp100
i honestly thought the that the game was configured in way that the longer stretches you plaid the progressively rarer/stronger the pokemon get. but this new map thing has me thing otherwise. it really is random. im level 17 btw

That's what I thought too, the higher u get, the stronger Pokemon you find but the highest I've encounter was CP4xx which can't compete w/ the cp1500 Vaporeon and Snorlaxs that I see at the gyms.
Finally found a Squirtle in the wild.  He had a wicked high CP.  Razzberried him once and threw a great ball w/ a nice shot.  Lil man escaped w/ ease.  Razzberried him twice, and hit him w/ another great shot and he broke out yet again and bailed w/ the quickness
So I conquered 3 gyms today in the span of an hour but only got money for the first battle, am I missing something?

And how does EXP and battling/ owning a gym work?

Also, I dodge a ton but still see my HP take a hit, why???
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The game is random and BS sometimes ... For example as I showed you guys I had 3 Pickachu run away yesterday ... Then after i posted that I had an egg hatch with one ... So I was ok ... Making up for the list. Then I found a 40CP and I got him with a great ball and still ran away ... Don't understand this ****. Just now I caught a 800CP Taurus with just one regular ball ... So what's the point?
The game is random and BS sometimes ... For example as I showed you guys I had 3 Pickachu run away yesterday ... Then after i posted that I had an egg hatch with one ... So I was ok ... Making up for the list. Then I found a 40CP and I got him with a great ball and still ran away ... Don't understand this ****. Just now I caught a 800CP Taurus with just one regular ball ... So what's the point?
if its anything like the the original games, different pokemon have different capture rates?
So I conquered 3 gyms today in the span of an hour but only got money for the first battle, am I missing something?

And how does EXP and battling/ owning a gym work?

Also, I dodge a ton but still see my HP take a hit, why???

You have to claim the rewards after you takeover all 3 gyms to get 3 times the reward and make sure you haven't been kicked of any of them.

As for dodging, I think it's the lag. I've noticed that even when it says dodged on top that I still get hit with damage.
I wanted to poo poo the map, but I opened it by my house and it showed the horsea that I had just caught, that I've never seen by my house before. As for cheating, I use the ingress map to look for poke stops and hot spots, I just didn't know there was a way for the game to know what each individual Pokémon is from the energy on the ingress map. So I guess it kinda works
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