Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

I'm level 6 and my best is 220 sandslash. I should really start paying attention to my dupe Pokemon I catch. I didn't know skill sets varied as well as weight and height.
I just noticed the Pokéstop I went to had the pink confetti but when I was there.. No Pokemom was in the area..
 You gotta wait it out. 

I walked to the grocery store and it turned out it was right next to a pokestop that had a lure module. I posted up and this guy showed up.

 Dude broke out of 8 pokeballs but I got him 
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Man I took like 20 mins of my time getting a friendly gym to level 4 then a kid walks up and brings it down to three before I could drop my Pokemon in it lol I stayed another half hour got it back to 4 and dropped a flareon in it hopefully it holds it down lolView media item 2096159
Game sound pretty lit.
I'm guessing I should just do this download already.
The timing of this app is so weird,

What if the government is using this to listen to everyone talk about the issues facing our nation.

Gotta put on my foil hat to play now
People are mentioning the privacy notice on Reddit and how Pokemon creators have access to everything with this app.
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Anyone figure out what happens when those cubes fill during a match? I'm guessing you press and hold for a more powerful attack?
Just went hunting for about an hour.

Didn't get out of my car since it's raining a little bit but there were groups of 4-6 people at the 3 PokeStops around me. Also funny seeing the same cars drive by me over & over again. :lol:
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was at santa monica pier last night. So many cats just walking around trine catch pokemon. Mess was hilarious. I was a part of it too :nerd:
I got a pokestop right infront of my house. I been going to it like every 10 min to rep up on balls and potion. It actually gave me an egg my last go and its not even showing up in my bag/inventory :smh:
I suck at this game

Doesn't help no data so I think stuff barely loads while out. Had logged in on my moms phone for short time around and tons of action
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