Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Poliwrath CP 2086 Bubble, Hydro Pump 90% IV

My Slowbro CP 2047 with Psy moves cant beat it
Exeggutor CP2043, cant beat it
Snorlax CP 2005 cant beat it
Venusaur, Victreebell both CP 1700ish cant beat it
Niantic serious with the bans people. My usual spot was crowded earlier. Most of them were back with new accounts. :wow: .. Apparently, they'll just tell you about server issues but you're actually banned. Serves them right tho :lol:
GPS spoof, etc.. possibly some of them used the bots too. One dude said he didn't bot ..just hack and still got banned.
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I went to the park for like an 1 hour and it was lit caught 3 squirtles, 2 pikachu, 2 ponyta, vulpix,dratini,tentacruel...charmamder ran away like always..
missed a hitmonchan by minutes :smh:

Also added these three guys to the pokedex :smokin

after attacking the first 3 balls..1 berry and1 ball later he stayed in.. Feels good to get him out the way

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Low cp but it's cool

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Also this one
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Lure find before coming home.. twister :lol:
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all in an hour......lit it was, they told me there was a lapras before the one i caught showed up :x

Life aint treatin me fair
gen 2 kinda buns
Johto was the best region, also the best games in the series. You got to explore two regions (even though Kanto was severely condensed).
OG >>>>>

Mew and Mewtwo >>>> Ho-Oh and Lugia
Celebi >>>
Did you actually catch it in Gen 2? That's the only Gen 2 pokemon I never caught... I tried to do the Celebi egg glitch to get it, but could never make a bad clone 

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gen 2 kinda buns :rolleyes

Johto was the best region, also the best games in the series. You got to explore two regions (even though Kanto was severely condensed).

OG >>>>>

Mew and Mewtwo >>>> Ho-Oh and Lugia
Celebi >>>
Did you actually catch it in Gen 2? That's the only Gen 2 pokemon I never caught... I tried to do the Celebi egg glitch to get it, but could never make a bad clone :smh:  
Nah just used a GS
Anyone else bored yet? :lol:  I've been at Level 21 for the past 2 weeks

I work in Downtown Dallas, during lunch and after work on my way home is where I do the bulk of my playing. Since level 20, it has taken me 2-4 days to advance to the next level. Currently at level 26.
Anyone else bored yet? :lol:  I've been at Level 21 for the past 2 weeks

Came in here to say this :lol: . Yeah, I'm getting bored. I'm just tired of the grinding, like catching useless mons for XP and farming.

All I want is the big 3, a Dragonite and I'll call it quits.
Ive been on level 24 for the past two weeks. No idea how yall at 26+ without cheating

Not trying to call anyone out so dont get mad lol
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