Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Can you explain this points thing to me? Just like with everything else, they don't tell you in any way what it actually does :rollin

Check the video

Pretty much the more mons of a specific type you catch the better catch rate you get to catch more of that type. Since i have a gold medal for flying type pokemon pidgeys haven't been escaping like before. I haven't had one leave all day.
^^ I'm at 106 there are some pokemon I think I will never find like Snorlax.
I've got Gold (+3 catch bonus) on Normal, Flying, Poison, Bug, and Grass, Silver (+2) on Water and Psychic, and Bronze (+1) on Ground, Fire, and Electric. I haven't caught enough mons to get a medal/bonus for Fighting, Rock, Ghost, Steel, Dragon, or Fairy. I've caught the most Normal-type pokemon by far, 599, and 201 of those have been Eevees 
 The vast majority of the rest of those must've been Pidgeys and Rattatas.
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Caught my first Snorlax this morning. Woke up to collect my coins/stardust and this dude appears on my radar. I jumped out of bed and started driving around my neighborhood and caught him a few houses down from mine
. 1 razzberry, 1 ultra ball 
so i open my pokemon go app today and......what in the hell is this bs? those fools at niantic just conveniently forgot to mention this in their update notes eh?
I thought you were trying to add to cart some NMDs on ADC....
i thought i opened up the wrong app or something....whats weird is that it doesnt pop up everytime i open the app. just that one time....hmmm
has anyone done a maxed out mass evolve since they minimized the animation time for evolutions? it used to b like 62 mons max u can evolve in those 30 mins if you do and time everything correctly. im curious as to how many is it now? id try and find out but i only got 40something saved right now and thats def not the max.
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I live in Michigan... it's gonna start to be way too cold soon [emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji]
Fastpokemap should be back up today or tomorrow. I've played once since the new update shut down scanners again
Since Pokemon you've seen at the gym now counts as a pokemon seen, but not registered to the Pokedex...I'm gonna be a douchebag and put my Farfetch'd there :).

Id actually be happy to to have that.

I dont understand the issue..
If your current pokedex is 130/130, and I put my Farfetch'd at the gym you battle, you're gonna be at 130/131.

Guess it could mess with people who have OCD...
If your current pokedex is 130/130, and I put my Farfetch'd at the gym you battle, you're gonna be at 130/131.

Guess it could mess with people who have OCD...

like me lmao
Exactly :lol...Except I don't have a Lapras and now I'm at 138/139 :lol.

On a side note, I collected from 5 gyms at once...Hell of a goal here in SF. I also love the new update where you can bring 6 pokemon to your gym.
...Except I don't have a Lapras and now I'm at 138/139

On a side note, I collected from 5 gyms at once...Hell of a goal here in SF. I also love the new update where you can bring 6 pokemon to your gym.
im at 130/138... lmao
Welp, I binged on my stardust and now I'm like a crackhead looking for their next hit 
not sure why... but I cant seem to get past the startup screen.

All i get is NIANTIC ... the pokemon company. and then it'll crash and take me back to my home screen. hmmm
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