Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

I haven't bought any incubators, but due to the free daily ones I've got a conveyor belt of eggs that will start hatching pretty soon. I've got ones at 4.8, 3.9, 3.5, 0.7, 0.6, and 0 km (all 5k eggs 
). If I hatch one or two non-trash mons I'll consider that a win based on how it usually goes...
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Silph road just confirmed region exclusive mons have been removed from eggs.

Also confirmend that baby pokemom have replaced the evolutions in eggs.

I.e. pichus have replaced pikachu in 5k eggs
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Silph road just confirmed region exclusive mons have been removed from eggs.

Also confirmend that baby pokemom have replaced the evolutions in eggs.

I.e. pichus have replaced pikachu in 5k eggs
I wonder why they did that with the region exclusives. Maybe they'll take them off being a region locked and make them available for all. 

Finally hatch a togepi (gives 15 candies per egg). Down to needing a Smoochum and have 3 10ks in incubators 
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Just when I was about to collect so I could buy a box they changed them . Now they are more expensive and I would prefer incubators
I haven't bought any incubators, but due to the free daily ones I've got a conveyor belt of eggs that will start hatching pretty soon. I've got ones at 4.8, 3.9, 3.5, 0.7, 0.6, and 0 km (all 5k eggs :{ ). If I hatch one or two non-trash mons I'll consider that a win based on how it usually goes...
I have a full page worth of 5k, I I get a single non-trash mon, I'll consider that a win based on the usual
I haven't bought any incubators, but due to the free daily ones I've got a conveyor belt of eggs that will start hatching pretty soon. I've got ones at 4.8, 3.9, 3.5, 0.7, 0.6, and 0 km (all 5k eggs 
). If I hatch one or two non-trash mons I'll consider that a win based on how it usually goes...
I have a full page worth of 5k, I I get a single non-trash mon, I'll consider that a win based on the usual
Same here, and you're right. Btw, so far I have hatched a 490CP Bellsprout ("strong" IV) and a 520CP Staryu ("amazing" IV). At least neither was a bird bug or rat, but neither Victreebel or Starmie are as good as they were in the original games. There are still quite a few mons in the 5k list that I haven't evolved that I could use candies for:

Wonder when we'll finally get Crobat, Kingdra, Scizor, Espeon, and Umbreon?
Wonder when we'll finally get Crobat, Kingdra, Scizor, Espeon, and Umbreon?
and i have each ready to evolve as soon as gen 2 mons are out 
Same here

Niantic wasn't playing about more starters being available. I noticed a huge spike in availability this evening. Before I found that charmander nest a few weeks ago, I hadn't seen a single one in the wild. Tonight, I saw and caught TWO charmeleons (one with "amazing" IVs)!
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Already caught enough bulbasaurs and squirtles to evolve into venasuar and blastoise
Down to kabutops, omastar, muk, and dotrio. Lots of buddy walking in the winter[emoji]128542[/emoji]
charmander has been spawning for me like crazy....about damn time.

still no baby mons....
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