Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Damn Blissey is a menace... Offensive mons get worked by Dazzling Gleam (it's less predictable than Hyper Beam for dodging), Defensive mons don't have enough firepower to take it out before the timer runs out (not to mention the timer often still has like 5 secs left on it when it says time's up- what's with that?!) 

To add insult to injury, I'm trying to level up a gym, so when I stall out at Blissey (3rd mon out of 7), it only increases the Prestige by like 1/20th of the wheel... I don't want to put Flareon in the lineup due to Water types on both sides of Blissey, and my Scizor isn't leveled up enough to be strong enough to use. I'll try Alakazam again next time, but his HP is so low he can't take much of a hit before dying 

Really need that Machamp (28 Machop candy away).... hoping for a Machop nest in my area for this upcoming nest migration coming up in an hour and a half.
if theres a blissey thats over 2k cp at the gym i dont even bother with it
Damn Blissey is a menace... Offensive mons get worked by Dazzling Gleam (it's less predictable than Hyper Beam for dodging), Defensive mons don't have enough firepower to take it out before the timer runs out (not to mention the timer often still has like 5 secs left on it when it says time's up- what's with that?!) 

To add insult to injury, I'm trying to level up a gym, so when I stall out at Blissey (3rd mon out of 7), it only increases the Prestige by like 1/20th of the wheel... I don't want to put Flareon in the lineup due to Water types on both sides of Blissey, and my Scizor isn't leveled up enough to be strong enough to use. I'll try Alakazam again next time, but his HP is so low he can't take much of a hit before dying 

Really need that Machamp (28 Machop candy away).... hoping for a Machop nest in my area for this upcoming nest migration coming up in an hour and a half.
if theres a blissey thats over 2k cp at the gym i dont even bother with it
Yeah, this SOB is like 2200 or so. **** you, Blissey... lol
lol all I do is pick Pokémon that match up well to the types that are in the gym and tap and keep tapping lmfao. Dodging would be really helpful
Don't know how many of these I probably took to the candy grinder. That's why I stop checking ivs on low mons.
If (IF!!!) they ever roll out a breeding feature for this app, keeping mons that are extremely high IV but low CP could be used for that. But if you're running out of storage space, I wouldn't hold your breath on it.
I finally evolved two Poliwraths... had been sitting on 400+ Poliwag candy for a minute, but no high CP/high IV Poliwags ever showed up in my area... The two I evolved are both CP 148x, and I don't currently have any stardust to power them up.

I was wanting an all-fighting (Rock Smash/Dynamic Punch) moveset as a Blissey killer, but ended up with Hydro Pump and Ice Punch as their charge moves (fail). Hydro Pump's not bad, but I've got plenty of stronger mons with Hydro Pump already... Back to the drawing board 
74 was magcargo. Not sure how many are in the na gen 2 dex but the end has to be near for me
That article contradicts itself a couple of times

" It is currently easier to acquire a 10 km egg with a Dratini inside than a 2 km egg with a Machop inside."

Then below it has machop in the 1.28% chance category as being uncommon as a hatch, and dratini in the ultra rare category with .032 chance. I've never hatched either 1 :rofl:
3 of my last five 10k eggs have been dratinis. Whats crazy about it is from when the game came out to just about 2 weeks ago, it was the only mon i had not hatched. 

on another note. got my 3rd evo item today and it was another metal coat. all three have been. was hoping for something different this time. knowing thats its prob gonna be at least another week and a half before i get another evo item is really depressing. 
Got excited when I first hatched a girafarig because I thought they were rare. Then I go to the park and see 2 there... but I got a Sneasel so that was pretty nice.
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