Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

You are the lamest dude I've seen on NT to date. 

Son just lurks the thread to find something to troll. How has he not been banned from the thread? 

How are you not banned from the thread for personally attacking me? I'm not trolling. Taking a day off of work affects no one but the individual. And it only works if you tell your employer that you're taking the day off in solidarity and to make a point about MB, which NO ONE would do. They'd just take a sick day and pretend like it makes a difference.

Secondly, not spending money for a day? What the hell does that do besides affect your local businesses? You think Amazon cares if you order something today versus tomorrow--their books are tallied on a quarterly basis. And if you can afford to not spend for a day, that's great. People need to exercise more fiscal responsibility.

If you guys want to sit around and circle-jerk about these ill-thought, half-brained ideas to make a difference, start a new thread. This is the Ferguson shooting thread.
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You are the lamest dude I've seen on NT to date. 

Son just lurks the thread to find something to troll. How has he not been banned from the thread? 
How are you not banned from the thread for personally attacking me? I'm not trolling. Taking a day off of work affects no one but the individual. And it only works if you tell your employer that you're taking the day off in solidarity and to make a point about MB, which NO ONE would do. They'd just take a sick day and pretend like it makes a difference.

Secondly, not spending money for a day? What the hell does that do besides affect your local businesses? You think Amazon cares if you order something today versus tomorrow--their books are tallied on a quarterly basis. And if you can afford to not spend for a day, that's great. People need to exercise more fiscal responsibility.
Your post wasn't worth reading after hitting the first question mark.

You are a known troll in this thread on plenty of block list. Don't pull that woe is me BS now.

If you have nothing to add or anything constructive to say fall back. 
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Your post wasn't worth reading after hitting the first question mark.

You are a known troll in this thread on plenty of block list. Don't pull that woe is me BS now.

If you have nothing to add or anything constructive to say fall back. 

I'm adding sound, contrarian opinion. You still haven't refuted my argument of how you think a day of not spending and not going to work is going to do anything. You're just calling me a troll because I'm telling you things you don't want to hear.
Thepoint seems like one of those privileged SWS who's ancestors enslaved and lynched people because of their origin.

Thepoint don't you understand, its easy to take a day off when you have other people doing your labor.  The plantation owner didn't have to plow the land daily he just made sure the "inferior" race was tending to it.

Thepoint don't you understand how the brain can be rewired with poison, much like a computer with a virus.  The black community in America still suffers from many restrains that were embedded by the white slave owners. 
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Thepoint seems like one of those privileged SWS who's ancestors enslaved and lynched people because of their origin.

Thepoint don't you understand, its easy to take a day off when you have other people doing your labor.  The plantation owner didn't have to plow the land daily he just made sure the "inferior" race was tending to it.

Thepoint don't you understand how the brain can be rewired with poison, much like a computer with a virus.  The black community in America still suffers from many restrains that were embedded by the white slave owners.  

You just said a bunch of grand sounding, sweeping metaphors that literally mean nothing. This is a good way to start intelligent debate.
I have to agree with thepointgod thepointgod in this instance, even a broken clock is right 2x a day. A solidarity day will make us feel like we are doing something but if everyone doesn't do it and make those reasons known it wont accomplish much. We need to adopt a solidarity lifestyle to make a difference. Meaning all people from famous to the unknown being on board.
How are you not banned from the thread for personally attacking me? I'm not trolling. Taking a day off of work affects no one but the individual. And it only works if you tell your employer that you're taking the day off in solidarity and to make a point about MB, which NO ONE would do. They'd just take a sick day and pretend like it makes a difference.

Secondly, not spending money for a day? What the hell does that do besides affect your local businesses? You think Amazon cares if you order something today versus tomorrow--their books are tallied on a quarterly basis. And if you can afford to not spend for a day, that's great. People need to exercise more fiscal responsibility.

If you guys want to sit around and circle-jerk about these ill-thought, half-brained ideas to make a difference, start a new thread. This is the Ferguson shooting thread.
If you can't see how a nationwide demonstration by the people who look and live like Michael Brown is relevant, that's proof the shoe fits.
Boycotting spending money on one day would change nothing. Us focusing our resources on building our own businesses would have more impact.
If you can't see how a nationwide demonstration by the people who look and live like Michael Brown is relevant, that's proof the shoe fits.

Show me where I've said that the demonstrations in Ferguson are irrelevant?

I'm making the point that a decentralized and voluntary restraint on spending and attending work for one day is incredibly pointless for several reasons: most people who choose to participate would take off work under a different guise--sick day, personal day, etc. NOT telling their employer that they're doing so in solidarity with MB, because, when Monday comes around, you're back to working at your job. Second, the voluntary non-spending for one day is also incredibly pointless and would only affect local businesses. I didn't even open my wallet yesterday--I had food at home and didn't go out in the evening.

There are far better ways to get public attention for a social issue. I'm making the point that this is one of the stupider ones I've come across, and the fact that several of you guys are jumping to defend this idea and attack me is commendable for your demonstration of solidarity among people who post frequently in this thread, or maybe you really, truly think that this will work and anyone will care that you didn't go to work or didn't spend money for a Friday in August.
Show me where I've said that the demonstrations in Ferguson are irrelevant?

I'm making the point that a decentralized and voluntary restraint on spending and attending work for one day is incredibly pointless for several reasons: most people who choose to participate would take off work under a different guise--sick day, personal day, etc. NOT telling their employer that they're doing so in solidarity with MB, because, when Monday comes around, you're back to working at your job. Second, the voluntary non-spending for one day is also incredibly pointless and would only affect local businesses. I didn't even open my wallet yesterday--I had food at home and didn't go out in the evening.

There are far better ways to get public attention for a social issue. I'm making the point that this is one of the stupider ones I've come across, and the fact that several of you guys are jumping to defend this idea and attack me is commendable for your demonstration of solidarity among people who post frequently in this thread, or maybe you really, truly think that this will work and anyone will care that you didn't go to work or didn't spend money for a Friday in August.
How do you know what it won't do?
I'm glad your on NT with this nonsense and not somewhere pretending to be a leader in the black community.
How do you know what it won't do?
I'm glad your on NT with this nonsense and not somewhere pretending to be a leader in the black community.

What makes you so sure of that?

I'm giving you reasons why I think it won't work. I'm not sure of anything. No one is sure of anything. We're all just speculating based on reason. You're contributing nothing except asking people why makes them sure of something? What makes you so sure that this will work?
I'm giving you reasons why I think it won't work. I'm not sure of anything. No one is sure of anything. We're all just speculating based on reason. You're contributing nothing except asking people why makes them sure of something? What makes you so sure that this will work?
It has always worked.
Check your history.
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What would make a significant difference is if we moved our money black owned banks. Majority of us, myself included, have our money held up in these banks that don't even want to give us loans.

Over labor day I'm going to start on transferring my money over to a black owned bank. In DC/PG area it's Industrial Bank.
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Boycotting spending money on one day would change nothing. Us focusing our resources on building our own businesses would have more impact.
yes but thats almost a impossible feat it seems at this point. Im telling you ppl dont realize how much of an impact govt assistant programs... child support things of that nature played in the black community. It basically took the business mindset, the pull yourself up by the boot straps... the greater good/goal orientated mindset out of black ppl.

Just think about it.... the integration and great divide alone, change that aspect of moving trying to be accepted/fit in with whites. Blacks at a time might of been the most non materialistic ppl in this country. I mean think about it a 1st or second generation removed from slavery.... what luxuries or frivolous things were blacks use to?

Moving and trying to keep up with the joneses change that whole landscape also not having strong men around to rationalize and make the logical choices. When you have the single mother who just moved in the white area with her son... who is getting picked on for not having the latest shoes, wearing hand me downs... What did that single black mom do, there wasnt a man there to say non of that is important you go to school to learn and advance. Instead it was well i dont want to be seen as a outcast, or not fitting in aka not being accepted. So instead of taking that money to pay for college make strives for the next gen to move forward. Instead she goes out and buys him a new wardrobe, the latest kicks etc.

No longer did you have the woman that made all the meals etc... to save money etc... It turned into well i dont want my kids to look like the poor kids so ill give them money for lunch. Or the woman who instead of bringing a lunch, is on some well ill go out and spend unneeded money so ill look like i belong, feel seem accepted amongst my white co workers. Then the well i gotta buy all nice stuff for my house...etc to impress whites in case they come by, instead of taking the money and spending it on actually owning the home. Then theres of course the look. I have to dress, change my looks etc... in order to look more like them aka presentable in their eyes. in order to fit in and be accepted, for fear of going back to the way things were.

Those little nuggets that well might seem small led to the position and mindset blacks are in many instances today. Folks will spend dollars among dollars in hopes of hitting the lottery to pay off a house or send kids to college, instead of taking those same dollars and putting them in a escrow account a cd or a ira etc... and with the interest achieve said goals. Then when you couple that all with the miss "independent" need no man movement whites were pushing..(which i find funny the ones that were saying it were going home to a family with a husband and wife) And media/music etc... pushing it to the kids.... the parents by example due to previous generation brainwashing... It just became ingrained into blacks minds that this is the way things should be.

So after two or so three generations of this mindset, to which the damages are indirect and covert... many dont see it as a problem... or have that past down fear of going back to those times of struggling barely a head above water. Sad thing is the lessons of what to do to strive and move beyond that stage, the mindset of owning a little is better then owing a lot didnt get passed down with it..which is where we are today.
What makes you so sure of that?

If ALL minorities stopped spending for a day, at most that would show the powers that be we can have solidarity.

It would be nice to see ALL minorities boycott spending the next time some Jordans come out. How likely is that though?

I just feel if we want better for ourselves and our future, we need to focus on self sustaining our needs. Start with a community garden that everyone can reap the benefits (assuming all put in the necessary work)
But to have a garden, you need land right? And that's where minorities need to put their money.

I feel like I'm rambling a bit smh...
Boycotting spending money on one day would change nothing. Us focusing our resources on building our own businesses would have more impact.
not entirely true... in the mid 90's blacks did do this... for as funny and maybe ridiculous as this may sound... because of the city etc.. and the boycotts to freaknik, and the way business were mistreating blacks along with cops harassing etc...

And infact it did work, The cops actually stop harassing so much cause they saw all the money etc revenue that was lost by folks not coming shopping...the hotels etc...all took a hit. And the following year they eased up a bit. And that wasnt even all that long ago. So even tho it was just one city and its surrounding cities atl... them folks felt that pinch....so much so i have no doubt the marriots, the athlete foots, foot lockers etc... back-door deals and conversation with the big wigs in georgia had the cops ease up and made it a little more inviting for the young black students to come and enjoy spring break. 
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For those interested there is a solidarity day the 1st Monday of each November. Economic sanctions can have an impact but again it has to involve a significant number of participants. Something being done is better than nothing even if the desired results are not achieved...
not entirely true... in the mid 90's blacks did do this... for as funny and maybe ridiculous as this may sound... because of the city etc.. and the boycotts to freaknik, and the way business were mistreating blacks along with cops harassing etc...

And infact it did work, The cops actually stop harassing so much cause they saw all the money etc revenue that was lost by folks not coming shopping...the hotels etc...all took a hit. And the following year they eased up a bit. And that wasnt even all that long ago. So even tho it was just one city and its surrounding cities atl... them folks felt that pinch....so much so i have no doubt the marriots, the athlete foots, foot lockers etc... back-door deals and conversation with the big wigs in georgia eased up and made it a little more inviting for the young black students to come and enjoy spring break. 

I just don't feel my people will commit to it like we'd need. One would think with the advancement of social media a just cause would get the attention it needs, but just look on fb, twitter, ig, etc., I haven't seen a mention of MB in days, now everyone is throwing ice water on each other. We would have to buckle down and FOCUS for any boycotting to actually work
Reminding everyone...

View media item 1144554

People are giving Wilson money to thank him for killing an unarmed black teenager. Please report this to GoFundMe, as it violates their Terms of Service and they get 5% of the tens of thousands of dollars being donated. Click to report.

The “Support Officer Wilson” page url:

This is my message, in case you want to copy and paste:

Your Terms of Service prohibit “items that promote… hate, racial intolerance, or the financial exploitation of a crime.” Take a look at the comments that come with the donations on this page and tell me that doesn’t violate your terms. “Support Officer Wilson” is a thin veil for people rewarding Wilson for killing a black kid.
I just don't feel my people will commit to it like we'd need. One would think with the advancement of social media a just cause would get the attention it needs, but just look on fb, twitter, ig, etc., I haven't seen a mention of MB in days, now everyone is throwing ice water on each other. We would have to buckle down and FOCUS for any boycotting to actually work

I would respectfully disagree. Nobody thought we would actually come out and vote for Obama and there were record turnouts. The advent of social media has helped as well. I feel like of something was put together and a few influential individuals were on board it could be accomplished.

Just look at the demographics of people protesting. I saw everybody from grandmothers to gang members. We aren't as divided as people would like to think.
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I just don't feel my people will commit to it like we'd need. One would think with the advancement of social media a just cause would get the attention it needs, but just look on fb, twitter, ig, etc., I haven't seen a mention of MB in days, now everyone is throwing ice water on each other. We would have to buckle down and FOCUS for any boycotting to actually work
but that wasnt like ages ago... granted that was a different time (actually it was called greekfest at the time) And black folks stuck to they guns. Yea it was in that era when the whole fight the power im black and im proud, black folks saying f the police... rocking african medallions... black bart simpson shirts etc lol phase... But it work.

The funny and irony of it all is that the main ppl who were upset...upset to the point they were harassing blacks, chasing them literally and attacking them literally were the whites in clayton county and gwinnett. What makes it ironic is fast forward 20+ yrs later and those same blacks of that time are now living and moved to those areas and have kids and what not as if that mindset or those whites who lived there all of a sudden died off/out.

Just goes to show you how vicious that cycle really is. And how black ppl really believe acceptance..(or perception of acceptance means equality in treatment etc.) 
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