Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

sort of related. i dont like this at all, CNN rides the back of the ALS challenge, and literally ties it to a piece on black people pulling up their pants. Such poor taste, and look at who the argument is perpetuated by. SMH but this is CNN? I'd expect this from Fox.... Look how the Ferguson issue has given public figures the balls to attack black culture. How do you even use ALS to bring up sagging pants? Pathetic

**** Train has been running deep for the past month, you see new ones every day.

EDIT - The ****ette they have on here is something else, she was trying to go in on Marc Lamont Hill but I'll bet you dollars to donuts she'd never go at a white dude like that.  Notice her blonde hair and blue contacts.
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Just out of curiosity, are you white? I've noticed a lot of white people share this same opinion. Maybe it's cause for whites the only issue they have with police is police brutality. But that’s not the case for blacks. Although police brutality is real for all races the arrest disparity isn’t. In almost every single crime that whites and blacks do at the same level or in many cases whites do more, blacks are arrested at a much higher rate. Especially when it comes to drugs. That’s where the race issue lies. You can’t just call police out on their BS in the areas that just affect you. Cops abuse their power in more ways than one. Stopping police brutality only solves one problem, maybe for whites that's enough but their are still many more issues that others have with police that have everything to do with race.

Naw I'm black
Seriously, who is in charge of that page and how do they have 75,000+ followers?  "I am Darren Wilson" pics
"story makes no sense. mike slammed a cops door without the cop even approaching them? then mike rushes the cop and shoves him back into the car, punches him, grabs his gun, the gun goes off (exactly what type of holster allows the trigger to be pulled while holstered? every modern holster blocks the trigger.... and the gun HAD to be holstered for this story to progress because otherwise theyre saying Mike had the gun fully in his possession and it "went off" but he didn't use it against the cop), mike and his friends then sprint 35 feet, officer yells freeze, mike turns around and taunts the cop??? then runs all 35 feet BACK to the cop? cop keeps shooting and mike KEEPS running. mike is getting shot over and over and finally like a movie, he hits this full speed running target right in the head 3 feet before he got to him? was there an explosion in the background afterwards?"
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Pretty much what would have had to happen based on the story that has been told is: exactly what you typed.

All those impossible things would have had to occur.

I couldn't understand why no one person who came on in defense of Mike didn't speak on the impossibility of Mike wrestling the gun from the officer unless the gun was ALREADY DRAWN, which is wasn't said that it was drawn it was said it was holstered.
"story makes no sense. mike slammed a cops door without the cop even approaching them? then mike rushes the cop and shoves him back into the car, punches him, grabs his gun, the gun goes off (exactly what type of holster allows the trigger to be pulled while holstered? every modern holster blocks the trigger.... and the gun HAD to be holstered for this story to progress because otherwise theyre saying Mike had the gun fully in his possession and it "went off" but he didn't use it against the cop), mike and his friends then sprint 35 feet, officer yells freeze, mike turns around and taunts the cop??? then runs all 35 feet BACK to the cop? cop keeps shooting and mike KEEPS running. mike is getting shot over and over and finally like a movie, the hits this full speed running target right in the head 3 feet before he got to him? was there an explosion in the background afterwards?"

excuse any inaccuracies. i decided to retype that whole thing would be faster than going to look for it lol.
Chasing knowledge then sharing the fruits of your labor with your brethren.  I love you guys!!
Hacked nude photos of caucasian female celebrities gets FBI moving in 24 hours

Murder of Michael Brown took 3 weeks.

(mr millitantnegro)
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